• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Myth About Not Signing Back of Your Credit Card


Road Trip!
If you are one of those that write, "Check ID" on the back of your credit cards, take note. Local TV News in Ft Myers took several cards with "Check ID" on back to different retailers with hidden camera and purchased items ranging in price from $25 to $150. ID's were never checked on any of the purchases. Furthermore, without a signature on back of card, retailers are not obliged to accept card per statement on back of card.

Please be guided accordingly...

If you are one of those that write, "Check ID" on the back of your credit cards, take note. Local TV News in Ft Myers took several cards with "Check ID" on back to different retailers with hidden camera and purchased items ranging in price from $25 to $150. ID's were never checked on any of the purchases. Furthermore, without a signature on back of card, retailers are not obliged to accept card per statement on back of card.

Please be guided accordingly...


Ive never really had problems with writing that on my card. I had one retailer say they wouldn't accept it so I showed them my DL to prove I was the same person, and as soon as the cashier sarted to complete the sale I walked away. I refused to finish the sale if they are that stupid.

If I put my signature on the card it is VERY easy to scribble the signature in some similiar fashion and use the card without the true owner knowing. I make them see the DL, and on frequent occasion I am asked for the DL itself. Just last night I returned from the restroom at a restaurant and saw the waiter standing near my table. When I got there he apologized and said "Well I'm only doing what you ask, may I see your ID?" I obliged as I hope they all do the same thing.
Hell, I can't even SIGN my name the same way twice, even if I try. I always get a chuckle out of those electronic signature gizmos the stores use now to collect the credit card data. It ALWAYS accepts my signature no matter what I scribble there! So what's the point? If someone were to take a copy and ask me if that were truly my signature, I would have to say "How the hell do I know? It just looks like some scribble that anyone could have done!"

Ive never really had problems with writing that on my card. I had one retailer say they wouldn't accept it so I showed them my DL to prove I was the same person, and as soon as the cashier sarted to complete the sale I walked away. I refused to finish the sale if they are that stupid.

If I put my signature on the card it is VERY easy to scribble the signature in some similiar fashion and use the card without the true owner knowing. I make them see the DL, and on frequent occasion I am asked for the DL itself. Just last night I returned from the restroom at a restaurant and saw the waiter standing near my table. When I got there he apologized and said "Well I'm only doing what you ask, may I see your ID?" I obliged as I hope they all do the same thing.

The first thing the credit card companies tell you to do is sign the back of your card . If you don't, you have no agreement with the credit card company. It basically stating you accept the terms of the credit card. No agreement no acceptance. It's the people who dont sign who don't follow the rules. Walk if you want. I sign mine and at the end of the space write CK ID. Any reason for not signing the card is just a bunch of misguided b.s.
The first thing the credit card companies tell you to do is sign the back of your card . If you don't, you have no agreement with the credit card company. It basically stating you accept the terms of the credit card. No agreement no acceptance. It's the people who dont sign who don't follow the rules. Walk if you want. I sign mine and at the end of the space write CK ID. Any reason for not signing the card is just a bunch of misguided b.s.

Well when the server uses your card in a skimmer to read the numbers, then uses your card around town and the bank looks at the signatures on file and says its you (or prove it isnt) then maybe you will understand. I know someone that happened to. If they dont see my signature they can't duplicate it. It takes just a little intelligence for the server - cashier- etc to look at the ID card, if they can't handle that then I don't need to spend my money there. I have had VERY LITTLE problem with it, and my family has had VERY LITTLE problem with it. I would rather deal with an incompetent cashier than an identity thief. We all know it's too easy for them as it is, there's no need to help them along.

It's the people who dont sign who don't follow the rules.

How can you make some absurd statement such as this? Who are you to make any sort of statement that no signature mans were some sort of rebel without a cause?? That's akin to saying that if I carry it in a money clip instead of in a wallet then I am not protecting it and it may get damaged, and since it's the banks property I am not following the agreement... You must work for a bank. :crazy03:

As for the agreement, I get the bill each month, and they get their payment, so I guess our agreement works now doesn't it? :rolleyes:

No agreement no acceptance...........I sign mine and at the end of the space write CK ID.

Sound like there's a bit of a problem here, you aren't following the "agreement" either as "Chek ID" is not part of your name.... ;)
Back of Sears MasterCard. Authorized signature. Not valid unless signed.
Back of Macy's credit card. Authorized signature.

Using the top example makes the non signer an invalid user.
Using the second example makes anybodys signature the authorized signature.
Either way, not signing is a perfect example of some peoples inability to follow
simple instructions.
Back of Sears MasterCard. Authorized signature. Not valid unless signed.
Back of Macy's credit card. Authorized signature.

Using the top example makes the non signer an invalid user.
Using the second example makes anybodys signature the authorized signature.
Either way, not signing is a perfect example of some peoples inability to follow
simple instructions.

I guess they must tolerate my wayward, rowdy, and totally anti establishment methods :rolleyes: because they sure as heck wanted my money for all these years now didn't they? The "simple instructions" must not be all that important or every single establishment would refuse to sell to the scum of the earth that cant chew bubble gum and walk at the same time much less follow simple instructions.

If you want to sign then go right ahead. It's your card and your credit score on the line. I'm sure your the type of person that also goes 45 mph in a 45 zone (NEVER EVER 46 mph heaven forbid) because that would be failure to follow SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS- "Speed limit" sign. You also never roll a stop sign or roll a right on red,, because again that would be failure to follow SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS - "Stop". So sign till your hearts content, and hopefully you never loose your wallet or get it stolen because the first few charges are all yours..........
FWIW, I once had my card numbers stolen. They used it to party all throughout Disney/Lake Buena Vista to the tune of about $2500.00!

My bank...Wachovia...did thier investigation and in the meantime, cancelled all charges and refunded every dime of my $$. I had no idea it was missing until I checked my statement at the ATM on day.

Now, I check everyday on line:thumbsup:Find something I don't recognize, I call;)

Of course, most people can somehow prove where they were at a given time as was my case. I was working a case on the other side of the state and had purchase receipts during the time frame.

Sign or no sign, anything can happen. Tommy's right and I have been called on my card a few times because it's so old and worn that you can't read the signature or the "void" is starting to show through:( They usually accept it after a brief and relatively unobtrusive verification process:thumbsup:

BTW, the "void" in the sig line is there in case someone tries to erase your signature:thumbsup:Another saftey net.

Now, each of you have a point so please, play nice with each other:thumbsup::rofl1:
I guess they must tolerate my wayward, rowdy, and totally anti establishment methods :rolleyes:

I can tolerate you too.

I'm sure your the type of person that also goes 45 mph in a 45 zone (NEVER EVER 46 mph heaven forbid) because that would be failure to follow SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS- "Speed limit" sign. You also never roll a stop sign or roll a right on red,, because again that would be failure to follow SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS - "Stop". So sign till your hearts content, and hopefully you never loose your wallet or get it stolen because the first few charges are all yours..........

You obviously don't know me. Just because the rules are in place doesn't mean I follow all the rules. I break the ones I want to break when I want to break them. I have no issue with you personally. You obviously have an issue with rules and regulations. I just stated the facts. Violate on dude.
This is an interesting discussion. Please don't ruin it by allowing it to become a personal feud. Just because your opinion is different from someone else's doesn't mean it is WRONG.

Hell, I can't even SIGN my name the same way twice, even if I try. I always get a chuckle out of those electronic signature gizmos the stores use now to collect the credit card data. It ALWAYS accepts my signature no matter what I scribble there! So what's the point? If someone were to take a copy and ask me if that were truly my signature, I would have to say "How the hell do I know? It just looks like some scribble that anyone could have done!"


as long there is money in the bank they don't care!!!!
Guys I hate to tell ya but if there going to get ya, there going to get ya..sign/don't sign it don't matter. All they really need is the c.c number and they order what ever they want over the net ..no signature involved. That's what happenend to me. The C.C companies are always trying to fool proof things..mother's maiden name etc. but we are all vulnerable unless you live in a cave and have no credit. JMHO:ack2:
Dirtbags in South Beach

A few years back, I went down to South Beach, and went into what I thought was a fairly nice restaurant. After the meal, I gave the waiter my mastercard. He took it, and was gone for a long time (probably more than 15 or 20 minutes?). Place wasn't all that busy. I got a little suspicious, but then he came back, I paid and that was it. A couple of weeks later, I get my bill and there's several charges for gas in Coral Gables, and a deep sea fishing charge for about 300 bucks. I live in Tallahassee. I immediately called the credit card company, explained that these were bogus charges, etc. The woman asked me: "did you lose your card, do you still have it in your possession?" I said, yes, I have it, and explained that I had recently been to South Beach, Miami area, etc. She immediately killed the account, they issued me a new card, and I was charged nothing...not bad. Turned out the dirtballs at the restaurant were using a skimmer, and made a copy of my card. The company said they'd start an "investigation," but I never heard from them again. The scumbags are getting pretty wily now when it comes to credit card/id theft I suppose, and this was a few years ago. Fortunately, it hasn't happened again, but, if a waiter takes too long with my card now, I'll get up and follow him to wherever he's ringing up the bill, or talk with the manager. Damn. Can't trust anybody anymore!:mad:
As taken from http://usa.visa.com/download/merchants/card_acceptance_guide.pdf

“See ID” Some customers write “See ID” or “Ask for ID” in the signature panel, thinking that this is a deterrent against fraud or forgery; that is, if their signature is not on the card, a fraudster will not be able to forge it. In reality, criminals don’t take the time to practice signatures: they use cards as quickly as possible after a theft and prior to the accounts being blocked.

They are actually counting on you not to look
at the back of the card and compare signatures—they may even have access to counterfeit identification with a signature in their own handwriting.

“See ID” or “Ask for ID” is not a valid substitute for a signature. The customer
must sign the card in your presence, as stated above.

Cardholder ID
When should you ask a cardholder for an official government ID? Although Visa
rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants
cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance.
Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID. Visa believes merchants should not ask for ID as part of their regular card acceptance procedures. Laws in several states also make it illegal for merchants to write a cardholder’s personal information, such as an address or phone number, on a sales receipt.

I recently had a problem at the Atlanta Marquis. They insisted that they have my ID. :NoNo:Nope not happening. They said we can't check you in. Called VISA and Marriott Rewards Visa got the guy on the phone. Said they would not accept my Visa card that is signed on the back and is otherwise valid without providing Photo ID. Visa and the bank confirmed that it is against Visa/Mastercard regulations that they have set up with merchants and that they could not force me to provide ID.

Went back to the counter and observed the desk clerk entering the guest's DL info that was behind me, entering his Alabama Drivers License information into the computer. Said it was policy!!

The problem I have with showing photo ID or in the case of Doctors, or anybody making a photocopy of my ID, not just looking at it to confirm my ID, is that I was the victim of an ID theft from a Hotel clerk some 12 years ago, who stole my Identity and ran up 190K worth of charges, by simply making a photo copy of my drivers license, which had everything on it that he needed including the SSN. Fighting 3.5 years with the credit bureaus makes one paranoid and non trusting of anybody who asks for it except for johnny law. :yesnod:
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