• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

NCRS - Old Town


Is it just me or is this event getting old? I've been going to this event since it was held at Cypress Gardens back in '94 and it seems to not have the attraction as in the past. I went with two other club members and they expressed the same opinon. It seems like there are fewer vendors and they don't have much to vend. I ended up spending only $25 and that was to re-new my sub to Corvette Fever for the free t-shirt. I tried to buy something from Eckler's but they didn't have it with them and when they found out it was only listed on-line and not in the catalog, they gave me a $10 off coupon and told me to go home and get back on the internet. I'll probably go back next year if only to get out of the house for a day.

Anybody else? :nonod:
I also thought about the same thing. I came with a pocket full of cash and didn't spend a dime on Corvette stuff this time. I know the show is not exactly for folks like me who are kinda over the factory correct thing and I saw a lot of other folks spending time and money finding what they were looking for, but it wasn't like before. I'm guessing there were only half the vendors of years past. I did get a nice goody bag and for that I thank those folks that contributed to that.

I will go again, its too easy for me not to, but I wonder where the support of the national vendors went. Maybe we need to buy them all a couple of hot dogs and beers to make sure they have a good time too, not just us.

I still had fun and I will be back next year. I love any place that is full of great Corvettes.

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I went, and probably will go again since it's an event my friends go to, but it seemed kind of dead out there on Saturday. I saw a ton of Vettes parked in the spectators Corvette only parking area but it still seemed kind of thin inside the event.
I'll go next year, simply because i've never been and have nothing to compare it to. Sounds like it was fun (other threads), and it'll give me a chance to hook up with some of the people on this forum, that i'd normally not see during the course of the year.:dancer01:
This is the second year for me, and I went on Fri. so I just assumed that Fri. was a slow day. There was still some very nice vettes there and I picked up a couple of small things I needed from vendors. I'll go again, because its a nice day trip for me.
The internet is killing car shows as we used to know them. You used to have to pick up the phone or buy a Hemmings and try to find parts and vendors for that elusive piece that you had your heart set on. You also had to attend car shows and swap meets in hopes of finding someone who had the part or knew of someone to call that might have it. Now with a couple of mouse clicks you can check the inventory of almost every vendor or individual in the world. Parts hunting is easier today but I somehow kinda miss the old way.
irfgt said:
The internet is killing car shows as we used to know them. You used to have to pick up the phone or buy a Hemmings and try to find parts and vendors for that elusive piece that you had your heart set on. You also had to attend car shows and swap meets in hopes of finding someone who had the part or knew of someone to call that might have it. Now with a couple of mouse clicks you can check the inventory of almost every vendor or individual in the world. Parts hunting is easier today but I somehow kinda miss the old way.

You have a point. I had a stall at Corvette Carlisle for 12 years and just gave it up two years ago. I sold miscellaneous used parts that I would pick up at various places. I did this to help defer the cost of the restoration on my '69. But two things have happened that made me decide to give up my s
tall. First, Carlisle Productions continued to expand the weekend event from what was originally a huge Corvette flea market where you could buy parts or cars. Now it is much more than that. There is so much going on that a lot of people come to the event to do things other than chase parts. The second reason was that I could sell my stuff on ebay and actually do better than sitting on the Carlisle fairgrounds hoping someone would come over to look at what I had on display.

So, I agree with you that the shows that had a vendor section is not today what we used to experience 5 or 10 years ago.
