• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Thermostat snake oil?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Sometimes I feel old and maybe technology is advancing faster then I can keep up with it. But other times I wonder if maybe things are really just the same but marketing has just improved tremendously.

I'm sure you all get as many Corvette catalogs as I do, and nearly all of them have these lower temp thermostats either singly or with some sort of "performance package", claiming that using this thermostat will lower your engine running temps and subsequently increase the power of your engine.

Well, you know, I went through this same thing with my '66 GTO many moons ago, and what I discovered was a bit different then what they are telling us. What the temperature ratings of the thermostats indicate is the temperature at which the thermostat opens in order to allow coolant to start circulating in the engine. It's use is to allow the engine to reach proper operating temperature as quickly as possible, which is a pretty good thing in colder climates during the colder periods of the year.

However, no matter what temp thermostat you have, 160, 180, 200, etc., once it opens up completely, then the engine will reach it's operating temperature regardless of when that thermostats opened up. It's just that the 160 degree thermostat will open up sooner then the 200 degree one will. But in ALL instances the operating temperature of the engine will be the same in a very short time, regardless of at what temp the thermostat actually began to open. The ONLY way I found to help decrease the running temperature of an engine that has anything at all to do with a thermostat is by removing it completely. That's because all thermostats will cause a restriction in coolant flow. However, since modern engines may be designed to operate at the temperature that we get them from the factory, in fact, this may not be a real good thing to do.

So is this thermostat hype just snake oil, or have things changed dramatically since my earlier high performance days? Seems a lot of companies are touting the virtures of these lower temp thermostats, so either they are all really off base, or perhaps I am. :confused:
I had a 160 in before I cahged the cam and the water temp would stay around 175 and oil temp 180 max.

I have been told the the oil temp should go over the 200 mark to get rid of the moisture. I have since replaced my water pump with and LS2 and the thermostat that comes stock. I think 183?

Water temps stay under 200 and Oil hovers bet 197 and 207.

I do have a larger radiator with an oil cooler.
Hmm, this brings a question to mind. At what temperature does a thermostat CLOSE?

Yeah, I have always thought that a cooler engine is a better engine, but I'm not so sure that is true any longer. Seems like the incoming air and fuel should be cool, but that doesn't go for the bottom end of the motor.
Rich Z said:
Hmm, this brings a question to mind. At what temperature does a thermostat CLOSE?

Yeah, I have always thought that a cooler engine is a better engine, but I'm not so sure that is true any longer. Seems like the incoming air and fuel should be cool, but that doesn't go for the bottom end of the motor.
Snake oil IMHO. The points you bring up in your first post are correct ie: once the thermostat opens as the engine approaches operating temperatures, it remains open an the cars operate at the temps. suggested by IVO. A thermostat that opens at a lower temp doesn't effect operating temps at all. And yes, these engines expand as they warm up and in doing so achieve the proper tolerances between piston, rings, cylinder walls, and etc. throughout the the motor. Until those tolerances are met, the moving parts have more play in them and you have a greater tendency for say, piston slap and such. I NEVER push my Z till the oil temp (which I almost constantly monitor) reached 190.
I think you're right, it's snake oil..........Tom
Hmm, I am discussing this issue with a tuner over on CF ....


Is this guy on the beam with what he is telling me? He is implying a feedback system of some sort between the coolant system and the thermostat. I've just never heard about this sort of thing before and flies against what I have learned about thermostats. But I'm willing to admit that I don't know what I am talking about. It just doesn't SOUND right to me....
Rich I have been following your post over on the CF. The MECHANIC NOT TUNER that you are talking to IMHO is nothing more than a con man, and is nailing the gullible public with his BS. Here is a guy that does not own a Dyno, and talks people into thinking they gained substantial horsepower. He pays the bills over there and many of us have been warned that we cannot question him, or get involved in his many threads. He sells you a thermostat and road tunes your car based on his vast amount of knowledge. :rofl1: :yesnod: You walk away believing you got this great running car but you have no way to verify what he did. He consistantly tells people how bad the PROVEN tuners are and how much better he is. This with no proof of his mods at all. Did you happen to notice he has also ASSumed the name of one of the top tuners in the country? Maybe you also noticed that all of his tunes are posted by new forum members, interesting stuff, read some of the crap he spews, the guy needs to go away. This is just my opinion however, there are many of us there that share this opinion but we are no longer allowed to call him out on his scam. :toetap05:
16again said:
Rich I have been following your post over on the CF. The MECHANIC NOT TUNER that you are talking to IMHO is nothing more than a con man, and is nailing the gullible public with his BS. Here is a guy that does not own a Dyno, and talks people into thinking they gained substantial horsepower. He pays the bills over there and many of us have been warned that we cannot question him, or get involved in his many threads. He sells you a thermostat and road tunes your car based on his vast amount of knowledge. :rofl1: :yesnod: You walk away believing you got this great running car but you have no way to verify what he did. He consistantly tells people how bad the PROVEN tuners are and how much better he is. This with no proof of his mods at all. Did you happen to notice he has also ASSumed the name of one of the top tuners in the country? Maybe you also noticed that all of his tunes are posted by new forum members, interesting stuff, read some of the crap he spews, the guy needs to go away. This is just my opinion however, there are many of us there that share this opinion but we are no longer allowed to call him out on his scam. :toetap05:

Well you know, that is kind of sad. I can understand a site wanting sponsors for the financial support, but they can't be forgetting their roots in the process. It's the MEMBERS who come there that make a site. If you start choosing $$ over the truth, then I think the site has lost sight of what this is all about.

Anyway, that tuner/mechanic guy approached me via email and wanted my phone number to talk to me in person. I have declined. Personally I don't believe my understanding of how a thermostat is faulty. But interesting to know that I am walking on thin eggs going head to head with him in public. Thanks for the warning.....
He wants to speak with you so he can PRIVATELY con you. Many of us have called him out publicly, we were then warned of the forum rules and all our posts were immediately removed. Notice he calls himself the VETTE DOCTOR, I believe assuming the identity of one of the best tuners in the country, helps him in his SCAMMING of the unassuming Corvette Enthusiast. I have no problem following the CF rules and I know we crossed the line in our responses to him. I just wish there was a way to publicly prove his con game without the banning that we have been warned about. Hopefully he cons the wrong person and he just goes away soon. :yesnod:
Rich....I can not believe you did not pick up on his bull from his second post. He claims that "Florida" people should use a 160 degree thermostat but he has no accurate explaination as to why. "The stock stat in a C5 is like 187 or something.....but,....at what temp do stock C5's run at....a lot more....." quote from Chuck. Since he is a "tuner" and giving advice as to why you should use said thermostat he should be able to accurately advise you why you should a 160 degree thermostat. His answer of the car has a factory 187 or something is garbage. He does not even know what the factory unit it or the factory running temp or the optimual running temp. Without that information he is just talking out his butt. Then add on the information that he "tunes" without a dyno he is totally full of crap. A dyno is the best format for tuning a car next to the race track. Nobody can tune a car safely or to the car's fullest potential on the street. I say tell the quack to fly a kite.

As for the thermostat...it's job is to keep the car within it's proper operating tempature. Coolant is absorbs the heat and removes through the radiator. The thermostat opens with the coolant reaches a predetermined tempature allowing the coolant to flow.

If you do not have an overheating issue then don't mess with the thermostat.
Over the years I have used low temp thermostats and removed them completely thinking "cool is better". It is true with intake air, but not necessarily true with running temps. I read a chart recently that showed the ware and friction rates of the metal parts in our engines and at lower temps the friction coefficient was many times that of a "hot" engine. Try this yourself: the next time you are going on a freeway trip, watch your oil temp and fuel mileage readouts. I drive the freeway everyday 1/2 hour each way and my fuel mileage is ALWAYS two or three mpg BETTER after the oil temp tops 190. If the motor is pushing the car with more power per gallon cruising, why isn't it the same at the dragstrip. Our motors were designed to run around 200 degrees, both oil and water. I need to see documentation that lower oil temp means more HP.

Snake Oil IMHO!
EatRice said:
Rich....I can not believe you did not pick up on his bull from his second post. He claims that "Florida" people should use a 160 degree thermostat but he has no accurate explaination as to why. "The stock stat in a C5 is like 187 or something.....but,....at what temp do stock C5's run at....a lot more....." quote from Chuck. Since he is a "tuner" and giving advice as to why you should use said thermostat he should be able to accurately advise you why you should a 160 degree thermostat. His answer of the car has a factory 187 or something is garbage. He does not even know what the factory unit it or the factory running temp or the optimual running temp. Without that information he is just talking out his butt. Then add on the information that he "tunes" without a dyno he is totally full of crap. A dyno is the best format for tuning a car next to the race track. Nobody can tune a car safely or to the car's fullest potential on the street. I say tell the quack to fly a kite.

As for the thermostat...it's job is to keep the car within it's proper operating tempature. Coolant is absorbs the heat and removes through the radiator. The thermostat opens with the coolant reaches a predetermined tempature allowing the coolant to flow.

If you do not have an overheating issue then don't mess with the thermostat.

In many instances, a confrontation is not needed to paint a true picture of someone. Simply ask questions that you already know the answers to and implies to other people what you think the answer should be as well. They can then make their own determination about what is going on based on the answers given by the other party. No arguments, no confrontation, just handing someone the rope.... :reddevil:
I see he answered you again, must be pissing him off by now. I like his little shot........
This is just 1 paragraph from his reply to you Rich
I'm doing EXACTLY what GM did....They installed a 187 stat to make the car run at about 220..... and I install 160 stats and change fan temps to make it run at just under 200.......Simple math (although some will still wish to continue to argue a moot point just for the sake of arguing) Look at the spread from the stat to the operating temp....it's almost the same from GM's design to mine....an we both accomplish EXACTLY what we wanted....NO ACCIDENT for them or me...:rofl1: We DESIGNED it to be this way :lmao: ....and it works Perfectly. :lmao: :lmao:
Well, I just monitored my coolant temps on a drive for about an hour and a half, and the temps averaged right around 192 degrees. When I was driving slow on the unpaved road heading back to my home, the temps climbed to 205 then obviously the fans kicked in to take the temps back down to 196 or so.

Personally, I think his whole argument is very weak. The thermostat is there for one reason, which winds up having two benefits. The reason is to allow the engine to heat up more quickly from a cold start then it could without it. The benefits of this are:
  • The engine reaches optimum running temperature more quickly
  • The heater works faster on cold mornings to get warm air pumping into the passenger compartment for comfort.

The fans are apparently designed to work when the coolant rises above a specific point, likely caused by lack of airflow through the radiator because of low driving speed. The fans are trying to produce airflow through the radiator that is absent because of the low driving speed, such as in heavy traffic. The engine compartment on the vette is pretty enclosed, and this obviously was a solution to an overheating problem that driving in traffic would cause.

What I would like to see is ANYONE at all who claims that they can drive on a highway at 60 miles an hour and actually witness their coolant temperature dropping below 160 degrees at any point, thereby triggering that thermostat to close to try to reheat the coolant. Ain't going to happen, in my opinion. Maybe if you live up in the arctic circle somewhere, this might possibly happen, but in Florida? I seriously doubt that.

So how long do you think I will be able to address that guy before getting the warning from the mods there? Honestly I find it difficult to believe that they would forcibly allow someone to post false and misleading info without question simply because they are a paid supporter. :shrug01:
Hey Rich, don't waste your time. This clown is just not worth the effort. :thumbsdown: Anyway, go back and check the copper lines on another guy's car who is getting guidance from Chuckie in the same thread. I about wet myself looking at the photo's. :lmao:
This is an interesting thread.

As I understand it, running an engine without a thermostat allows the flow to be such that it's not circulating in the engine long enough to remove the heat properly. So, to be clear: you remove the thermostate and you may notice a decrease in your coolant guage reading, however that is THAT, the coolant temperature, NOT the motor temperature. So while the coolant temperatue may be lower, the engine itself may be running hotter, again, because the coolant is rushing through the engine so quickly it's not picking up the heat.

My 65' L76 was found not to have a thermostat in it, and the guage always was straight up and down at 180, however at long lights it would heat up quickly to 215/220. I put a 160 thermostat in it and it now reads around 190/195, BUT, it does not heat up at lights like it did before. We double checked this with a temperature sensor gun.....it's right on. So even though my guage is reading a bit higher, my engine is actually running a bit cooler because the coolant is now in there long enough to remove heat.....it's a bit confusing but it's the deal.....
Formula Outlaw said:
This is an interesting thread.

As I understand it, running an engine without a thermostat allows the flow to be such that it's not circulating in the engine long enough to remove the heat properly. So, to be clear: you remove the thermostate and you may notice a decrease in your coolant guage reading, however that is THAT, the coolant temperature, NOT the motor temperature. So while the coolant temperatue may be lower, the engine itself may be running hotter, again, because the coolant is rushing through the engine so quickly it's not picking up the heat.

My 65' L76 was found not to have a thermostat in it, and the guage always was straight up and down at 180, however at long lights it would heat up quickly to 215/220. I put a 160 thermostat in it and it now reads around 190/195, BUT, it does not heat up at lights like it did before. We double checked this with a temperature sensor gun.....it's right on. So even though my guage is reading a bit higher, my engine is actually running a bit cooler because the coolant is now in there long enough to remove heat.....it's a bit confusing but it's the deal.....

Hmm, where is the coolant temperature sensor actually located?

Actually I have never heard this explained this way. Logic seems to indicate that the faster the flow of coolant the MORE heat would be extracted from the surfaces it flows over, since faster flow would indicate more cooler fluid passing over those heated surfaces. To give you an example, occasionally I will run a long string of garden hoses across the backyard in full sunlight and run water through them into the pool to heat the water up. Yeah a kluge of a system, but it works. :) Upon startup of this kluge, I can run the flow fairly high and the water is HOT to the touch at the beginning since the hose is well heated by the sunlight normally. However, once the hose has been cooled by the flowing water, I have to reduce the flow to just a trickle because the water now makes the hose cool to the touch and doesn't give me the hot water I want going into the pool. This kind of supports what you are saying in that the flow of water needs to be reduced in order for the coolant itself to pick up the heat from the hose itself. However in this case, I WANT the coolant to be heated up and the reduction of heat of the hose itself is actually irrelevant. If my goal was the reverse, to reduce the heat of the hose, then the higher flow of coolant would be beneficial in this case to reach that goal.

Maybe this doesn't apply at all to the way the coolant system in an automobile works, since it is not a closed loop circulating system, but I would think the same basic principles would apply concerning heat transfer.

Yeah, this is an interesting topic.........
Good obsurvation Rich! I don't understand all the physics of heat transfer, but I know in the old days of the flathead Ford V8 that overheating could be solved by putting large washers in the two radiator hoses to SLOW the water down. It seems that water molecules need some time to make the heat transfer. An engine produces a lot more heat than a garden hose in the sun and the cold, uncirculated water in the hose overwhelms any heat soak from the sun. Even in a motor, if you take the plug out of the bottom of the radiator and run cold water from the hose into it, the motor stays cool.