• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Welcome aboard 1bdvet. Glad to see you made it. This site is growing every day, and were in on the ground floor. When you have time post some pics of your car in the thread that is titled the same, so if were at a FL show the owners on this board can recognize the car and say hi!:thumbsup:
Welcome to the site. Glad to see you found it and hopefully more will be joining in soon.
Hello 1bdvet, Welcome to the forum. I'll be looking for you at "Corvette's on the Circle next weekend!...............Tom:D