• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Hey Ya All......LET's not forget our Founding Father's Birthday


New member
I have a special request of our Vette owner's on this fine Florida Corvette site.
Our Corvette founding father ZORA ARKUS-DUNTOV birthday is this XMAS day.

I've mentioned this before as it's irrevelent. I'm the Godson of Zora and Elfi Duntov. Zora as most here know passed away 1995.
Zora attended any.yes any club function's he was invited to. All it took was any member to contact him and ask his attendence and Zora most alway's replied he'd be there. With Zora though you also had to approve Elfi's coming along as well.
Most all people didn't know it, But Zora's home phone number was listed rather than unlisted. The reason being if ANY Corvette owner ever had a problem, or some question related to their Corvette.....He wanted to know first hand and maybe he'd be able to help them anyway he could. Try finding a Cheif Engineer of any Auto manufacture who'd do this complement today.
Anyway, and where I'm going with all this..........I'd like to ask the member's
of this site to to write some nice Xmas greeting's on this site to Elfi Duntov.
I know how dearly she misses her Zora (Poopsy) and especially on his birthday, but also due to her health and her not traveling anymore.....how she misses the Corvette people she always loved meeting.
I'd like to copy all communicational greeting given herein and send them off to Elfi.ofcourse with your permission.
What say all Florida Corvette member's?

Although I've never had the pleasure of meeting the Great Man, I have heard of his Legacy. Please take at least some comfort in knowing that he lives on through our enjoyment of a machine that he helped make perfect.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours Ms. Duntov.

...and Happy Birthday Mr. Duntov...May you R.I.P

I can't think of any more incredible legacy to have then to be the real founder of the Corvette. That sort of legacy will absolutely live forever. Not many people will ever do that in their lives.

Perhaps someday GM will create a special Duntov edition of the Corvette to commemorate the man behind the legend. :thumbsup:
My Thanks to you Jim, for the attachment

There are a hundred stories I'd like to tell and at times with friends I share those of Zora and Elfi. He was riot to be around and increditiably honest to the point of very blunt so to speak. Just an increditable man for sure to speak nothing of an engineer so fr ahead of his time. But looking back, most all his close engineering team and friends were the best by far.

Anyway, thanks Jim for your time and consideration.
The NCM has a nice tribute and historical area dedicated to Zora and his accomplishments. Happy Birthday, Zora. :thumbsup:
Dear Ms. Duntov,

Please accept my wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!

Dan Wachs, Lake Mary, FL
Many thanks to Zora for all his contributions to the corvette world and to both Zora and Elfi for their support of the corvette community :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Many thanks for such a Wecomed surprise to all

This is a direct quote from Elfi Duntov to all those who wrote their Xmas and thanks to Zora,
Spoke w/ Elfi and read all messages to her that were posted here at Corvetteflorida.com site.
She was quite taken by the out pouring of gratitude extended within this site.NO other site's of Corvette concern had done such for her or Zora.
She went on to say that she misses the people of the Corvette club's as all had always been such warm and considerate people towards she and Zora.
Many thanks from my wife Bonnee and myself for each and all who took the time to share their thought's of such a wonderful person Zora trully was and all he'd acomplished for the Corvette and it's future for year's to come.
Happy Holiday's to all.
Oh yes, before I close this message..........a VERY SPECIAL thank you, to Rich for his time to put this site together for all of us. HIP HIP ole boy.
You know, I think Elfi should attend one of the bigger Corvette shows. I think it would be a treat for everyone to meet her. Not to mention it probably would be a lift to her spirits to see so many people enthusiastic about her husband's work.
Believe me

Elfi Duntov unknown to most, isn't able to travel anymore. She'd done so for many year's after Zora's passing.
Big club or small never made any difference to Zora or Elfi contrary to what some have written of them.
Right here in Central Florida was once a NCCC club, the Lake County Corvette Assoc. A club of only 14 owner's. On 2 occassions, Zora and Elfi came and took part of the LCCA fun in the sun.
The last event, the 1st ever Grand Sport Corvette Reunion 1978 at Sebring.
As I said, size didn't matter to them.........it was the people.
I know, as I was event chairman and member of LCCA.