• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Tool laser engraving

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
So a while back I had purchased a set of precision angles to use with my milling machine and lathe and when I got them in I was happy to see that they actually were engraved with the angle. I had ordered three other sets a while back and none of them had the engraving on them. Or as one set did, the engraving was on the opposite side of what was visible when in the case.

But darn, the engraving is not all that easy to see. At least not for these tired old eyes of mine.



And that got me to thinking that when I was trying to complete my collection of sockets, I had to buy different brands to complete the sets, and some of them, well, it is darn difficult for me to see the size stamps on them.



Now these are more like what I would like to have on all of them:



So that got me thinking that maybe I should try to enhance the markings, perhaps with either a punch or with an engraver. I thought an engraver might give a better look, so on to Google to look for an engraver of some sort. And lo and behold, the first ones to pop up were LASER engravers. Now THAT got my interest. Always had a fascination with lasers, so this was right up my alley. Tool-a-holic gene kicking in....

Sheesh, not as simple as I had hoped. There are different TYPES of lasers, as well as different power ranges, and different methods of engraving. Some are better for engraving metals (and only some metals) than others. Of course, the more power the better, but like anything else, the best tools for a job are usually the most expensive. Honestly, I don't need this THAT much to spend multiple thousands of dollars on a machine. But there are some that are comparatively modestly priced that MIGHT do what I want.

One I looked at, that I found most intriguing, is called the LaserPecker. :rofl1: Definitely would be the first on my block with something like that. But don't tell the neighbors. I can't see myself wanting to explain that one to anybody.

In between every thing else going on around here, I fiddled around with the fiber laser I bought. I actually ordered it before (literally) the sheet hit the fan, healthwise for Connie and I. I was going to cancel the order, but Connie wanted me to go ahead and get it. That was before my heart attack and she figured it would give me something to do on days when she wasn't feeling very good, and there was nothing I could do but sit in the house worrying about her.

So anyway......

Yesterday I set it up to engrave those angle tools I bought. I wound up buying two sets of them, figuring that would make it easier setting up work pieces on the milling machine. I only engraved one side of each set, but might do the other sides if I feel ambitious some day.


I still haven't gotten the rotary device for the laser to work properly yet, but once I get that figured out, I may engrave some of the sockets I have that are a bit difficult to read easily. That will probably take a while to do, since each one would have to be set up individually, one at a time. But heck, I'm retired, and a heart attack survivor, so I don't have anything better to do without going outside in the heat, and it is not hard work, neither.

Originally I was going to put the laser in the garage, so all of the tools I had in mind engraving would be handy. But it gets really hot in there during the summer months, and the instructions state to not run the laser in ambient temps over 90 degrees. So that would mean the only time I could run the laser would be early hours in the morning. But I just am not a morning person, so I decided to move the laser into the old reptile building instead, where I can use it any time I get an urge to do so.

As for the LaserPecker, which is suited mostly for engraving wood, I had to send back part of it because the buttons that controlled the height of the laser were really flaky. I got the replacement in a little while ago, but haven't had much incentive to play with it. Engraving on metal just seems like a whole lot more fun to me. Now if I could just make this into some sort of hand held weapon........ :hehehe:
Had an idea for my larger fiber laser. I watched videos of people engraving coasters made out of slate, so just for grins, I bought some to see how well that would go. Went through quite a few of them just experimenting, and I had a LOT of trouble finding the right settings to get a deep engraving into that rock. Oddly enough, the laser would just melt the rock, leaving shiny globs all over the design I was trying to engrave. Very unsatisfactory result, as those melted rock globs would leave a very rough and unclean looking finish on the surface.

Not sure exactly what I did differently with the following videoed job, but whatever it is, I am getting exactly the results I was after. I have to take some notes about EVERYTHING about the settings for this job so I don't lose the magic settings for other designs. This is going to be for my niece and her husband who have horses. Kind of long, but I found I am fascinated watching that laser work, and have already watched this through, beginning to end, several times already. Watching via a video is MUCH safer than watching it in real time. I use protective glasses to protect my eyes from the infrared laser beam, and besides running an exhaust fan to pull off the rock dust generated, I also wear an N95 mask too.

Oh, this is in 4K/60fps if you can view it that way.


Only have one more to do, and I will have a set of eight to send to them. Takes about 22 minutes or so per coaster. The noise that sounds similar to music in the background is me plinking around on my arranger keyboard while waiting for the engraving to finish. Fortunately for you, you really can't hear it all that well.