• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Old f*rt's political rant!


truth seeker
Republicans? Democrats? WTF? First, please permit me to say that I am politically conservative (accused of being right wing). In my 66 yrs I've never voted for anyone other than a Republican. As a veteran, I believe in motherhood, apple pie, and a gun in every drawer. However, I am seriously concerned with the direction of our country.

The U.S. enonomy is plunging headlong into recession while we are being raped daily by big oil at the gas pump. Bankruptcies are at an all time high and thousands are losing jobs. The threat of inflation is at a 5 yr high. The U.S. borders are in shambles as the crime rate escalates (due largely to illegal immigration). We continue to pour billions into a war that has no end in sight and cannot be won. All this while our President galavants across S. Africa pledging billion$ to fight AIDS and hunger. While I am sympathetic to these causes, I have to ask: shouldn't America come first? Can anyone out there enlighten me why my thinking is incorrect? WTF is happening to us?

Our alternatives for the Nov. election (to elect the leader of our country) are indeed sad. I have yet to hear any candidate offer up the inspiration and required leadership to help us out of our dilemma(s). Again, we will be forced to vote for "the lesser of two evils" thus making DAMAGE CONTROL our utmost priority.:nonod:
Yeah. The sad thing is that in the future, today will be considered as "the good old days"................. :rolleyes:
Best you can do

I would like to be able to go to the polls and vote for the best candidate.

Unfortunately, in this election, I feel like the best I can do is vote for the lessor of two evils.
I would like to be able to go to the polls and vote for the best candidate.

Unfortunately, in this election, I feel like the best I can do is vote for the lessor of two evils.

Quite honestly, it has been that way for as long as I can remember. I have NEVER voted FOR someone. I have always voted AGAINST the other guy.

You have to ask yourself, is this the BEST that America can do offering up a leader of this country?
I agree with you 100%! The problem is that anyone that is qualified and capable of running this country.....doesn't want to. It's in too big of a mess for anyone in their right mind to tackle. My last great hope was Ross Perot, and then he bailed. We need to mend our problems here at home before we try to fix things that we DIDN"T screw up overseas.

Remember, the lesser of two evils...........is still evil!
I will not waste my vote on either the red or blue team. I'll vote 3rd party, maybe someday someone will get the message but I doubt it.

Our kids will be spending more than half their paycheck to pay for the wealth redistribution that will take place in the next 10 years. Have we left them more than what we had? We sure did and they won't be able to pay for it.
I will not waste my vote on either the red or blue team. I'll vote 3rd party, maybe someday someone will get the message but I doubt it.

Our kids will be spending more than half their paycheck to pay for the wealth redistribution that will take place in the next 10 years. Have we left them more than what we had? We sure did and they won't be able to pay for it.

The question is, of course, is there anyone running independently who is worth voting for either?

To be quite honest, what this country really needs now is a benevolent king. Congress is too eaten up with special interests and self interests that even a PERFECT president really couldn't make much difference.

Unless we are invaded by altruistic aliens trying to save us from ourselves, I don't see the American public having the guts nor ability to change things. Quite honestly, maybe humanity is basically flawed in the ability to truly be what we would all like to think being "the ideal human" is all about.
Who could we get?

Who could we get to run for president that would be smart enough to do a good job for us but dumb enough to take the job?

That's a hard combination to find!
This is the first election, since the 18 yrs old got to vote in 72 that I am totally uninterested, wish that there was a box that said none of the above, lets try again.
Yeah, but what do you do when there is NO lesser of the two evils? Both choices are just as bad?