• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Dealing with the Florida state bird: The Mosquito.

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Several years ago here in north Florida we started getting reports of the West Nile Virus showing up in this area. Matter fact, a couple of crows that died from this virus were found about a quarter of a mile (as the crow flies) from our property. Concurrent with this exciting news, the mosquito population around our house and buildings absolutely exploded.

We try to be real careful about keeping the usual water holding spots dry, but evidently something was at work to help the population of skeeters reach epidemic proportions around here. So that got me to looking around for something to help out with this problem.

So I tried various and sundry things. We don't like poisons, simply because they kill everything else in the food chain, and are actually bad for a long term solution. I tried those clip on mosquito repellers. Yeah right. I think they were really a "Dinner Is Ready" signal to the mosquitoes!

So I started reading about something called a Mosquito Magnet. Sounded a lot like snake oil (no offense to the snakes) to me, but it came with an unconditional money back guarantee and shipping was free. By now the mosquitoes were very thick around here, so I was getting desperate. So I ordered one and waited every day for UPS to bring it on by.

FINALLY it showed up, and I took the directions and studied them intently. Hmm. Runs on propane as the only source of power. The propane is converted to CO2 by passing propane over platinum beads. The heat generated by the burning propane is converted to electricity to run the couple of fans in the motor. So that makes it free standing and completely mobile independent of any electrical outlet. It passes the CO2 plume over a block of some scenting material that is supposed to be a mosquito attractant of some sort. No telling what that is, but I guess maybe I really don't want to know anyway. Probably really gross unmentionable animal byproducts of some sort.

But it seemed rather environmentally friendly. Expels CO2, and kills the mosquitoes by trapping them in a cloth bag until they die from dehydration. No poisons of any sort involved.

The unit I got (which is no longer manufactured) was easy enough to put together. Put it in place and hooked up the 20 lb. propane tank and I was ready to crank it up. Here is where my one major complaint about this product surfaces. Here's the startup procedure:

  1. Open the valve to the propane tank.
  2. Press in the silver valve button and hold it in for 10 seconds.
  3. Press the red start button every two seconds until you hear the propane ignite.
  4. Continue holding in the silver valve button for 3 minutes then slowly release it.

Bear in mind that the reason you get something like this is because you want it to capture and kill mosquitoes. So you have likely put it in a place where mosquitoes are present in large numbers. So here you are, holding in this valve with one hand, while swatting at the mosquitoes that have found YOU standing there basically defenseless. Once the three minutes are up, normally you will be out of there like a lightning bolt.

Anyway, I was impressed with the results. Within the first 24 hours, HUNDREDS of mosquitoes had been trapped within that device and killed. I was amazed. Normally when I buy something like this, I keep all of the packing materials close at hand, because I fully expect it not to work, and I want to send it back just as soon as I can for a refund. But this thing was doing exactly what it was advertised to do.

So I ordered another one!

And this one worked well too. But all was not rosy, however. Apparently there were manufacturing problems with this particular model, which is probably why it was discontinued. I had to have the propane motors replaced within both units at least twice while under warranty. This did not bode well for when they were OUT of warranty, but darn, they did the job when they were working!

So that Spring, mosquito season was starting to kick up after all of the rain we had around here, so I figured I had better crank up the mosquito magnets to be ready for it. Of course, one of the units failed to start up, which was the normal mode of failure with this unit. So I called the manufacturer, prepared to get right irritated when I heard what the replacement was going to cost to get my unit running. Now, first off, I paid $700 for each of those units, so they weren't cheap. When the guy told me that they had discontinued my model but they had a trade up program to the Professional model (a $1,200 unit!), I thought, "Yeah right, he's bending me over right now...". But damn, the tradeup deal was only $100!! That certainly sounded fair to me, as long as the pro model is more reliable than the old residential models I currently had. So I decided to trade up both of the units, since I'm sure it was just a matter of time before the working one failed as well.

Well let me tell you, the Pro model seems to work even better than the residential model. Maybe no small surprise, but I was still surprised anyway. Both units are cranked up around the buildings, and the capture bags are just about filled with mosquitoes. Most of the skeeters are still alive within the capture bags, which is an indication that MANY of them are being sucked in on a daily basis. The bottom of the bags are covered with the dead carcasses of dehydrated mosquitoes.

Anyway, I am not much inclined to write this sort of thing, but I have to admit these Mosquito Magnets have impressed the hell out of me. And to be honest, even if I had to spend the full price on a replacement for some reason, I would consider it money well spent. With the number of mosquitoes these traps have cleared out of our property over the last couple of years, I fear that it would be pure hell around here by now by the sheer numbers of mosquitoes that would have resulted by them not doing their job. With a whole plethora of known pathogens already using mosquitoes as vectors that endanger not only your animals' health but your own health as well, and probably more pathogens to come in the next several years, I think these things are an excellent line of defense to have in your arsenal.

Mosquito Magnet Website


The above is a 16 ounce deli cup FILLED with mosquitoes that the Mosquito Magnet captured the first three weeks it was running. This was during the first week or so of May. During June, I had about an equivalent number of yellow flies captured.

This has been an especially wet year for this time of year in north Florida. I would hate to think what it would be like around here without these traps working 24 hours a day.

I posted this topic a few years ago, and since then they have come out with a newer model that does not require that irritating valve holding situation. You just press the START button, and then RUN before the skeeters can find you. I have purchased one of the newer models, and so far it seems to work equally well as the older Pro model, without the headaches of the starup procedure.
Well turn about is fair play, I suppose. They certainly had ME in mind for dinner!
Mosquitos: I have lived in South Florida for ten years. I play golf and tennis in the day and run around at night a lot. Here is a factoid for ya. I have never had a mosquito bite in the ten years Ive been here. I've heard that living within 5 miles of the ocean, which I do, has something to do with it.
lottavettes said:
Mosquitos: I have lived in South Florida for ten years. I play golf and tennis in the day and run around at night a lot. Here is a factoid for ya. I have never had a mosquito bite in the ten years Ive been here. I've heard that living within 5 miles of the ocean, which I do, has something to do with it.

Do you have a mosquito control unit where you live? There are some areas of Florida that are sprayed CONSTANTLY with insecticides to kill the mosquitoes. Salt water doesn't protect anyone. Matter of fact, salt marshes are one of the worst places to be if you are trying to avoid them.

BTW, those Mosquito Magnets will also capture biting gnats and no-see-ums as well. Anything that is attracted to a warm blooded animal with the intention of taking a blood meal will be attracted and captured. Very little, if any, by product catch of other types of insects.

This Spring started off with a bang again with the mosquito population, but when I put all three Magnets to work, they cleared them out in a hurry.

If you get one of these things, make sure you get extra capture bags and Octenol blocks as well. It is also suggested to clear the propane lines every time you replace the tank. This is done via a special design CO2 cartridge with a screw on adapter. Since I've been doing that, I don't have the same startup problems I used to have.
We don't have anything in the way of anti mosquito stuff where I live as far as I know. Now if you go about ten miles inland, Ive heard they do get bugs as they are getting close to the everglades....Also, east pf the TPK in Southeast Florida there aren't any salt marshes, just beaches. In fact we hardly have any bugs at all. People I know that live in the hi rises on the ocean even leave there windows open all the time. When I visit my sisters over in Holiday, above Tampa, I always run into these bugs called noseums. Never heard of them till I got over there. Yes they do have salt marshes over there.....
I doubt that there very few places in Florida that are NATURALLY free from mosquitoes without human intervention. Back in the olden days, most of peninsular Florida was considered as uninhabitable because of the mosquitoes and the incidence of endemic malaria. BTW, there have been cases of malaria noted in Florida in the very recent past -> http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5319a2.htm

It wasn't until 1950 or so that malaria was eradicated from the state. DDT was largely responsible for this feat. But obviously the threat always exists for that parasite to become established again within the animal population and carried by mosquitoes to human hosts.

Many urban areas of Florida have periodic spraying done to kill off mosquitoes. The pests are considered as being a negative influence in the tourism industry, so measures are taken with that in mind in those areas where the negative publicity of mosquitoes (especially with the West Nile virus incident a few years back) would have some impact on visiting tourists.

Is noteworthy to mention that there is actually a Florida Mosquito Control Association tasked to combat this pest -> http://www.floridamosquito.org/index_aboutus.html

So my belief is that if you don't currently have mosquitoes in your area, it is through some diligent efforts of the mosquito control department at work.
And here I thought...

Florida's State Bird was the Middle Finger!:rofl1:

So Rich, are these contraptions still working well for you?
Are you NOT getting zapped by mosquitos any more since using them?
Can you clean the line out with an air compressor instead of the C02 cartridge and adapter?
Do you have the cordless 1 acre model?
ynkedad said:
Florida's State Bird was the Middle Finger!:rofl1:

So Rich, are these contraptions still working well for you?
Are you NOT getting zapped by mosquitos any more since using them?
Can you clean the line out with an air compressor instead of the C02 cartridge and adapter?
Do you have the cordless 1 acre model?

Yeah, the mosquito population is WAY down. Still see a few, but they are rare. I leave rainwater in some buckets here and there and check them every day. If I find wigglers (mosquito larvae), I dump them into the sand in full sunlight to kill them. One generation kaput from that female, who is probably dead now.

I still have one of the old Mosquito Magnet Pro models, and two newer ones that have the click to start and RUN button. I've only got one running right now because there just aren't enough mosquitoes around to justify running all three of them.

Yes, as long as your air compressor gets up to around 200 psi, you can use that to clean the line. I've done that myself occasionally.

All are cordless models. When you get a new unit, and something like every year or so, you need to charge up the battery that comes in the newer models. One of the models I have has a solar charging unit on it, but since you tend to stick these things in a wooded area, I'm not sure how useful it is.

You do have to clean them out every once in a while. Spiders will build webs in the intake and I've found a few wasp nests every now and again.

And I have found that the longer you let them sit not running, the more likely you are to have problems when you try to start it up again later on.

But still, even if I had to buy a new one every year, I would do so. Otherwise we would have to barricade ourselves inside with the mosquitoes owning our land. Some would still get inside, obviously. And there are few things I hate more than being just about to fall asleep in bed and here the whine of a mosquito in my ear.......