• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Florida is GREAT...


New member
Day 1 & 2: Sat/Sun. Arrive Heathrow airport, London on 17 day business trip around England. Weather beautiful.. tour around london eat bland tastless food, drink cool flat beer. fall asleep around 10pm (5 pm florida), wake up 6 am (1 am fla.).
Days 3-7: Mon/Fri. Take Underground Tube to Kings Cross with 100 lbs of luggage starring at what has to be an 80's gang from the New York subway system (yellow, orange, and blue spiked hair, tatoo's of weird things on all exposed skin). Attend conference all week, eating bland food and drinking cool, flat beer in the evenings......except Wed. night..was taken for Thia? food after telling locals that their food was bland. Drank lots of cool flat beer to stop the fiery sensation from inside and spent half of thurs. in bathroom.
Day 8: Sat. Weather beautiful, invited to a Lord's estate for some Pheasant and duck hunting. Shot 9 birds and gave them to the poor villagers that spent the day doing what a dog does in the US, beating the bushes to drive the birds to several rich people sitting in chairs (drinking cool flat beer) waiting for the villagers to reach them.
Day 9: Sun. Overcast, 55 F. get invited to go fly fishing for trout on private stream. Catch one fish in 4 hours, return to guests home for cool flat beer and bland food.
Day 10: Mon. (today). return to conferences in Peterborough until thursday night. Ate bland food for lunch. going for Indian cuisine tonight. Will drink lots of cool beer and spend tomorrow in bathroom waiting for lunch and the bland food again...
Florida (and the US in general) is GREAT!:wavey:
Really missing home and the Vette,
Will keep you posted if I can ever get the phone line to dial up the internet again....:lmao:

Wow! Sounds like you are having a GREAT time! Not.... What kind of cars are you driving or riding around in over there? I just get a mental image of everyone over in England driving around in Mini Coopers, or equivalent... :rolleyes:
Sounds like you were in the wrong place. I spent a total of 13 years in Northern England (3 seperate tours while working for the U.S. Government). Except for the weather, I loved it over there. London and the bigger cities are great for a weekend getaway, but wouldn't want to live there. The rest of England, Scotland and Wales is a great place to spend a lot of time.

Rich Z said:
Wow! Sounds like you are having a GREAT time! Not.... What kind of cars are you driving or riding around in over there? I just get a mental image of everyone over in England driving around in Mini Coopers, or equivalent... :rolleyes:

Ha, Your not far off! Lots of mini's, and smaller cars! Because the gas is about $1.50 / liter, most cars are 1.7L or smaller. There are quite a few Lotus and Lambo's in the city areas and if they own a full size vehicle, they're Land Rovers. I'm in a small Ford, something they don't offer in the States. It's diesel and I'll admit, quite peppy for such a small engine, I just can't stand the "sewing machine" sounds all around.

Your right on with your remarks, once outside the city zones, the country is beautiful and the stone homes with Thathed roofs and buildings are amazing! But... The food still Suc*s and the beer is too warm!:hehehe:
I offered to buy dinner for 10 other Brits, if one of them could lead me to a bar-b-que joint! or a steak house with real "steak". I've got some great pictures, but can't post them on "dial-up".
Well, time to head out to the "Round abouts" and fight all those 1.7 Liters for a placement.:eek:

One more thing. I'm permanently banned from ever giving blood over here in the U.S. because of the "Mad Cow" scare that was going over in Europe (including England). The donor centers over here always ask if you've been over to Europe while screening you to see if you qualify for giving blood.

The best meals I've always found while over there were in the pubs. :icon_cheers:
I've been to England a few times while in the USAF and really enjoyed it. Didn't eat off base too much but did down a pint or 10.;) As noted above, the country is beautiful outside the cities. A lot of history to be found there.

Now France..holy sh!t! Don't think I'll go back any time during this life. I'm sure there are exceptions but in general (at least in Paris) the folks were pretty rude to americans.

OK, so there are a few negatives with Fla....but Gator tail tastes great...so, it's all a matter of the perspective in the way you view the picture. I see tidbits for a month!:rofl1:
OK, quick post on Day 11: Tuesday. Weather 55F. overcast with drizzle all day. No bar-b-que restaurants to be had. Indian dinner was good (as far as spice). Sweaty forhead after appetizers, 4 bears with dinner. sweaty forhead dried up about 1/2 hour after leaving restaurant. Brits are enjoying my torture after commenting on their bland food...Cool beer is tasting good...uhmm...by weekend I'll enjoy the bland food...Make note*. not a good idea to suggest the UK is the nicest 3rd. world country visited.....many remarks about US being young colonists after Jaws are removed from table top! All in All, great people with good humor.. food still Suc*s, but beer is getting better by the day!:D :D
Watch your step over there, man. They've taken away all the guns from everyone, but I understand they train handily with those cricket bats. :eek:

As for gator tail, I tried it once and didn't care for it. Too rubbery in texture for me. Kind of like chicken flavored bubble gum..... :D

And watch it dining with those "4 bears"..... :lmao:
Hello again from England!, Since so many have read the post, you must see some humor in my adventure. I will continue your viewing pleasure once again..
Thanks Rich for noting my "4 bears" with dinner..I fear that my accent as well as my pronunciation and spelling are becoming compromised by the influence of my associates over here!:shrug01:
As I mentioned earlier that I am only accessing "Dial-up" periodically, my most dredded fear materialized. When I returned to my room last evening, the telephones were dead! After a bit of complaining this evening, I had a Knock on the door after returning from dinner with the good news that I can go back on the air!. First priority was to call home and let all know that I'm ok. Second was to talk to my teenage daughter and confirm that non of her boyfriends had been permitted to sit in, on, or tamper in any way with "MY" baby!
Now an update on Days 12/13: wed & Thur.
More excitement and adventure was in store last night for me. A good friend that I introduced to hunting some 5 years ago in Florida (got him a nice gobbler and 200+ lb. Hog) returned the favor (with a very unique twist). Now, you all may know that guns are quite difficult to aquire here, in fact shotguns are the easiest, and they require a complex background check as well as a visit to the house and discussion with the family to determine the owners "stability". High powered rifles require letters from large landowners that the owner has permission to use them on his property, and handguns are just plain Taboo! Because of this, a new type of weapon has been deployed here. A multi shot air rifle.....I know, I know, "a pellet gun".. NOT!, I was handed the basic "starter" gun. This air rifle was priced considerably more than the nicest Browning in my cabinet, over $900 US DOLLARS!:eek: As I marveled over the custom walnut stock, 3X9X50mm Scope with lighted reticle and quick focus dial from 20-100 yds. and the foot long SILENCER at the end of the barrel, I had to ask just what the Hel* do you use this for? Fast forward to evening time.....quick sighting in on Squirrels waiting for dark....I sight in on a little bugger and squeeze the trigger...a silent little "tick" is heard...damn, no air charge was my thought..recock the bolt and this time the same little "Tick" but the squirrel (about 30 yds) backflips off the branch and is expired by the time it hits the ground! HOLY Crap! (Squirrell is sold at market for dinner). Now the hunting begins,, for the next 4 hours, we sat 30 yds from a farmers pile of corn for feeding pheasant and shot over 30 RATS! BIG Rats, probably 2 lbs and over a foot long (without the tail). Ummmm, England is getting better, and the beer....Can't wait for the next one!:crazy03:
Well, Tomorrow is Friday and I'm heading back to London for the weekend, I wonder if I can get one of fancy dressed guards at the queens house to move...:D :D
To be continued.....
At last, into London with some High speed internet!

Well, It's Sunday evening and I'm relaxing in a pleasant hotel with all the amenities I've missed the past two weeks. Air conditioning, High Speed Internet, TV, etc. The trip back from Peterborough took about 3 1/2 hours by trains. First train was a high speed jobber (100+ mph). It was interesting in the fact that the rails are so close together that when a train passes in the opposite direction, your ears pop! That was the nice part of the trip. The second train trip occurs in the "underground" portion. That about 15 miles of "subway" type travel, stopping every 2 minutes or so. It's always overcrowded and carring luggage is a real PITA.
For those that have considered a trip to the UK, do it! I think as a tourist, 1 week is plenty. You will see some of the most beautiful and remarkable scenery, castles, and cathedrals that have been preserved for thousands of years. Many of our roots date back here you know. When you leave, you will have a new appreciation to the lifestyles we live in the States. I'm attaching a couple photos, let me know if this works. I'm still unsure of this portion.:ack2:

If they work, I'm the old ugly one, lookin homesick!:lmao:



Glad to hear I'm not the only one stuck away from Florida. I'm in Paris, not much better that UK. The French do seem to be a little more rude and abrupt but....they also never thanked us for, you know, them speaking French today.

I spend entirely too much time here and in London. There are a few too many Mini's...way too many Beamers and, for sure, Smart cars. If you have never seen a Smart...search it out. I think they have been released into the USA now after the crashg tests. I saw the doc on this a few months back....the damned thing actually has less killing potential than your basic US made sedan! Still, I'd not drive anything that would/could roll end over end!

I actually saw a C6 here in Paris yesterday. It had Swiss tags and was nice...from 100 yds. away.

My red c6 sits in my garage....wife dusting him off every day....waiting for me to come home and play.

Cheers to all who wish they were home, like me!!!!
If you need anyone to take your C6 out for a spin a few times to keep the tires from going flat on one side, let me know...... :D Or maybe someone else closer would volunteer as well.

Just don't piss off the French. I would miss the french fries if they pulled the USA franchise.... :lmao:
I hear 'ya.....
But it's hard to piss off the already pissed off.
I keep an open mind since I visit the Middle East, Africa and Asia once a month.

We Americans are suffering due to what I see as a real weak PR system. We are taking a beating where it may not be due......
Try forgetting to send our checks one month and see who stops complaining!

I find the Africans the most friendly. They even comment to me regularly about the "african-americans".

They all wish I would ask next time I go home when they were last in Africa! Recently I spent a week with a crew from Angola. What nice people with all the class we try to pretend we have.

I have learned not to ever order French Fries. They smirk in your face and ask if I meant "chips". Chips are in a bag where you are not supposed to eat just one.

I like talking to fellow Floridians. This is cool....just fix me a screensaver with a VR C6 coupe with solid top!!!!

Did the C5 come in Admiral Blue? :thumbsup: