• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

to lease or not ot lease is the question


New member
Just wondering, how many owners lease their cars. I am thinking of leasing a C-6, but not sure of the problems that occur within a lease. Any ideas, please respond. Thank you.
Just wondering, how many owners lease their cars. I am thinking of leasing a C-6, but not sure of the problems that occur within a lease. Any ideas, please respond. Thank you.

There are a couple of problem inherent to leasing.

Mileage limitations, condition of vehicle at the end of the lease and modifications.

A lot of people lease, mod (cosmetics) and then convert the car back before turning the car in at the end of the lease.

Leases have mileage caps. If you're over at the end, they will ding you for them on a $$ per mile basis.

Most all leases expect "normal" wear and tear to a vehicle. Make sure you know what your lease company means by "normal" and how they access costs if not within thier parameters.

The UP SIDE to leasing:

Maintenance- All Leases I've ever seen, include routine and periodic maintenance as part of the package. As well, any major issues are covered and you simply return the vehicle for another.

TAXES: If you own a business, you can write off the entire cost of a lease vehicle. I thought about leasing for my business, but the mileage and potential for damage changed my direction.

Finally: Buy out. At the end of the lease you have the option of refinancing and purchasing the vehicle for various amounts. Most I've seen go with the current retail value of the car based upon year, make, model, condition and mileage.

Hope some of this is some use to you.
More Input

Shadow has some good points...

Consider these:
The decision to lease a car should be based on the financial attractiveness of the lease compared to borrowing the funds to buy the same car. With a lease, ownership of the car rests with the leasing company, the lessor, which enters into a contract with the person leasing the car, the lessee, for use of the car over the term of the lease. Financially, the size of a lease payment results from the interest rate of the lease and the principal to be repaid over the lease term. Evaluation of the attractiveness of a lease is much more than a simple assessment of the proposed payment. Leases vary dramatically in their assumptions, conditions and buyout privileges, which determine economic benefits at the end of the lease term.

The major legal and financial difference between leasing and buying is the ownership of the car. With a purchase, the ownership of the car remains with the purchaser, although financing might be registered against the car as collateral for a loan. The purchaser owns the car, but agrees to "secure" the car loan with the car. When the loan is repaid, the purchaser owns the car. If the purchaser fails to pay the loan as agreed, the lender has the legal right to seize the car and sell it and keep the proceeds.

With a lease, the leasing company own the car. The leasing company or "lessor" contracts with a user or "lessee" to use the car for a lease payment over the term of the lease, subject to certain conditions. At the end of the lease, the leasing company owns the car. The lessee might or might not have the right to buy the car at this point.

The repayment or "amortization" of principal is the most important difference between a loan and a lease. A loan must repay all of its principal over its life. A lease, however, only needs to pay back sufficient principal to equal the value of the car at the end of the lease. The value of a car at the end of a lease is called the "residual value". This value is the key factor in deriving the amount of the lease payment.

Forgetting about interest rates for a moment, let's consider the purchase and finance of a $30,000 car. With a loan, we would borrow the $30,000 and then repay the principal over the term of the loan. With a 3 year loan, we would pay $10,000 per year for three years. Let's now contrast this to a 3 year lease. The leasing company looks at the car and projects how much it thinks it will be worth in 3 years. Let's assume the car will be worth $15,000 at the end of the 3 year term. This means the leasing company could sell the car for $15,000 when the car "comes off lease". The leasing company, the owner of the car, only has to repay $15,000 in principal since it assumes a sale value for the car of $15,000 at the end to the lease term. This means that they only have to provide for $5,000 per year in principal repayment over the lease term.

We can now see why lease payments are usually very much lower than loan payments since they repay far less principal over the same term. In our example, the loan repaid $10,000 per year in principal where the lease only repaid $5,000 per year due to the expectation of $15,000 in "residual value". We can also see why there are mileage restrictions imbedded into leases since high mileage cars are worth less and will reduce the eventual sale proceeds to the lease company. If the lease company is expecting $15,000 in residual value and high mileage has reduced the realizable sale price to $10,000, the leasing company would be out $5,000!

Buyout clauses on leases are also determined by the mathematics of amortization. If the leasing company projects that the car will be worth $15,000 at the end of the lease, they clearly won't set the buyout price at $10,000 and lose money. They will set the buyout price above the outstanding principal balance at any point, the higher the better from their point of view.

As for a loan, interest rates have a major effect on the cost of a lease financing. Since the outstanding principal balance is paid after the interest is calculated, higher interest rates result in higher lease payments. Think of the example of a $30,000 car lease. Simplifying things to annual payments, there would be a $3,000 interest payment after the first year with an interest rate of 10% and $1,500 with an interest rate of 5%. This would make a total payment of $8,000 at 10% ($3,000 interest plus $5,000 principal) compared to $6,500 ($1,500 interest plus $5,000 principal) combining the interest payments with the $5,000 principal payment.

The interest rates charged on leases vary with the leasing companies' costs of financing. Most automobile dealers have access to the manufacturers "captive" (in-house) leasing subsidiaries like General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) and Ford Motor Credit Corporation (FMCC). The dealer sells the car to the leasing company which then leases it to the customer. These "auto finance" companies borrow money in the capital markets to finance their leasing portfolios. This means that leasing rates move up and down with interest rates in the bond market, actually tracking similar term bonds quite closely. In Canada, the banks have been restricted from financing leases although they are lobbying the government strenuously to allow them into this lucrative business.

When is it a good idea to lease a car? Your motivation for leasing a car is important to the decision. If you like to change cars frequently, it's probably better to lay the depreciation/ market value risk off to the leasing company. Will the car be tax deductible? A lease allows the full deduction of principal, which makes for a higher payment and higher tax deduction.As in all things financial, it pays to shop around. A lower dealer price means a lower lease payment. Take a look at the purchase price for the car and then compare between dealers on this basis. Compare between a lease and an outright purchase. The interest rate is important, so ask the dealer for the interest rate "implicit" in the lease calculation and compare this to one from another dealer or financial institution.

Above all, remember that cashflow is king. As we say in business, "lower payments do not make a better financial decision make".

:hehehe: JIM :hehehe:
Sum Beech Jim!!!:eek::lmao:

And I thought I was wordy?

U keep it up and we're putting J.D. after your name!:lmao:

Great info BTW:thumbsup:
Jim and Shadow thanks so much for the information, as I have always been told, forewarned is forearmed. I now have a better understanding of leases, I never have leased anything. and was looking mostly from a cash flow point of view, not the best. Once again thanks.