• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

8 days of rain

This has been one wet May! It has rained 8 days in a row. Most Mays are very dry since we have high pressure dead locked on top of us. The last real wet May i remeber was in 1979 when we got about 17" of rain in two days.

So far i have had about 9" of rain since last Friday.
Only 32 more days and nights of rain left to go.... :hehehe:

The forecast here in north Florida is between 40 and 60 percent chance of rain every day through the end of the month. This is REAL unusual for this time of year. At least since I've been living here. Normally around this time we're worried about fires because of the excessively dry weather. Then we don't get any rain until it comes by the bucket full when a tropical storm or hurricane brings it in spades.
Anytime i buy another telescope it seems to do the trick and bring rain.

Sorry for the wet Vettes people.:dancer01: