• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Was anyone suprised?


My two boo's \/
Was anyone really suprised that Osama, errr I mean Obama won the election? It was a landslide win. . . something like 338 to 162?

I know its wayyy too late, but I am still baffled and pissed that Juan McCain even got the nomination. I mean thats the first in a line of many problems with the Republican party.

And to be honest, I hate seeing the black people on t.v. crying and doing all the other b/s because he won. Like its "thier turn" because they got a brother in the white house. Its been thier turn for the last fifty years. Oprah and everyone else? Come on, give me a break.

Disgusted is really the only word I can think of to explain how I feel. Regardless of the party, race or gender, thats truly with the government as a whole. Ive got a feeling we're going to see some tougher times ahead of us.

Any thoughts?
And how much do you want to bet he doesnt pull the troops out of Iraq. No way in hell he lets defeat fall on his and the the Dems shoulders. Typical pandering b/s.

I have a ton of thoughts( most not good) whirling in my head as I sit here, watching Fox news, hearing "the people"(Oprah, Rev Jackson) speak, reading posts on other forums and I just can't help but feel lost and scared at what this may mean for our country. It will be interesting to see how the "oppressed, less fortunate individuals" will react and treat the individuals they see as the oppressors, the fortunate ones??? Is America really ready for the change that is coming.........
The dems have the whole shooting match now, we have no choice but to see what they do with it.
I dont think we can pull out of Iraq immediately, 2011 is the planned pull out date, Im guessing it will take at least that long.
Not a whole lot we can do now but see how the Democrats do the next 4 years. If they do a good job, good for them and the country. If they drop the ball like the Republicans did for the last 8 years, you can always vote them out.

As for the african americans crying and showing emotion, you have to put yourselves in their shoes and experience the mistreatment, prejuidice and hatred some have endured over the past several generations.

For now, all we can do is pull together and back on our feet.
The Republicans have really got to get thier act together. In a way it's sort of a good thing that McCain did not win the contest. What he represented was not true conservitism. Had he won, the conservitive movement would have been redifined as something its not. McCain is not a conservitive, but rather an aisle hopper.

But again I have to go back to my original post- He was the best we could come up with? Heck even on the Dem side there were far better choices for people with liberal views.

Much the same happened in '96 with Dole. It was "his turn" and he got destroyed. There is no line for nominations.
The Republicans have really got to get thier act together. In a way it's sort of a good thing that McCain did not win the contest. What he represented was not true conservitism. Had he won, the conservitive movement would have been redifined as something its not. McCain is not a conservitive, but rather an aisle hopper.

I have to read your comment here and just hang my head. First off, I mean you no disrespect. But, this seems to be the type of "party voting" that has us always too far one way or another. I tend to think the answer is not all the way to the right or all the way to the left, but somewhere in the middle. and maybe *gasp* at times a little to one side or another! So if someone is an "isle hopper" as you put it, then that can be a good thing...a REAL good thing.
I have to read your comment here and just hang my head. First off, I mean you no disrespect. But, this seems to be the type of "party voting" that has us always too far one way or another. I tend to think the answer is not all the way to the right or all the way to the left, but somewhere in the middle. and maybe *gasp* at times a little to one side or another! So if someone is an "isle hopper" as you put it, then that can be a good thing...a REAL good thing.

On some issues, yes, I agree the answer is down the middle. Abortion comes to mind first. But on issues like immigration, taxes and the economy. . .

But my point was that McCain said he is something that his record shows he is not.
On some issues, yes, I agree the answer is down the middle. Abortion comes to mind first. But on issues like immigration, taxes and the economy. . .

But my point was that McCain said he is something that his record shows he is not.

touche :thumbsup:
I think this election had to be just one big joke that the "powers that be" pulled on us. More or less, "let's see how the little people like this one..." sort of thing.

McCain, in my opinion, was about the WORST choice the Republicans could have possible some up with. Yes, much as Dole was when his "turn" came up. Both backstabbed too many people with their voting history, and paid the price when they tried to grab the gold ring. Years ago I predicted that this election would be between the two worst possible choices: McCain and Hillary Clinton. Little did I realize that a joker was in that deck.

As for the blacks claiming that "one of theirs is now in office", I'm sorry, but I thought we were ALL Americans. Discrimination isn't a one way street where it is only dirty and ugly if a non-black says something like that. But even the media is portraying this election as being a mostly racist issue, when they crow something along the lines of "Proving to blacks, finally, that even they can now achieve anything, even the presidency of the USA..."

Personally, I didn't care what color Obama's skin is. It's his policies that scare me to death. And apparently it was his policies (basically freebies to the "underprivileged" if they vote for him) that has a price tag attached that no one has said who is going to pay the bill on and how.

The best advice I can think of to offer is: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Maybe we will luck out and everything will go to hell. I've always liked the idea of complete and total anarchy.:hehehe:
Maybe we will luck out and everything will go to hell. I've always liked the idea of complete and total anarchy.:hehehe:

Well, that certainly would be CHANGE, now wouldn't it? People really should be careful about what they wish for.
I heard today on the radio someone mention that because Obama won, now everything is possible.
The radio host then said that it problably means that the Detroit Lions will win the Super Bowl, you can divide by zero and Bill Clinton will be faithfull to Hillary. :lmao::rofl1:
Damn, everything I read is how bad the Democrats and Obama are. How did he win with everyone saying they didn't vote for him? I didn't realize one had to be Republican to own a Corvette, but the again, I make under $40,000.00 a year.
Nobodies saying that thier bad, most just dont agree with the policies. Me being a co owner of a small buisness, I feel his presidency is going to effect us the most, should his tax proposals and various other policies go through.

But heck I dont even agree with most of the republicans policies. The parties have meshed and are unidentifiable. The right has moved left and the left has gone to the radicals. I must go back to my post when i said that Im upset with the government as a whole.

Lets give the Dems two years and then maybe the republicans will get thier asses in gear and take back the house to even things out much like what happened in the Clinton years.
you have to put yourselves in their shoes and experience the mistreatment, prejuidice and hatred some have endured over the past several generations.

Mistreatment, Prejudice and Hatred:rolleyes:???WTF?!!!

Seems like that could be said on Both sides! One doesn't have to be White to be prejudice to hate or to mistreat another race!

I went to a High school in NY where black kids were bussed in from all over the city. In many of my classes they sat in the back of the room smoking cigarettes and marijuana, threatening the kids who were trying to learn, and being loud and obnoxious to the degree that the teaching staff were afraid to say anything to them. Those few (blacks) that didn't, were called names like Uncle Tom etc:nonod:. I actually felt sorry for THEM.
They had a chance to get an education just like me, but they chose to be COOL instead and now I'm sure they and people like them are blaming society!:banghead:

My kids went to a high school here in Marion County where to a quite lesser degree, the same thing went on. At this school, Ang and I actually witnessed two black girls strolling down the hall without a care in the world, after the bell had just rang. They stood outside a classroom door for a few minutes then one of them went in. Seconds later, the teacher escorted her out into the hallway and told her to go see the principle, because she was late. She then began yelling that the teacher only did this because she's Black and he's a Racist.:rolleyes:

BTW, FWIW my eldest daughter is dating a black man and they intend to marry. He's a great guy and we all love him.
And HE told us that black people are taught to "Use the Race card" if need be in their lives.

So, to hear someone say I should put myself in their shoes and to basically feel sorry for them? I don't think so!!!!
Grow up where I did and you'd see the light! They don't need to look past their parents or their own noses to find fault for the situation they're in!
:rant: I believe that America has always been the land of opportunity to those who strive hard enough to achieve their dreams. The problem appears to be that those who do not wish to make that effort, feel that the best they can achieve is to bring down everyone else to their own level so no one will notice the difference. It is this kind of person (regardless of race) that will vote for the candidate that promises the most handouts, bailouts, and anything else for FREE only if you will vote for them.

That kind of person just hasn't learned the lesson that there are really no free lunches. Someone has to pick up the tab somewhere, sometime. But, of course, as long as the free lunches continue, they really don't care about that aspect of it. If enough people are trying to grab those free lunches that the government is handling out, sooner or later those people getting stuck with that HUGE tab are just damned well going to get tired of it.

Sorry, but if the REAL difference between "underprivileged" and "privileged" is merely the incentive to make the most of yourself in this world, then get your damned *underprivileged* hand off of my *privileged* wallet.... :rant:
Mistreatment, Prejudice and Hatred:rolleyes:???WTF?!!!

Seems like that could be said on Both sides! One doesn't have to be White to be prejudice to hate or to mistreat another race!

I went to a High school in NY where black kids were bussed in from all over the city. In many of my classes they sat in the back of the room smoking cigarettes and marijuana, threatening the kids who were trying to learn, and being loud and obnoxious to the degree that the teaching staff were afraid to say anything to them. Those few (blacks) that didn't, were called names like Uncle Tom etc:nonod:. I actually felt sorry for THEM.
They had a chance to get an education just like me, but they chose to be COOL instead and now I'm sure they and people like them are blaming society!:banghead:

My kids went to a high school here in Marion County where to a quite lesser degree, the same thing went on. At this school, Ang and I actually witnessed two black girls strolling down the hall without a care in the world, after the bell had just rang. They stood outside a classroom door for a few minutes then one of them went in. Seconds later, the teacher escorted her out into the hallway and told her to go see the principle, because she was late. She then began yelling that the teacher only did this because she's Black and he's a Racist.:rolleyes:

BTW, FWIW my eldest daughter is dating a black man and they intend to marry. He's a great guy and we all love him.
And HE told us that black people are taught to "Use the Race card" if need be in their lives.

So, to hear someone say I should put myself in their shoes and to basically feel sorry for them? I don't think so!!!!
Grow up where I did and you'd see the light! They don't need to look past their parents or their own noses to find fault for the situation they're in!

Having grown up in Newark, New Jersey and Miami, Florida in the early 60's and 70's respectively I witnessed the same as you did so I can see where you are coming from...but lets just say we agree to disagree, leave it at that and lets go out and enjoy our Vettes brother...
Sorry but I agree with Ynkedad. I was raised in Opa-Locka which is in Northwest Miami-Dade for those of you who don't know and I was always at the other side of this argument.

As the only "cracker" in school, I spent most of my childhood and teenage years being harassed, jumped, robbed, shot at, sliced at, etc. I wanted to learn but had a really hard time trying to do it and trying to achieve anything because of those things Ynkedad was pointing out. I don't give a sh!t about how they feel and any of that crap. I think they've been handed everything on a platinum platter for the last forty-seven years and have simply failed to take advantage so how is that my (our) fault?

If there is one positive out of this, it is that "their" excuses, their perverbiel "wall" if you will, has now fallen. No more racecard, no more B.S. The funny part that gets me is that Lord Barry is just as white as he is black. It's all in the marketing.
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