• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Welcome to CorvetteFlorida.com

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
So why yet another Corvette message board site?

I've been to as many Corvette message board sites as I could find, and found that the broader scope of ALL Corvette owners everywhere, just really not what I was looking for. Yeah, a lot more people to answer my questions and give help is ALWAYS better with more members available. But I was more interested in more pointed local concerns. What shows are nearby? Where are the best tuners within driving range? Where are the best roads to just drive my Corvette down and wring out the handling a bit while seeing some excellent Florida scenery? The other sites just weren't focused enough to give me what I wanted.

I was looking for comparisions of tuning solutions and found locked threads all over the place. In other situations, I found that ONLY contributing members (aka PAID members) could post links to their sites, no matter how important the information they were trying to provide might have been to the general readership. Matter of fact, I got myself temporarily banned from one of those sites when I made exception to him deleting a post from an AUSTRALIAN member just posting some info about turbo chargers. Yeah, making money off of a site is all well and good, but give it a break, already!

So I found myself thinking that between the heavy handedness I was seeing, and the lack of focus for things of the most interest to me personally as a resident of Florida with a Corvette, I just wasn't finding what I would be comfortable calling "home"......

So heck, why not start my own forum site then? I lease my own servers for my business concerns, so it wasn't going to cost me anything for server space. I've set up several message boards already, so I think I know how to do that fairly well. So why not? Now, will this fly? Probably not. It's pretty tough being a startup message board site these days. People are kind of set in their ways and tend to frequent the sites they are already used to going to. Not that I want to take anyone away from some other site, but truth of the matter is that everyone has a finite amount of time to spend on the internet. So people will naturally pick and choose how and where they spend that time. Will many, or any, people decide to take time out of their schedules to frequent this one? No way to tell at this point. I probably won't know for 2 or 3 years whether this was just a stupid idea or not. But I can hope that perhaps there will be a group of people here in Florida like me that want to have a site that is focused on US locally and the things we want to discuss and see discussed concerning OUR cars in OUR home state.

So I expect this site to grow slowly. Probably VERY slowly, and ask that if you are among the first pioneers to come here, don't get discouraged at the lack of participation. Maybe this site will fill somewhat of a void, and maybe it is just too redundant to survive. But heck, I won't know until I try, so let's just see what happens.

I hope to keep any rules at all rather simple and too the point here. Quite simply, say and do what you want, but keep it relevant and on topic, not really off base (porno, spam, etc. will not be allowed here), and most of all, be civil to one another. Argue all you want. Have disagreements about procedues and opinions. Just do it as mature adults and keep the language civil. If someone gets out of hand, I will simply hand out a three day pass to the locker room to let you cool off a bit. I expect this site will get it's share of visits from trolls, and as such I ask everyone to report such posts whenever you happen to see one. I just may not be here to see it myself, so do us all a favor by being vigilant to keep such stuff out of here.

But in any event, thanks for at least stopping in and reading this post. If you like, make yourself at home, pound out a message or two, and maybe we can find this site useful, informative, and fun. If you have any suggestions, gripes, or comments, please feel free to do so. My skin is pretty tough, so if you think this is just a bone headed idea, heck tell me. Doesn't mean I will agree with you, but I will at least listen to what you have to say.

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pewter99 said:
I see a we have a few new members..guess my email made it :thumbsup:

Yeah, that sort of thing does help a lot. Recommendations via word of mouth can work wonders. Thanks........
Rich Z said:
Yeah, that sort of thing does help a lot. Recommendations via word of mouth can work wonders. Thanks........
thats what i've been doing. Just trying to spread the word among friends and fellow corvette owners. I see a few on here but Id like to see more of them.
Its really nice because you can actually plan a get together and local folks will come

This is really a great place. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put it together
Shadow said:
thats what i've been doing. Just trying to spread the word among friends and fellow corvette owners. I see a few on here but Id like to see more of them.
Its really nice because you can actually plan a get together and local folks will come

This is really a great place. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put it together

No, thank YOU all for being here. This site is nothing without you all making it one of your regular stops. All I can do is put out the welcome mat. I just really wish I had more time right now to put more effort into this. I feel like I am shirking some kind of duty or something.........
Rich Z said:
No, thank YOU all for being here. This site is nothing without you all making it one of your regular stops. All I can do is put out the welcome mat. I just really wish I had more time right now to put more effort into this. I feel like I am shirking some kind of duty or something.........

Shadow said:

LOL! Yeah I know. A while back I asked my programmer how many other clients of his ran as many websites as I do. He said NONE of them with even close to the number do it with a full time job. It's a full time job in itself. So the people who really jump into it go full time, I guess. Not sure what the heck they are doing for money to put food on the table, though. They must know something I don't about this stuff. I don't see how you could earn enough money to do it that way. :shrug01:
Hi Rich, thanks for the invite. A Florida specific site sounds great, hope that it works out.
new guy

just came to this site, been on the Corvette Forum for 6 years, I have a 2000 Nassau blue coupe with a Tiger shark nose and some mods under the hood, presently belong to the Venice vette club :wavey:
Hey Jim, welcome aboard:wavey:

Lets see some pics of that Tiger Shark front. I love that look:thumbsup:
not at all computer literate, how do you post a picture, I have a scanner and a dial upPC? :shrug01:

Welcome....glad to see another new face around here!
Try this easy thing to do for a picture.
Go to user CP button up top on left.
Go to "avatar".....read instructions and upload a pic of car.
In that way you can show everytime you are threading with the gang.
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Cajunmech said:
Thank You for your bravery. I will make this my home. Good luck!!:dancer01:

Bravery? Uh oh! Is there something about you that you aren't telling us? :D

Seriously, welcome to the site. I think you will find this a nice place to call home.
