• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Fred Thompson Rally !!


New member
Fred will be in Cape Coral on Friday the 14th for a rally. It will be at Jaycees park and will start at 1 p.m. Fred will speak between 1:40 and 2 p.m. I sure hope we can get a large group to attend! He is for a secure border and the fair tax, that is all I need to know. Please attend if you are able!
I loved his video on youtube ripping Michael "fat a**" Moore for being a traitor! He tells us like it is:thumbsup:
fred is making 3 stops in Florida on friday, but I don't know where the others are! All I can say is go fred go ! I hope he pulls out in front of the others very soon.
Ya Fred said he'd stop by Conway Self Storage (my home) and chug a beer or two .Freds a good old boy ,we played sandbox when we we're little tikes.
He was at the Villages this afternoon...I missed him though:banghead: !

BTW...Poll: Thompson leading in FL

And you wonder why Mitt Romney might be pumping money into FL TV? The Florida Chamber of Commerce today released a poll showing Fred Thompson leading Rudy Giuliani 27 percent to 21 percent. Bringing up the rear among Republicans are John McCain at 9% and Romney at 8%. Among Democrats, it's Hillary Clinton at 36%:lmao: :rofl1: , Barack Obama at 18%, and John Edwards and Joe Biden both at 9%.
:dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01: :dancer01:
I just got back from Freds Rally. The guy is awesome, I just can't believe how down to earth and normal this guy is.He has the same ideas as us normal people, on most of the major issues.I also can't believe the amount of young people there.I think Fred can win!
Anyone is better than Hillary. Thompson has been described as southern fried Reagan. He does seem to be at ease on the stump. All eyes will be on him and his first debate. I am glad he is pro fair tax. I may write him a check tonight. :thumbsup:
I am a Fred Thompson supporter also. I too think he is a "no-nonsense, commonsense", kinda guy. I think it will be down to the wire between him and Rudy Giulliani for the Nomination.
I think once Fred gets around where more people can hear him speak and get to know him he will be the front runner by far. I am really impressed by the guy!
He seemed pretty heathy when we we're both in sandbox back in 27.But it's always intreasting to see who's his VP will be.
i think Fred is pretty healthy. He has fathered 2 babies in the last 4 years. The last one is only 10mos. old. Maybe it was viagra I don't know! But he does look very healthy.