• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

New from Panama City Beach


New member
Hi, I surfed into this site and just HAD to sign up - this is a great forum and seems like a very timely place to visit and hang out.

I'm from Panama City Beach and will be joining the Emerald Coast Corvette Club (meeting next week) ;).

I look forward to posting any knowledge I may have and to assist members with whatever I can - great forum! :thumbsup:

Awesome feeling driving these cars huh!

Anyways, if anyone needs a car checked out (pics, details, etc, or opinions on eateries in/around PCB, gimme a shout, wifey and I have dined all up & down the beach and Panama City area....we are real food critics!

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Good Morning and WELCOME aboard. Pull up a keyboard and post away. Remember one can never post to many pics :D
Welcome to CF and be sure to do the Rolex 24

Don't mind me, I'm pushin for all Florida vette owner's to go and support our vette warrior's at the Rolex 24 Daytona. Our Track, our vette brother's doin battle w/ the sum bag porsche's, Ferrari's, and any other taker's, LOL.
That wasn't very nice of me was it? Take no prisoner's I say.:lmao:
:welcome: Yeah, I think we are on the way to being the BEST vette hangout on the net. :thumbsup: Getting more great people joining in about every day now, so the place is starting to get lively.

Lots of shows coming up, so lots of good excuses to take a cruise and meet up with the other folks here.

Have fun! That's what it is ALL about. :yesnod:

Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I'm also a gold member of another very popular Corvette site, but I believe this site has THEM beat! I don't see a lot of deleted posts due to being politically incorrect or using the wrong word(s)....I'll still check in with the other site (because I paid 50 bucks) LOL, but I think I'll make this my "home" :thumbsup:

Great site and really dedicated to our "Sunshine State" ---- thanks again for the warm welcome. I'll support by placing my order for some "Flash" ... I just love new products!


Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I'm also a gold member of another very popular Corvette site, but I believe this site has THEM beat! I don't see a lot of deleted posts due to being politically incorrect or using the wrong word(s)....I'll still check in with the other site (because I paid 50 bucks) LOL, but I think I'll make this my "home" :thumbsup:

Great site and really dedicated to our "Sunshine State" ---- thanks again for the warm welcome. I'll support by placing my order for some "Flash" ... I just love new products!



:welcome:to the family bro:thumbsup:

As to the BOLDED part of your message, you won't. We just don't do that here! If we did, well, a lot of us might not be here either:lmao::lmao:

I have relatives in PC (not on the beach though:( ) that have been there all thier lives:thumbsup:I love that part of Florida.

Got to get back up there soon:thumbsup:

Enjoy the site and again, welcome home:icon_cheers:


I left the other CF some time ago because of the over managing of the sites by the moderators and the a$$holes that just want to pick people apart for whatever reason. I don't have time for both sites, so this is where I come to everyday. May not always post, but I always check in. Now, I occasionally look over at the other site when I get a chance, but this is the place to be. Good people looking to help others.

Now, where are the :pics:

Tim, :welcome::welcome::welcome: to a wonderful bunch of folks. You've now inherited a bunch of Corveete brothers and sisters. Also visit our sister site Corvette International which just started up. :thumbsup::thumbsup: