• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Crist is the Man


Road Trip!
GOP drove him out of party...they will be sorry if they back Rubio...Looks like a Crist/Lieberman ticket in 2012...
God help us!! It would not be much different than what we have now.

Yea Crist is a wishy washy flip flop. He talks tough (used to be nick named chain gang charlie) but he has lined himself up too close to the socialist King Obama as of late. I hope Crist's election attempt goes down in flames!
Yea Crist is a wishy washy flip flop. He talks tough (used to be nick named chain gang charlie) but he has lined himself up too close to the socialist King Obama as of late. I hope Crist's election attempt goes down in flames!

Flames it will be. He and Meek will split the Dem vote. Crist will get next to none of the black vote. Most Republicans will go with the Republican candidate. Crist is a political whore who sold out to the teachers' whining about actually being held accountable for their own job performance. There aren't enough of them that will vote for him, and of their ranks, black teachers will go with Meek.
Rubio is already embroiled in scandal...Just what we need in Tally...

Crist appointed another person under investigation, Jim Greer, to head the party, yet now he's trying to act like he's at an arm's length. Also, this is for the US Senate, not State.

Yea Crist is a wishy washy flip flop. He talks tough (used to be nick named chain gang charlie) but he has lined himself up too close to the socialist King Obama as of late. I hope Crist's election attempt goes down in flames!
Crist lost my support...

on two issues:

Firstly, he supported Obama and the stimulus package that is taking this country to financial ruin. :NoNo:

Secondly, he allowed the law that almost doubles auto tag/registration fees. In Economics 101, you CANNOT tax your way out of a recession. My fees went from $220 a year to the tune of $450 for 2010! :ack2:

And IMHO, his switch to run as an Independent simply proves to me that he will sacrifice his holier-than-thou facade, and the will of the people, to promote selfishly his own political agenda and to save his political skin. :thumbsdown:

:2232censored: him and the political horse he rode in on!!
on two issues:

Firstly, he supported Obama and the stimulus package that is taking this country to financial ruin. :NoNo:

Secondly, he allowed the law that almost doubles auto tag/registration fees. In Economics 101, you CANNOT tax your way out of a recession. My fees went from $220 a year to the tune of $450 for 2010! :ack2:

And IMHO, his switch to run as an Independent simply proves to me that he will sacrifice his holier-than-thou facade, and the will of the people, to promote selfishly his own political agenda and to save his political skin. :thumbsdown:

:2232censored: him and the political horse he rode in on!!

Good points.