• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Boring Halloween


Been around for awhile
Well this year's Halloween was alittle boring.The parents around here decided not to do the Hay rides for the Kids.This is something around here that all parents must get involved or it just doesn't happen. We do not have children ourselfs but do enjoy having the little gremlins around on Halloween:reddevil: It's purdy cool you will have 20 to 30 at the time riding in a Haywagon.We are in a area that has 3acres plus so the homes are setting a distance away from the road.Halloween Flyers are put in your mailbox to inform to put lights on and your mailbox flag up.Next year i will need to get involved with the parents to have this again.:yesnod:
I only had 14 trick-or-treaters come to my door. Now I'm left with all this good candy. Hmm...what can I do with it? :hehehe: I actually started a diet last week, so I guess I'll have to put it away for a while.

:wavey: Although We have 3 kids (15, 16 and 18), I'm kind of in the same boat.
We used to live in a community where little kids, including mine, would run around having a blast trick or treating.

For 7 years now, we've lived in the country where there really isn't anything going on, so we'd go to the old neighborhood and let the kids do their thing.

Last year, my son and a few of his friends would hide in bushes, around cars etc. and pounce on bigger kids that would try and steal candy from the little ones.:NoNo: (he's a good boy)!
This year we went to "The Villages" listened to a live band, ate, then came home and watched mission impossible 3. It was fun, but I sure do miss the little ones running around in their costumes!

I'm looking foreward to grandkids in years to come!!!:thumbsup:

My gated community is a mixed bag with about 250 houses, mostly middle to old age. Some teenagers and a few rug rats. Bought some good size candy bars for anyone stopping by and only had 2 come around. Looks like I'll have some snakes in the house for awhile. :D
Heck, I live in the middle of the woods on a dirt road with a long winding driveway off of this road to the house. Since we moved here in '91, we have not had a single solitary trick-or-treater come to the door.

I guess the fact that we have snakes and guns (and all the neighbors know it) probably has a lot to do with that........ :reddevil:
MADN3SS said:
I only had 14 trick-or-treaters come to my door. Now I'm left with all this good candy. Hmm...what can I do with it? :hehehe: I actually started a diet last week, so I guess I'll have to put it away for a while.
Madn3ss i heard on the radio that 68% of candy purchased for Halloween actually makes it to the kids :yesnod: .Other 32% is us eating the left overs:NoNo: :lmao:
We had a really slow year, too. We had LOTS of candy left over. Took most of it in to work today. One of the girls at work lives in Cape Coral and she said they had so many kids they were lined up down her driveway waiting in LINES to get candy!! She had 20 bags of candy and ran out!! They must have bussed them out of Lehigh to Cape Coral...:lmao:
We have lots of kids in my neighborhood but not a single kid came around. I didn't see any driving home from bowling earlier in the evening either. :shrug01: It's definitely not like it was when I was a kid. In todays society, parents seem a lot less willing to let their kids do stuff like that. I can't say that I really blame them.:nonod: