• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Board of Inquiry Forum Rule(s)

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Although I have posted the rule I recently imposed for posting within the Board of Inquiry forum on this site within that forum itself (http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46812), it appears that some people have missed it.

In a nutshell, there are some legal liabilities that I may become exposed to by allowing anonymous messages to be posted on this site that are derogatory and possibly damaging to another entity. Sorry, but I put that forum up to help you all be able to gain the knowledge necessary to make prudent decisions when you are planning on doing business with someone, but I am not so magnanimous that I am willing to expose myself to being dragged into a court room because of what YOU want to say here. This means that unless you are willing to provide your REAL FULL NAME when stating your case in the BOI, then it just is not welcome here and will be removed.

A corollary of this rule is that such messages that would be appropriate ONLY in the BOI will not be allowed within other threads on this site outside of the BOI. I'm sure I don't have to itemize the details of why this needs to be so.

Rules on this site are few and far between, as I would hope that the members here are mature enough to be able to handle themselves in a mature manner and not have to be treated like children. This particular rule for the BOI is certainly not common on other sites, so I am making an extra effort to try to educate everyone about the necessity here so they can make the effort to comply before sanctions have to take place to enforce this rule. Yes, I know most people don't read boring messages like this one regarding rules, but I really have no choice but to just assume that this rule has been read, and treat the ignoring of the rule as an infraction (which is simply a warning that a more severe penalty will take place if the infraction is ignored).

So please take heed and comply. The easiest way to comply is to simply go into your User CP menu and provide your FULL NAME in the Additional Details section of the Edit Your Details menu option. Or you can provide it within the post itself, but you need to do that with EVERY post.

Thank you for your attention to this...
Very well.....

I have gotten nothing but flak over this, so the Board of Inquiry forum is now gone.

I tried to give you all a place where you could post information that would be helpful to others to make rational and informed decisions about who to do business with, but a requirement I had to make to LEGALLY protect myself from litigation over what YOU post there was ignored and in many instances antagonistically so.

Sorry, but you just can't have your cake and eat it too.

So forthwith, NO ONE can post negative accounts concerning another member, business, person, or whatever on this site. Any such posts, because of the legal liability it will expose me to because of the anonymous nature of such posting, will simply be deleted without notice or discussion.

That is the choice that many people here seemed to desire, so I am done arguing and fighting over trying to provide YOU with a beneficial tool here.
Well that's just fricken great. I saw all of us abide by your rules with the exception of that kid that posted and then he apologized. I was posting positive posts about a local vendor and most of us followed the ones with the complaints about vendors to see how and if they got settled.

So we all get screwed because of a few? Not right. Like you said, it's also a valuable tool.
Well that's just fricken great. I saw all of us abide by your rules with the exception of that kid that posted and then he apologized. I was posting positive posts about a local vendor and most of us followed the ones with the complaints about vendors to see how and if they got settled.

So we all get screwed because of a few? Not right. Like you said, it's also a valuable tool.

"All of us" is quite an exaggeration.... Actually damn few have complied with the rule, and some have flat out said that they REFUSE to do so under any circumstances. So be it. I just had my fill of snide private messages and arguing with people who seem to feel the rule I made doesn't apply to them.

I stuck MY neck out and subjected myself to potential lawsuits by entities that would choose to try to have a less than flattering thread about them here deleted by the threat of litigation, rather than tackling the source of the information. Without having people put their name on the posts, and accepting responsibility for their own words, well, sorry, I'm just not going to take it on the chin for them. Not to mention that it's just not fair for any party on the defensive to not be able to tell who it is that is disgruntled with them. The PURPOSE of the forum was to try to resolve problems, and the best way to do that is by exposing the problems, and the creators of said problems, to the light of day. That means full accountability to all involved in such discussions.

Quite frankly, I just don't need the headaches, and that includes FIGHTING with members here over WHY I need this rule in place and WHY it applies to them.

So if the people here aren't willing to take on their share of the responsibility, then I certainly am not going to provide a platform for anonymous accusations to be made towards anyone. If there is no credibility, because off the anonymous nature of the posts, then the BOI is absolutely useless anyway, and I am not allocating space on this website for that kind of discourse.

So yeah, if it comes to a choice between ME getting screwed because someone here posts libel without taking responsibility for it, or everyone else getting "screwed" because I am not willing to take that risk and they can't play here in that manner any longer, well, guess which one I chose to take?
"All of us" is quite an exaggeration.... Actually damn few have complied with the rule, and some have flat out said that they REFUSE to do so under any circumstances. So be it. I just had my fill of snide private messages and arguing with people who seem to feel the rule I made doesn't apply to them.

I stuck MY neck out and subjected myself to potential lawsuits by entities that would choose to try to have a less than flattering thread about them here deleted by the threat of litigation, rather than tackling the source of the information. Without having people put their name on the posts, and accepting responsibility for their own words, well, sorry, I'm just not going to take it on the chin for them. Not to mention that it's just not fair for any party on the defensive to not be able to tell who it is that is disgruntled with them. The PURPOSE of the forum was to try to resolve problems, and the best way to do that is by exposing the problems, and the creators of said problems, to the light of day. That means full accountability to all involved in such discussions.

Quite frankly, I just don't need the headaches, and that includes FIGHTING with members here over WHY I need this rule in place and WHY it applies to them.

So if the people here aren't willing to take on their share of the responsibility, then I certainly am not going to provide a platform for anonymous accusations to be made towards anyone. If there is no credibility, because off the anonymous nature of the posts, then the BOI is absolutely useless anyway, and I am not allocating space on this website for that kind of discourse.

So yeah, if it comes to a choice between ME getting screwed because someone here posts libel without taking responsibility for it, or everyone else getting "screwed" because I am not willing to take that risk and they can't play here in that manner any longer, well, guess which one I chose to take?

By "all of us" I mean those of us that post in the BOI.

I'm saying everyone I see post either positive or negative puts their name on the post. I have only seen one that didn't and if it was me I would have deleted that whole thread.

The BOI was a valuable tool and simply deleting the posts without a name would have taken care of the problem. No one wants you to get screwed, . I would just like to see you enforce the rules that you put in place without penalizing the rest of us.