• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

My House In Maryland Is For Sale, AND...


Retired Florida Geezer
I'm ready to move to Florida ASAP. :D

BUT.....I have several obstacles still in my way.

First, have to sell the house in Maryland, and the Real Estate market stinks up here, but not QUITE as much as it does in Florida. Looks like we'll take an 80 to 100K hit on the price.

Second, I'm still trying to sell my business/practice. I've had NO inquiries after having it listed for nearly 8 months. My contract with the broker runs out in February.

The house in Florida has been completed for several months. We just got back from a quickie trip down there.

SO...keep your fingers crossed for me. :D

Couldn't be a WORSE time to try to sell a house with the real estate meltdown, the mortgage mess, and now the "related" 700 BILLION rescue plan.

Also, the stock market has taken a 3000 point hit over the past several months. My timing sucks. :shrug01:

Here's a link to the listing of my house in Maryland, if anyone wants to check it out.


Mine is the house at 2113 Hampton Court, Fallston, MD.


Good luck with the sale of your home and the business.

It's a tough time but you'll never regret the move:thumbsup:

Good luck with the sale of your home and the business.

It's a tough time but you'll never regret the move:thumbsup:

Thanks. I think I'll need more than luck. :D

I'll need a miracle. Never really expected to sell the practice. The $$ from any sale never figured into my retirement plans. I can pull the plug at any time.

The house? NOTHING is selling. Even qualified buyers can't get financing. Then there's the eternal problem of a potential buyer wanting to buy a larger house, BUT has to sell his house first.

It's an absolute mess. If the house doesn't sell, we're seriously considering renting it. Don't want to do that, but..............................

I feel your pain Chuck. We are all in the same boat. Some of us have more or less paddles. We just need to hang in there. Unfortunately I am not very optimistic about this bail out and how long it will take to get the economy going in the right direction. My biggest concern is that the people who created most of the problems are going to watch over the solution.
I think we need business people, rather than legislators, to come up with an answer. What a mess.:ack2:
However, I am blessed to live and be a citizen of this country and to enjoy the liberty it provides. Came to the U.S. 52 years ago with nothing.
There are so many that have so much less than what we have.

You're right, but if we don't watch our arses, we'll be in as bad a shape as many other places.

I agree that we need business people to run the country. And not "just" business people, but people that have built thier businesses from the ground up on thier own and have done well with them:thumbsup:

Not some spoiled brat that had a business left to him/her:thumbsdown:


I really hope that place sells for you brother, but again, that qualified buyer with a lease option might be the best you'll find for awhile. At least the payments, taxes, etc will be covered and the home cared for, and when the economy changes (I give it 1 to 2 years max), you'll have a buyer and they'll have a home:thumbsup:

One other suggestion if I may?

Try listing it with the military and corporate relocators :thumbsup:

Although not too many people I know are voluntarily relocating up north:rofl1:, the military (especially the officer types) and corporate types, have no choice.

Might be a win-win for both of you:thumbsup:

I have a few friends out here at MacDill. I'll see what needs to be done and get back with you this coming week.

Thanks for the kind words and thoughts, guys. I appreciate it.

Lease to buy? Hmmm. I'll have to ask about that one.

Right now, the house has been on the market for less than 2 weeks, so I'm gonna give it some more time. :D

Regarding the current "bailout", the same idiots in the House (Barney Frank) and the Senate (Chris Dodd) were the chairpeople of their respective banking committees while this was going on.

Christ, the foxes are guarding the henhouse.

Chris Dodd is best known as Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy's drinking buddy.

Barney Frank? Well, what can you say.

A pox upon all of them IMHO. Throw them all out, Democrats and Republicans.

Regarding the current "bailout", the same idiots in the House (Barney Frank) and the Senate (Chris Dodd) were the chairpeople of their respective banking committees while this was going on.

Christ, the foxes are guarding the henhouse.

Chris Dodd is best known as Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy's drinking buddy.

Barney Frank? Well, what can you say.

A pox upon all of them IMHO. Throw them all out, Democrats and Republicans.


Amen to that brother!! Couldn't agree more.
Oh great, another old bat to clog up the roads and drive really really slow.


Best of luck on selling your house though. Renting/leasing it will probably be the best option available for some time, but who knows? Maybe someone will see the house and fall in love with it.

Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are the type of people who sometimes make me wish we were in a state of anarchy. Then I remember that there are several million people out there just like them, and then the idea of a bunch of people being able to do whatever the hell they want without consequence doesn't seem like such a good idea. :shrug01:
How in the world is the government going to PAY for a bailout without taxing us, who are already strapped with taxes (and about ready to revolt), or just printing up money (which is already causing runaway inflation), or getting loans from China (who already virtually owns a lot of this country)?

Hasn't anyone figured out that there are REAL problems that need to be dealt with when houses that used to cost $85K 15 years ago now have price tags of a half a MILLION dollars on them?

Take a look at these old German stamps I have and ponder what they indicate about the German economy in 1923.....


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Hey Chuck,

Sorry I did not respond to this earlier, but Joyce and I just got back from the Keys this afternoon.

I know what you are going through, we went through it last year. We wound up selling our house up there for about $60k less than what everybody said it was worth. But I am glad it is gone and I haven't looked back. You and Pat will be in the same situation soon. You'll figure out a way to muddle through this situation.

Let us know if we there is something that we can do to help.

I'm ready to move to Florida ASAP. :D

BUT.....I have several obstacles still in my way.

First, have to sell the house in Maryland, and the Real Estate market stinks up here, but not QUITE as much as it does in Florida. Looks like we'll take an 80 to 100K hit on the price.

Second, I'm still trying to sell my business/practice. I've had NO inquiries after having it listed for nearly 8 months. My contract with the broker runs out in February.

The house in Florida has been completed for several months. We just got back from a quickie trip down there.

SO...keep your fingers crossed for me. :D

Couldn't be a WORSE time to try to sell a house with the real estate meltdown, the mortgage mess, and now the "related" 700 BILLION rescue plan.

Also, the stock market has taken a 3000 point hit over the past several months. My timing sucks. :shrug01:

Here's a link to the listing of my house in Maryland, if anyone wants to check it out.


Mine is the house at 2113 Hampton Court, Fallston, MD.


Good luck with selling. Are you in an area with that is prime for corp relo? And is your house in the category that a relo exec may be looking for? If so, you are in better shape than most people trying to sell.

However, you picked the absolute worst time to list it. Not only are we dealing with the current housing inventory and credit crunch, but this time of year is always the slowest with only those who have to move moving. If you could have waited for January, would have the best shot.
Hey Chuck,

Sorry I did not respond to this earlier, but Joyce and I just got back from the Keys this afternoon.

I know what you are going through, we went through it last year. We wound up selling our house up there for about $60k less than what everybody said it was worth. But I am glad it is gone and I haven't looked back. You and Pat will be in the same situation soon. You'll figure out a way to muddle through this situation.

Let us know if we there is something that we can do to help.


I'd be happy with 60K less. Looks like 100K hit, maybe more. Should have sold it a year or two ago.

Haven't had ONE phone call. It is a lousy time to list, but that's out of my control.

This is a good area for relo's as the real estate people say. We're the recipients of a BRAC (base relocation and closure) increase involving Aberdeen Proving Grounds, the largest employer in my county. They're closing Fort Monmouth in New Jersey, and literally thousands of people and thousands of jobs are moving here. BRAC has already begun. Should really crank up after the first of the year.

Stock market dropping nearly 800 points today doesn't help either. :(

Sounds like "creative owner financing" may be your best bet.

Problem with that is we really wanted to take the proceeds from the sale of this house and completely pay off the new house in Florida. We wanted no mortgage.

No matter what you have to go through it will be worth it.

We moved here from Illinois in '89 and wouldn't move back for anything.

In fact, I've told relatives in Illinois not to expect us back, ever, during the winter months unless someone really important to us dies.
This is a good area for relo's as the real estate people say. We're the recipients of a BRAC (base relocation and closure) increase involving Aberdeen Proving Grounds, the largest employer in my county. They're closing Fort Monmouth in New Jersey, and literally thousands of people and thousands of jobs are moving here. BRAC has already begun. Should really crank up after the first of the year.

:thumbsup::thumbsup:This was exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post:thumbsup:

I should have some information for you by tomorrow regarding military rentals.

The lease option plan will likely be the quickest and easiest way to handle this and still keep your options open. Might not get the $$ you wanted right now, but when the market straighten out, and it will straighten out, you'll already have a qualified buyer with "roots" in the house:thumbsup: