• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

I am surprised


New member
... at the lack of attention and interest concerning discussing Second Amendment rights issues on this forum especially since there is a specific firearms related thread available to us! I'll admit that firearms freedom is at the top of my list of priorities and I wouldn't expect everybody to share my zeal for these Constitutional rights, but from what I can see, regarding any 2nd Amendment related post here, the replies and involvement and discussions are minimal and lackluster to say the least. One would think that there is a "leave it to the other guy" attitude.

Well, we have an election coming in November and if any of us are really concerned about our 2nd Amendment rights we better get off our duffs and rally the troops and get involved. Not just forum-wise, but real involvement. And I'm not insinuating that none are involved. I am addressing the "others". Cast a vote in the right direction.

This is just my
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Yeah, it's relatively high up on my priority list too. But quite honestly, I can only spread my attention around so far, it seems. And just as honestly, I'm just getting darn worn out by the insults and injuries that the government wants to foist upon us on a seemingly daily basis. It's just plain assed wearing me down to where I just don't want to think about it any longer. When everything you read just makes you angry, perhaps it is just best to stop reading and try to save yourself from an early grave.

So I'll just circle the wagons here. Anyone coming onto my property to try to take ANY of my personal and legally obtained possessions (no matter what they are), under any circumstances, will be considered as engaging in felony theft and treated thusly. And attempt to negate the Second Amendment at any level or for any reason, will not be recognized as being constitutionally authorized and therefore an ILLEGAL action being perpetrated by the parties involved.
As of this writing, 13 views and 1 response to this firearms-related post! Mind you, anyone who viewed this thread did so deliberately ... it is a "Firearms ... " thread. So why no comment(s)?

Protecting your property is all well and good but when big bro tells you that you violated that trespasser's constitutional rights, and his rights supersede your 2nd Amendment rights, and you did what any red-blooded American would do buy protecting life and property, what are ya gonna do? First- you're going to wish you voted differently in November. Second- you're gonna dig into your bank account because you're going to need a good lawyer, and Third- while you're at it, buy some Vaseline ... you're gonna need it ... because you'll be getting a good reaming. Talk is cheap, jail time sucks. And if the perp's color is that of a minority, you're a "racist", so you'll have the Feds to deal with. That sucks big time

We can't let that happen in November! You may not think Mitt Romney is 100%, but who or what in your life is? Is your wife 100%? Is you job 100%? Is your neighborhood 100%? Ask yourself, Do you dislike Mitt Romney more than you like Barack Obama?

Obama should be added to the unemployment stats. Let Mitt find Barack a job after the election.
See? Here you are getting all worked up over politics. Is it worth it to you?

Sorry, after seeing how things went with Ron Paul, I don't have any faith in no matter who gets into office making a damned bit of difference. Just two peas in the same pod as far as I can tell. They are, again, just railroading us into voting for the lesser of two evils, which in this case is quite likely going to be a toss up as to which one is the lesser of the two.

If I can write in "RON PAUL" on the ballot, then that is what I will do. If I can't then I just flat out REFUSE to vote for someone I really don't want to have as president of the USA. I might very well just write NOTA on the ballot.

As for a "shootout at the OK corral" scenario, well, I'll just have to see what that bridge looks like before I choose to either cross it or burn it. Maybe they'll go in alphabetical order when they decide to round up all the firearms. :hehehe:
I could use someone to reload for me! :rofl1:
Andy ANDERSON :thumbsup::wavey:

I used to do reloading. Still have all the equipment and components. Now if I could just clean off my workbench to GET to that stuff. Of course, I have far more ammunition than I can probably shoot before I am dead anyway.

I may sell off most or all of my .50BMG stuff. Now that was fun to reload. But I don't think my right elbow could take the pounding from shooting those guns any longer. Darn shame, because shooting off incendiary and spotter/tracer ammo is pretty dang impressive....
The 27th of this month, please read!...:banghead::banghead:

Follow Letters

On July 27, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton are scheduled to sign the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. This treaty is nothing more than a smoke-and-mirrors attempt to disarm the American people.

It is designed to take away the right of the American people to keep and bear arms as expressed in the Second Amendment to our U.S. Constitution – a right, I might add, that the U.S. Supreme Court has twice interpreted as an individual right.

What Operation Fast and Furious could not achieve, this treaty will. It suggests that the illicit arms trade is somehow the result of privately owned firearms getting into the hands of terrorists (remember the gun show loophole?). In reality, it is because of the very governments that support this treaty that arms have not just fallen into, but have directly been given to, various terrorist and criminal groups. Moms and pops didn’t send illegal arms to Mexico – Attorney General Eric Holder and his Justice Department sent them!

It is abundantly clear that Obama has complete and adamant disdain for the Constitution. If he can’t get anti-gun legislation passed in Congress, or use his executive power to regulate firearms out of existence through the federal bureaucracy, then he will go to the United Nations to do it! Even if the U.S. Senate fails to approve this ATT treaty, and the president only signs it, our rights still will be diminished.

If we are still citizens and not subjects, I encourage all who read this letter to contact their respective members of Congress to say “no” to the Arms Trade Treaty, and “yes” to our sovereignty as a free and independent nation. Do not wait until November to let your voice be heard. Act now! November may be too late.

John C. Huffman

I used to do reloading. Still have all the equipment and components. Now if I could just clean off my workbench to GET to that stuff. Of course, I have far more ammunition than I can probably shoot before I am dead anyway.

I may sell off most or all of my .50BMG stuff. Now that was fun to reload. But I don't think my right elbow could take the pounding from shooting those guns any longer. Darn shame, because shooting off incendiary and spotter/tracer ammo is pretty dang impressive....

No...No...you misunderstand! I'm gonna be going thru ammo so fast that I'll need
someone to reload the mags as I empty them! :rofl1:
Andy :wavey:
The 27th of this month, please read!...:banghead::banghead:

Follow Letters

On July 27, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton are scheduled to sign the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. This treaty is nothing more than a smoke-and-mirrors attempt to disarm the American people.

It is designed to take away the right of the American people to keep and bear arms as expressed in the Second Amendment to our U.S. Constitution – a right, I might add, that the U.S. Supreme Court has twice interpreted as an individual right.

Since the 2nd amendment to our Constitution has been deemed to be "constitutional",
wouldn't that, by necessity, mean that signing something that's opposite of what's
constitutional be "unconstitutional" or even illegal? Just wondering.......
Andy :wavey:
Media bias is not bias in favor of pro-gun rights

Way to go pops!

Elderly man saves cafe full of people from gun wielding robbers

Stephanopoulos offered a snarky quip after the segment ended, critiquing the old man: "And what a uniform. Bermuda shorts and a golf cap."

CBS This Morning, NBC's Today, as well as World News, Evening News and Nightly News all ignored the story.

A 2000 study by the Media Research Center found:
Morning News Shows Favored the Anti-Gun Position by 13 to 1. More than half of morning news gun policy segments (208) tilted away from balance. Of those segments, 93 percent (193) pushed the liberal, anti-gun position, while only six percent (15) promoted the pro-gun position. ABC’s Good Morning America (92 to 1) was the most biased morning show.

News Programs Are Twice as Likely to Use Anti-Gun Soundbites. Anti-gun soundbites were twice as frequent as pro-gun ones—412 to 209. (Another 471 were neutral.)
Since the 2nd amendment to our Constitution has been deemed to be "constitutional",
wouldn't that, by necessity, mean that signing something that's opposite of what's
constitutional be "unconstitutional" or even illegal? Just wondering.......
Andy :wavey:

Signing that treaty can only be overturned by congress...The senate Harry (dumb ass Reed) will never bring ending that treaty to a vote. The other way is the president not honoring that treaty, which will never happen under Obama. It directly goes against our constitution, yet the white House chooses to ignore our constitution and our sovereignty...:mad::mad:
Signing that treaty can only be overturned by congress...The senate Harry (dumb ass Reed) will never bring ending that treaty to a vote. The other way is the president not honoring that treaty, which will never happen under Obama. It directly goes against our constitution, yet the white House chooses to ignore our constitution and our sovereignty...:mad::mad:

Sounds like treason to me........