• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Corvettes and Space Shuttles!!


New member
In 1981, which was the first year of the first flight of the Space Shuttle, began a new era when the C3 generation was just about to end.

The Space Shuttle era will end very soon (within a year most likely with mission delays) with the C6.

Befitting the photo opportunities given the other driver and myself to pose in front of Discovery on Launch Pad A, 19 March 2010, we mark the history of both the Space Shuttle and the Corvette by bookending with Shuttle program with the enclosed photo! The driver of the 1980 is Jerry Wojcieszak, married, and also owners of a 2004 roadster.


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Wow. I really like the photos. I would really like to get a photo of my vette like that. Is it possible? Thanks for any suggestions.
Unless access to the Launch Pad...

is loosened up a bit before final flight of the Shuttles, you won't have personal access to the Space Center. The only way to have your car pictured with the Orbiter like the ones I took, it for me to drive your car on the Center and then out to the Pad, while you wait at the Visitor Center or Badging Office. I know that sucks, but its really the only way to do it. I have done it once before...with Mr. Blue' s radical '66!! :dancer01:

Then thru this site and communications with me here, would the opportunity for such a photo be possible. All that depends on when the date and time is released for us to have another photo op for the final 3 missions after this one goes up in April. Keep in mind as well...it would take over an hour to use your car and do this out at the Pad and that includes the travel time back and forth from outside the gate. :thumbsup:

A couple of more photos are included to tease u a bit...:hehehe:


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Wow, thanks for the fast response. How do I check on when the shuttle is rolled out to the launch pad? They show the launch dates but I don't see the roll out dates. And what's the best way to contact you as the roll out dates come up? Thanks again. Mark
WOW!! That would be a totally unique experience...need a photographer? I'll spend all day, in any weather for that opportunity!
LOL...I don't need a photographer...

...but thanx for the offer in asking! :thumbsup:

About 95% of the photos I've ever posted with the Corvettes that I own, or other owners, have been taken by me. Other cameras used usually belong to other individuals with me that also own Corvettes, and they work out here as well and have the same access codes I possess.

Rollout dates are scheduled, but change almost every mission...kinda like within 24 to 48 hours noticed in most cases. When the Shuttle does roll out, it takes about 6 to 7 hours to travel the 3.5 miles to Pad A. Once on the Pad, the Rotating Service Structure remains away for approx 6 to 8 hours...thus providing the first photo ops with nothing but Shuttle in view...after those 6 to 8 hours, the RSS is rolled into position, covering almost 90% of the Shuttle from sight. Approx 12 to 18 hours before launch, the RSS is once again rolled back to expose the Shuttle...presenting another opportunity, however, extremely limited and restricted for obvious reasons (but I have taken pics of my cars during that time).

Now, with the last 4 missions coming up (STS 131, Discovery, is on the Pad this very moment, scheduled for lift off at 0619 am EST, on the 5th of April), there is word that the photo ops will be increased, again, with very little notice. As time goes by for the the last 3 missions, I'll try and post rollout dates and times ("nix" if at night for rollout...no pics), and how long the RSS will remain retracted. Stay tuned to the CKCC post is all I can suggest.

Taking a picture of your car, and having the Shuttle in the background, will have to be done by me, or even maybe another fellow employee if he or she decided, or has the time, to help...and with your camera (I'll have my camera as a backup). :D

Again...these opportunities are determined by someone else with a higher pay grade than I have...:hehehe:...so, it depends on a great deal of timing but most important of all, your availability as well! :yesnod:

I'll add this about any access to KSC...nothing is guranteed out here...any and all photo ops could be cancelled at the last moment...that means both u and I are taking great chances at life to hopefully get these shots. ;) My opportunities obviously have greater odds of success.
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Very cool. I'd certainly be interested in the opportunity to have mine posed in front of the shuttle...I'll keep my eye open for your updates :thumbsup:
Thanks again for the info. I will keep watch on this thread and pm to you if the timing is right.
STS 132 rollout...here's the latest....

Tuesday, the 13th of April, Atlantis rolls out of its Orbiter Processing Facility with first motion beginning at 0630 hours. It will rolling over to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to be mated with its tank and rocket boosters.

On the 20th of April, the entire stack will begin rollout to Launch Pad A for STS 132. The stack should arrive on the Pad approx between the times of 0700 and 0800 hours. The RSS will remain retracted (thus exposing the entire Shuttle complex) when its considered in 'hard stand', and will remain retracted until 6 pm (1800 hours) that evening. The 20th will be the one and only photo op for this mission (unlike the 2 photo ops for Discovery just a few weeks ago).

Here's the rub...with the popularity of the last photo op that included the pics I posted here just a few weeks ago, there will be a review of procedures that allowed vehicles inside the fenced area of the Pad (it pissed a few people off I guess).

That is also a regular duty day for me...so, here how it might play out...there may be a change that no vehicles of any kind are allowed inside the gate...but nothing mentioned of being a few feet outside the gate for photo ops. Its maybe a 20 foot difference in distance, if that. We'll see.

As far as me getting your Vette posed, well, it will depend on the work day I have and what my committments I have to the safety of the Shuttle. Be advised as well...everything changes I wrote above on maintenance reliablity and weather...it can change without notice and then we'll have to catch up to those changes.

Either way folks....it will depend on how things transpire here...and how INSTANTLY available u are and IF we can get a photo op for your car (outside the gate if thats the course 'they' take).

Be patient...and be ready!!!
Thanks for the info. Tuesday is hard for me to break away from my business on west coast of Florida. Wish it was on a weekend but thanks again for keeping us informed.
awesome info...I'll see what I can do about getting that day off from work, then based on info from you, i'll get closer to the cape if we get a green light. :thumbsup: Thank you again for at least looking into this kind of opportunity for us.
As luck has it!!

With the last launch of Discovery this past Monday (5th of April), it was discovered during a post launch inspections from land and ISS cameras, that a piece of tile was 'liberated' from the rudder speed brake. :shrug01:

Word on the street is that the rollout of Atlantis, for Tuesday the 13th of April, to the VAB, will most likely be delayed so both it, and Endeavour, can be inspected in the same region. :banghead:

Of course, if the rollout is delayed to the VAB, so goes the the delay being built in for rollout to the launch pad...pushing back the 20th of April to another date yet to be determined. :confused:

Stay tuned...........
Hey Mark, how about a cruise to the cape and get some pictures taken.

Hey Mark, how about a cruise to the cape and get some pictures taken.


I was just thinking the same thing Tim. If's its on a weekend or Friday, it'll work. I think it is awesome of Nasajack to offer this opportunity. :thumbsup:
Nasajack....thanks for the update...first and foremost is the safety of the crew in orbit...hope all is well and keep us posted.
Landing vs. photo op

With the landing of Discovery, STS 131, postponed until the 3rd attempt (and 4th) is tried tomorrow, Tuesday, the 20th of April, at 0733 hours, the photo op at pad A for STS 132 has been cancelled for scheduled Division times at KSC. :nonod:

Landing takes presendence over rollout for duty times and stations. If Discovery is sent to Dryden, the photo op may be rescheduled, and/or brought back without notice. As for now, it remains cancelled.

Either way, my assignment for landing is at the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) whether Discovery lands here or in California...which removed me any from opportunity for a photo op at Pad A. No matter where Discovery lands ...my duty station remains at the SLF. Sorry for the inconvenience guys...maybe STS 133 or STS 134. :shrug01:
hey hey man...no worries at all...we're just glad that you are presenting a possibility...we'll take what we can get. Thanks for keeping up updated.