• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Before and after LG Motorsports Long Tube Pro headers

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
This is a video of my Z06 with the stock exhaust system.

And here it is after the install of LG Motorsports long tube Pro headers. At the same time, I had new E3 plugs put on, MSD ignition wires, new front O2 sensors, and a new fuel filter.

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Well apparently I have two error codes set after the header install.

P0153 HC - HO2S Slow Response
P1637 H - Generator L - Terminal Circuit.

I expected something along the lines of a O2 sensor error, but I have NO idea what that Generator error is all about. But since it is a history code, maybe it's just one of those situations where the Z was just trying on the new duds...

The wife and I took it out for a spin today and went out route 375. Pretty wide open out there with very few, if any, speed "obstructions". Some fat slob of a goomba in a white rice-mobile almost pulled out in front of us just because he wasn't looking and my wife gave him one of her GLARES. I thought she gave him the finger, but she says she had ALL her fingers extended. ;)

Anyway, fat head gets up right on my rear bumper and I was getting tired of seeing his fat head in my rear view mirror, so I dropped down into fourth and pressed hard on the go pedal. Connie (my wife) was apparently watching the speedometer and it jumped up there into the high numbers pretty quickly. Fat head was WAY back there somewhere, so I slowed down to a more leisurely pace and let him show me how bad his car was when he finally caught up with me and passed us. Sure showed me, I guess. But at least he wasn't on my rear bumper any longer.

Anyway, the sound of the exhaust is slightly louder then it was at stock, but not unbearably so. It seems much more noticeable at idle where the rumble is much deeper then I am used to. Connie says it isn't bad at all, and I felt she would be more critical of it then I would be. Acceleration seems much crisper then stock and at WOT pickup is noticeable improved.

I had some trepidation using those E3 spark plugs as I couldn't find a whole lot of people who had tried them. But the technology seemed intriguing and I always am one to be interested in new doodads. I do know that idle has smoothed out quite a bit, and a slight stutter from a dead stop is no longer there that I noticed. I suppose a good tune would be in order right now, but at least I don't feel that it is a real pressing issue as well as the Z runs at the moment. And to be honest, I am looking hard at getting my own tuning tool, and just haven't figured out what is best. The handhelds look like they would be easy, but maybe I would regret spending that money when it would be better spent on something like HPTuners or EFILive. But then we get into all kinds of arcane topics like wideband sensors and open loop, etc., which may well be far beyond the level I want to go with this. It's not like I need to shave off a tenth of a second at the quarter mile or anything.
Where you plan on buying them from? If you buy them from LG Motorsports direct, don't bother talking to anyone except Anthony there. Chris and Bobby were pretty much a waste of my time trying to get info from them about my delayed order. Anthony was out of town doing a couple of back to back races, and those other guys just dropped the ball completely.
Thanks for the advice... I was going to go w/ LG direct but maybe I should just call around and see who has them in stock. If I do go w/ LG direct i'll make sure to talk to Anthony. I just wish I had the money right now. Oh well, guess good things come to those who wait.
LGM has them in stock. The problem was with the Jet Hot coating. First they were a week late sending them off to get coated. Then when the came back they sat around for a while before being scheduled for shipment. Then when UPS supposedly picked them up, the tracking number info said the billing info had been received, but the status never changed. Their story was that UPS screwed up and had to return them to the shop. Maybe, but I kind of doubt it. I have a UPS account and things just don't work that way. They scan the packages at pickup and then every step of the way. My opinion is that they were set in a corner somewhere and just never got picked up at all.

In any event, I think if Anthony had been there the whole time, some delivery time would have gotten shaved off. He did knock down the price some and threw in the gaskets, so work with him when you get close to buying. And try to save up enough for the Jet Hot coating as well. Everyone told me that was the way to go, so that's what I did.

Now if I can just get this new problem with the alternator/generator resolved, I can spend some more time behind the wheel. I'm also working on my Shaner throttle body to put on someday as well. Just doing some slight polishing of the exterior to pretty it up somewhat.

Oh, one other thing. The headers do hang down a bit below the frame. Maybe half inch or so. Bear this in mind if you care is lowered some. Speed bumps may become your enemy.....
Now I remember how I found the site the other day. I saw your videos on the LG's. I'll be getting them from LG Direct probably in the next 2 months. I want to have them installed before I drive up to Bowling Green, Kentucky for the Z06 Fest. :D I love the sound. I will make sure I talk to Anthony as well.

Rich, how much more was it for the jet hot coating? How much additional time do they need? Did you have to replace the O2 sensors? Just curious because I will be ordering my LG's this week. I need to have them before May 12th. That's when Ivo and I plan on installing.


It seems to me that the headers alone to be Jet Hot coated were $300, and the complete system (except the cats) cost me $550. Anthony said turnaround to get the coating can be 1 to 2 weeks. If they hadn't fumbled the ball I would have had the system in about 3 weeks, I think. I think you would be pushing it to get them by the 12th. I don't know if I can recommend LGM to be able to meet the deadline after my experience. If it were me and that were my drop dead date, I'd probably look for a Plan B.

They have the headers and pipes in stock, but they ship out en masse to Jet Hot and then have it all sent back to them and THEN ship to you. Maybe it would be possible to have them ship to Jet Hot and then directly to you? That would certainly save you some time, and I can't see why they wouldn't do that unless there is some issue I'm not aware of. I don't think Jet Hot would have a problem doing it that way, so if LGM isn't willing to work with you, maybe contact Jet Hot, buy the headers and pipes and have LGM just ship YOUR headers to Jet Hot and have Jet Hot send them to you when done.

Off hand, I don't know of anyone who would have the LGM headers in stock already coated.

As for the O2 sensors, I had the front ones replaced because I read somewhere that you should replace them after 50K miles or so. Since the old ones were coming off anyway, seemed sensible to do this at the same time. Additionaly cables came with the header system for the rear O2 sensors, since they were relocated further back. If you get the cats, you will get the straight pipes to use instead of the cats if you are so inclined. But those flow through cats REALLY are flow through. You can look through them and see daylight. So I really don't think there will a dramatic power loss by using them rather then leaving them off.

BTW, my vette tech told me that when it comes time to replace the clutch, one side of the headers will have to come off in order to get to it. He didn't say anything about the starter, but I'm wondering if that may be an issue as well. Someone did tell me that coating the headers will help keep some of the heat off of the starter, which is a good thing to do.

Good luck with the install!
Wait, your headers only cost you $550.00? I'm looking at long tubes with cats. On the LG website it is $1595 for the headers and an additional $300 for the cats. Then the jet hot coating. Wow. I'm definitely going to call them. I have an '01 with only 26k miles. I'm wondering if I should replace the O2 sensors. Did you get the street series or the longtubes?
No. The Jet Hot COATING cost me $550. The complete system (headers, cats, X-pipe) was $1745. And I had to pay for the Jet Hot coating on top of that. These were the Long Tube Pro headers, not the street models. I specifically wanted the 3 inch pipes from the header collectors back to the muffler pipes.

Sorry about any confusion I might have caused. Yeah, I WISH I could have gotten that whole setup for $550!
Rich, I spoke to Anthony and ordered the LG LT headers with high flow cats. He actually recommended that I don't do the Jet hot coating? As for the starter, he said they use a stock starter in their race car and haven't had any problems with the heat generated from the headers. The Jet hot coating has more of a polished look, but I really don't need that. He also said I probably wouldn't need new O2 sensors, but I should move the back sensors to the front and plug the others off? I also purchased an LS1 gasket, as per Anthony. They've already shipped as of yesterday. I still haven't decided if I'm going to put on the cats or not, probably will.

Ivo suggested while the exhaust is off, I should add a tunnel reinforcement plate. I went with this. 1/4" Aluminum Ceramic Coated plate, If console heat is an issue, this plate is Ceramic Coated to reduce the amount of heat transfer from the exhaust. From www.eliteengineeringusa.com for 185.00 shipped.
I guess I just felt more comfortable with the Jet Hot coating to help reduce the heat. Heat just seems bad for most things. And here in Florida, we do get our share of just regular everyday heat.

Personally I don't think I would compare the longevity of a starter on a daily driver with the one in a race car. How many times a year will a car dedicated for racing actually use the starter compared to how you drive your car? And driving in traffic with the attendant heat build up will be a whole lot different from driving 175 miles per hour around a track, I would think. Heck, air flow alone would have quite a cooling effect. But creeping along at 15 miles per hour in rush hour will have a heck of a heat build up under the car. Especially in the dead of summer when the asphalt itself is probably hot enough to cook eggs on.

So will it really make a difference? Heck I really don't know. But I did know that this was a one shot deal for me. If I hadn't gotten the coating and wished I had later, there was NO WAY I was going to pull the headers off to have them sent off to be coated after the fact. So I felt that of the two possible mistakes I could make, getting them coated and not really needing it would have been the less painful of the two. If you know what I mean.......

I also looked at one of those tunnel plates, but it looked like there were a gazillion bolts holding it in. Probably would have cost me an additional hour or two of tech time just putting it in. At the time, I thought the cats were being coated as well, so I didn't think it would be worthwhile. Had I known the cats WOULDN'T be coated, well, I would have reconsidered it.

Putting the cats on would probably be best, I think. I don't think the ones with the system are THAT restrictive to make much of a difference. And I have heard some people didn't like the smell from the exhaust without the cats. Probably wouldn't matter to most of us, but who knows?
MADN3SS said:
I'm not a Postal worker....I'm a Postal employee! :wave:
Glad you corrected me Scott, i forgot. I always tell my Nephew, you going to the Post Office tomorrow, instead of going to work. I call it Club USPS, he disagrees. As he mentions the 6 weeks vacation, about the same in sick days, holidays. He goes to the Post Office less than me, and i'm retired.
Don't work too hard buddy...:D

I would actually consider myself the very rare Postal worker. In the department I work, it's one of the most physical jobs, so you really do work. It's the guys and gals that throw one piece of mail at a time that really don't work all that hard. There are a few exceptions. I've worn a pedometer before, and on average I walk 10 to 15 miles a night. I usually average 60 miles in a 5 day week. I haven't worked 5 day weeks in a while though! Then factor in all the lifting and bending and repetive motions.....wait a minute, that didn't sound good. Bending and repetitive motions! :rofl1: Anyway, tough job.

Benefits for me, 20 vacation days a year, 13 sick days and 10 holidays. If I work the 10 holidays, I can either get double time, or I can get a vacation day in lieu of the holiday pay, plus my regular work pay. I've been there 8 years. Once you are there 13 years, you get an extra 5 days of vacation. If you were in the military, you add those years to your time at the Post office and you can hit 13 a lot easier. Plus the pay is decent. Yet some still complain. :rolleyes: Oh yeah, in most jobs, you lose your sick leave if you don't use it, at the P.O. it rolls and rolls. There is a guy that's been there 35 years and has something like 3700 hours of sick leave. That's almost 2 years of work he can take off!
