• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



New member
Yes, the Official Corvettes Anonymous website is Up & Running! at www.corvettesanonymous.org

Oh Man! Finally a couple of minutes to take a breather!

It is still very much a work in progress but … you only eat an elephant ~ one bite at a time.

There are Several CorvetteFlorida members who have come out of the closet and confessed to Thier Problem and become Charter Members of Corvettes Anonymous. To each of you, I am honored!

I am in the process of adding additions to The Couch so please email or PM your "stories" and a pic so I can get them posted.

PayPal is working so that cuts down on some order time and we will do our best to still get orders to you before Christmas… but the important thing to remember is that the window for Charter Member discounts closes 12/31/06.

Once again, to ALL of you here at CorvetteFlorida, Thank You so very much for your interest and for your support.

Have Fun!
There Ain’t No Cure But There Is
Corvettes Anonymous!
MMC5 said:
Not by a long stretch! Goes with the alligator mouth syndrome! :lmao:
His 1st problem is Tom's a Hoosier.:rofl1: 2nd problem Tom went to a high school in Indy like i did that did not have a Basketball Team that was worth a Crap :nonod: 3rd and finally is Tom has all that hair that he needs to be takin of all the time :lmao: Speaking from a man going Bald:hehehe: BTW it's good to hear from you :wavey: i will be senting you a PM (A Warning:rofl1: )
OMG! Dead On Right on 2 out of 3! All that hair was just a LITTLE gray until I embarked on This Problem!

Gotta take my VP of Security for a check around the coumpound then get back to this screen!

All I can say 9T8 is MAFO! :thumbsup: :lmao:

Just a note and My opinion...

We're not members of a "Corvette Club," where Vetter's get together and do charitable events etc. for the needy. We are new to the scene and will attend as many events as we can, especially the ones for a good cause!
But, that isn't enough for us, So we joined Corvettes Anonymous. It gives US another opportunity to do some good through our Vettes without being "Club Members".
We're by No means against "Corvette Club" Membership! We'll join a club when we find one that'll tolerate ME.:D

Until then, We look forward to meeting other CORVETTE ANONYMOUS people (those who decided to go a step further), while at different events here in FL. as well as around the Nation, Whether they're Corvette Club members or not.:thumbsup:


:welcome: to CorvetteFlorida.Com Guy :wavey: .Or should i say #1:thumbsup: We are glad you could join us.I have seen you around the Valley.Meeting with Tom tomorrow for some goodies.I had Tom make me a personalize shirt and maybe going for afew of those cool mugs .:thumbsup:
9T8Vette said:
:welcome: to CorvetteFlorida.Com Guy :wavey: .Or should i say #1:thumbsup: We are glad you could join us.I have seen you around the Valley.Meeting with Tom tomorrow for some goodies.I had Tom make me a personalize shirt and maybe going for afew of those cool mugs .:thumbsup:

Thanks for the welcome! My wife says I'm #1, but I'm not sure how to take that. ;) I used to live in FL many years ago, so it's nice to read some of the posts here. Tom has some great items and I hope everyone keeps him busy.

Guy's Holders said:
Tom has some great items :wavey:
Not the least of which is a link to some Incredible Cup Holders!

Well, that's it for the Mutual Admiration Society Commercial. We now return you to your regularily scheduled surfing.

9T8, if you see this, call my cell so we can arrange (hopefully) an early time to meet @ the bridge. And ponyexpress, if you see this, maybe you would like to join us!

