• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Contractor for metal building (garage) in Crawfordville area?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
I've called a couple of people about getting a garage built, but so far not having any luck getting someone interested in doing business with me for this. I'm thinking of a four car garage and need a contractor to handle this. Either that or get someone to clear the land, then someone else to pour the slab, and figure out what permits are needed for this. Most metal building manufacturers offer free delivery and setup, so once that is done, then I would need an electrician for the electrical. Not sure which would be the best route, but I would like to get something started pretty soon.

Anyone local got any suggestions for someone for me to talk to about this?
I've had one general contractor stop out here, and been talking to Jeff Victorine at PSBI. Trying to get all the ducks lined up in a row about getting this garage built. Been catching rats in a live trap set out near the cars. The other night I caught one and some dog came onto the property and found the rat in that cage. Dumb ass dog dragged the cage all over the damned place and dug up the driveway trying to dig UNDER that cage to get to that rat. I don't see any damage to the vehicles, which is a miracle because he had that cage all over the place trying to get to that rat.

Man, living in the country...... Sounds good on paper....... But I'm about ready to slash and burn our entire 50 acres. :mad:
My target is no more than $50K. Looking at a four car garage measuring 50x30 ft, 10 ft. tall. Either four individual doors per bay or two larger doors.

Need to have the land cleared. Maybe a dozen larger pine trees on it. Slab poured with at least 12 ft apron in front of the doors. Electrical will be interior lights and receptacles, one or two motion sensor lights outside with at least one receptacle, and some sort of exhaust fan to draw the heat out during the hot months.

I sure hate to be spending the money I made on selling my gun collection for this. Really wanted to buy a new car, but I don't think I can swing what the dealers want with the money I have left over. Heck, this is much like getting underwear for a present at Christmas...... :mad: Yeah, I know I need a garage, but darn............

Caught another rat in a trap night before last. Ordered a few more traps to set out to try to catch as many of those suckers as I can.
$50k should be easy. I got a quote of $21k to do a 31x42 metal building (including a slab), but no electrical.
It sounds very doable. I would also suggest Hurricane reinforced garage doors. I thought they were very affordable and what a difference from the stock doors which are a POS.
Actually I've been gathering quotes on the individual steps to getting this garage built, and as best I can figure the general contractors I have contacted want to make $12,000 to $15,000 just to manage the project. I guess business is slow for them so they want to make several months living expenses all off of me.. I think I'll take a stab at managing it myself. $15K would go a LONG way towards either getting that new Z06 I want or else dropping a bullet proof Warhawk 427 into my C5Z. :thumbsup:
The one I tried to send you is a 30x50 barn style, installed for $18.5. I know the slab and electric would be extra.
I've been talking to a guy at SteelMax out of Georgia. I might be able to get what I am looking for at around $15K. Four roll-up doors, one walk-in door, insulated and rainspouts, everything delivered to my site for that price. He's trying to locate an erection crew for me so I can see what they will cost. Probably from $5K to $7K. I think it may be possible to keep the total cost down to around $35K to $40K without cutting any corners.
Well, got a guy (Welch Land Development) stopping by tomorrow (Wednesday, 08/12) to clear the land in preparation for the slab. Guess I had better get the garage ordered so I have the plans that the guy pouring the slab will need. This is all going to snowball on me quickly, I think........ :ack2:
Well, got a guy (Welch Land Development) stopping by tomorrow (Wednesday, 08/12) to clear the land in preparation for the slab. Guess I had better get the garage ordered so I have the plans that the guy pouring the slab will need. This is all going to snowball on me quickly, I think........ :ack2:

You are :crazy03: Rich...doing this all at once :eek:

I hope you dont pull your hair out in the midst of all this :banghead:
Wonderful.... they busted the main water line coming to the house and buildings. Of course the power line to the pump was run alongside that water pipe, so that got tore up as well. So we're without water till they are done and I can get the pipe and wire to fix this. Great......
Wonderful.... they busted the main water line coming to the house and buildings. Of course the power line to the pump was run alongside that water pipe, so that got tore up as well. So we're without water till they are done and I can get the pipe and wire to fix this. Great......

OMG !!!!! Did you call this or what??? You said someone always messes up something whenever they come out to do something.... just :eek:
Well they are being real good about it. The guy says it happens all the time. He called his buddy who is an electrician to come over after lunch to run the new wire, and he's going to pick up the pipe and stuff on his own lunch break and fix the pipe itself. He says it won't be any big deal digging a new trench and filling it back in with the tractor. Man, that's a load off of my mind. Wasn't looking forward to digging a trench out (good 50 to 60 ft.) with a shovel.... But we're still out of water for the duration. I don't know how many times Connie and I have walked to a sink to wash our hands, forgetting about no water. It's just such an ingrained habit around here. Handling animals we are washing our handles all day long...

But it will work out. Probably not the last of the OOPS stuff, though, I reckon.
Well, the phone line to the reptile building got cut too, along the way. But the guys found both ends of the water line and pump power, so hopefully that will be fixed in a couple of hours. I'll have to call the phone company about that broken line. Might have to call Comcast as well, as I noticed one of their cables laying exposed on the ground near the shed. Looks like it has been that way for a while, and has nothing to do with what the land clearing did.

The place sure looks opened up now. And luckily no rain. At least not yet....

Oh yeah, our driveway is pretty much impassible for the Corvettes and the van. Hope they are going to smooth that out and compact it for us. Like it is, the first good rain and it will be a swamp, for certain.
Well, the phone line to the reptile building got cut too, along the way. But the guys found both ends of the water line and pump power, so hopefully that will be fixed in a couple of hours. I'll have to call the phone company about that broken line. Might have to call Comcast as well, as I noticed one of their cables laying exposed on the ground near the shed. Looks like it has been that way for a while, and has nothing to do with what the land clearing did.

The place sure looks opened up now. And luckily no rain. At least not yet....

Oh yeah, our driveway is pretty much impassible for the Corvettes and the van. Hope they are going to smooth that out and compact it for us. Like it is, the first good rain and it will be a swamp, for certain.

PICS!!! (Is your computer on a different line? Or air-card?)
PICS!!! (Is your computer on a different line? Or air-card?)

I'm on Comcast cable, so the telephone lines being out doesn't affect my internet access at all.

Yeah, I'm taking video, but it's all still in the camcorder. Not much to look at now except a cleared spot in the jungle. The gnats are going berserk! They aren't real crazy about this new project of mine.

The water line is fixed and so is the power going to the pump. Found out that BOTH phone lines have been cut, so the phone company should be out here tomorrow. I was told that if they discovered that the problem was inside the house, that I could get charged for the service call. I told them NO PROBLEM on that one.

They will be bringing in several loads of fill dirt, but the spot I picked for the garage is on a natural high spot (relatively speaking) anyway, so not a lot has to be done except for leveling. Have to compact the soil in front of the garage-to-be and the new driveway as well. I think a good hard rains may help somewhat, though. The guy really smoothed the area out before he left and it looks pretty darn good. Connie wants to make it into a huge garden rather than put a garage there now.... :rolleyes:

Anyway, don't know how much I'll be able to do with the video tonight. Got WAY behind with things with all this going on.
I'm on Comcast cable, so the telephone lines being out doesn't affect my internet access at all.

Yeah, I'm taking video, but it's all still in the camcorder. Not much to look at now except a cleared spot in the jungle. The gnats are going berserk! They aren't real crazy about this new project of mine.

The water line is fixed and so is the power going to the pump. Found out that BOTH phone lines have been cut, so the phone company should be out here tomorrow. I was told that if they discovered that the problem was inside the house, that I could get charged for the service call. I told them NO PROBLEM on that one.

They will be bringing in several loads of fill dirt, but the spot I picked for the garage is on a natural high spot (relatively speaking) anyway, so not a lot has to be done except for leveling. Have to compact the soil in front of the garage-to-be and the new driveway as well. I think a good hard rains may help somewhat, though. The guy really smoothed the area out before he left and it looks pretty darn good. Connie wants to make it into a huge garden rather than put a garage there now.... :rolleyes:

Anyway, don't know how much I'll be able to do with the video tonight. Got WAY behind with things with all this going on.

I forget about Comcast...you city slickers got it all! I'm out here in the boonies...we're lucky to have electricity and water and mail!