• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Well, this is shaping up to be a very interesting election...

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Heard some rumors about Hillary Clinton having medical issues, so decided to see what the heck is going on. Found a couple of YouTube videos that are disturbing on a number of levels.

Another rather interesting video. Especially the last minute or so. Is Hillary seriously dissing the Obama administration saying people are desperate for CHANGE NOW from the way he has run this country? :face_palm_02:

its unfortunate that no matter what she does, some people just will not accept her for what she really is. a power monger. she lies to your face and these people still go ok i'll vote for you.
Yeah, the more I learn about that "Clinton Foundation", the more awful Bill and Hillary sound. I really don't wish anyone any harm, but I would be hard pressed to come up with any reason at all why the world wouldn't be a better place if they both were just gone.

The idea that people would actually vote FOR Hillary Clinton to become the president of the USA just completely boggles my mind.

And concerning Trump, I really had no intention of voting for him neither, but after seeing the all out smear campaign the "powers that be" are trying to steam roller him over with via the captive media, I just HAVE to think that he must scare the absolute crap out of them, and therefore would be good for US little people. THEY are scared to death of any change, which pretty much means to me that Trump is going to make that happen if he gets into office. And lord knows that we certainly do need some substantial change in this country if it is going to survive much longer.
No question in my mind that Hillary should be in jail but both the DOJ and FBI are more corrupt than anyone imagined .If Hillary wins Trump won't go quietly
and he will scream calling the election was fixed .(high probability) .

The fact is that if Trump we're to become president he will have to contend with congress and the supreme court .I doubt he is as wealthy as he pretends and is somewhat con artist .

I've voted Libertarian at times but for various reasons I can't support Johnson .

I'll have to PROBABLY vote for Trump for various reasons which are top secret .Keeping in mind the Government reads all this crap we post .
Yeah, the number of blind sheep in our country astounds me. First Obama, now Hillary. How anyone can vote for her is beyond me. The woman will say whatever she thinks you want to hear. When she told the black people in South Carolina that she always carried a bottle of hot sauce with her everywhere she went.....:shrug01:
Well, this sort of activity is pretty disturbing:

Seriously? People acting like a pack of wild animals and attacking other people over political crap?
It appears a certain faction of our society wants to live in our great country for the benefits and free handouts, but they don't like the idea that they should be required to work or follow our laws. Then when someone supports a candidate that might change their way of life they become violent and wave the flag of the country they came from. I say if you are that proud of your flag then just go back to the wonderful country from which you came. And that jackass Obama wants to flood the nation with 110,000 more bastards that hate our guts! :face_palm_02:
You would think that it should at least be a requirement that voters be VERIFIABLE residents of the country they are voting within. It's pretty telling that the democrats will fight such laws tooth and nail.