• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Fred Thompson Covers Florida !!


New member
If Fred can cover the other 49 states the way he has Florida this week he will win the whole bag of tricks hands down.Fred says and I agree that the illegal aliens should not recieve any American taxpayer money. He also says that the sanctuary cities should loose thier grants and aid programs for not helping to enforce immigration laws..
Yesterday, Senator Fred Thompson concluded a four-day Florida swing with stops in Orlando, Celebration, Tampa, Lakeland, Naples, Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. The Senator participated in the Republican Party of Florida’s Presidency 4 event in Orlando which included a candidate rally, receptions for grassroots, Hispanic and African American Republican leaders, a Fox News Channel Republican Presidential Debate and post-debate party with hundreds of Presidency 4 ambassadors. Monday, Senator Thompson stopped in Celebration for a roundtable discussion with a group of women who own small businesses and then toured the Port of Tampa and attended a fundraiser in Lakeland. On Tuesday, the Senator started the day in Naples where he held a roundtable discussion with Collier County Sheriff Don Hunter and unveiled his comprehensive plan for immigration reform. Later in the day, Senator Thompson toured the Urbieta Oil Company, a family owned business and the first supplier of ethanol in South Florida, and then concluded his trip with a fundraiser in Ft. Lauderdale.

Please see the articles below for a full recap of the Senator’s trip.

Articles from Monday 10.22.07

St. Pete Times

It's a gloating old party

By Adam Smith

Why did Fred Thompson speak less than five minutes to Florida Republican activists Saturday? Senior Thompson adviser Rich Galen told Buzz that before taking the stage Thompson asked how long the crowd had been in the room, and learned they had already been there a long time. "He said, 'Then why don't we give them five minutes of pure, grass roots rah-rah and let them get to the bar.'"


Tampa Tribune

Sparks Fly At GOP Debate

By William March

When Chris Wallace asked Thompson whether Giuliani and Romney are "consistent conservatives," he responded, "Well, we've got an hour and a half. Maybe they can work on it." He then said Giuliani "sides with Hillary Clinton" on abortion, gun control and "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens - the ultimate insult to the crowd of Clinton-bashers on the stage and in the audience.



Republican presidential candidates engage in conservative tussle at Orlando debate

By William Gibson

The candidates spent much of their debate time on Sunday arguing about who was the most conservative candidate. Thompson has thrown other leading candidates on the defensive by questioning their conservative credentials.

"The fact of the matter is we're bankrupting the next generation. We're spending the money of our grandkids and those yet to be born. They don't have a seat at the table," Thompson said.

He said figuring future cost of living increases for Social Security based on price inflation not wage inflation is part of the solution.


Orlando Sentinel

GOP candidates talk tough

By John Kennedy and Jim Stratton

We believe in free people," Thompson said. "We believe in free enterprise. And Americans who work hard and play by the rules have a decent chance of living the American Dream, just like I have and so many others have."


Palm Beach Post

GOP hopefuls race to right at debate

By George Bennett and Dara Kam

Thompson responded directly to a question about whether he was "lazy" by noting he became a husband and father at age 17, a federal prosecutor by age 28, worked on the Watergate investigation and later became a U.S. Senator and a key player in President Bush's efforts to get John Roberts confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. "If a man can do all that and be lazy, I recommend it to everybody," Thompson said.


Articles from Tuesday 10.23.07

The Ledger

AP: Thompson Talks of Daughter Who Died

By Libby Quaid

"I will assure you one thing, no matter which decision you make, you will never know whether or not you made exactly the right decision," Thompson said. "So making this into a political football is something that I don't welcome. And this will probably be the last time I ever address it."

He added: "It should be decided by families. The federal government and the state government, too - except for the court system - ought to stay out of it, as far as I'm concerned."


St. Pete Times

Thompson: It's family issue

By John Frank

"Obviously I knew about the Schiavo case," he said. "I had to face a situation like that in my own personal life with my own daughter.

"I am a little bit uncomfortable because this is an intensely personal thing for me," Thompson said, mentioning his 38-year-old daughter who died in 2002 from an accidental drug overdose. "These things need to be decided by the family."


Tampa Tribune

Thompson Says Life Support Choice 'Personal'

By William March

“Citing his own personal experience with the death of his adult daughter in 2002, Thompson said the question is 'an intensely personal thing with me,' and added, 'It should be decided by the family. The federal government and the state government, too, except for the court system, ought to stay out of those matters as far as I'm concerned.'

'I know this is bandied about as a political issue,' Thompson said. 'I am a little bit uncomfortable about that because it's an intensely personal thing with me. ... I was at that bedside and I had to make those decisions with the rest of my family. And, I will assure you one thing, no matter which decision you make, you will never know whether or not you made the right decision.'


Gainesville Sun

AP Interview: Thompson defends work schedule amid laziness remark

By Libby Quaid

Thompson visited a flower shop in Celebration, Fla., and defended his campaign work schedule in an interview with The Associated Press. He said his strategy is working and "I'm going to do it the way I want to do it."

"You can name a lot of places that I haven't been, and you can name a lot of places that I have been several times," Thompson said.

"I've been to Florida three or four times," he said. "The mainstream media, with all due respect, likes to concentrate on the process game on a daily basis, and I can't get caught up in that. I'm going to do it the way I want to do it."

Thompson pointed out he comes in second among Republicans in most national polls and has more than 100,000 contributors despite making some decisions that defy conventional wisdom.

"Some experts, I think, probably expected me to be slicker and better-scripted than I am," said Thompson, a TV and movie actor. "Ironically, I don't follow a script well."


Orlando Sentinel

In Kissimmee, Thompson tackles issue of image

By Jim Stratton

Seeking to shake the label of a lackadaisical campaigner, Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson addressed it head-on Monday, telling a group of female business leaders that his low-key manner shouldn't be mistaken for indolence.

"I'm kind of a laid-back guy," said Thompson, a former Tennessee senator. "But I've been hardworking and successful for a long, long time."

"I don't have to prove myself to anybody," he said, during the campaign stop at a florist shop here. "I've done pretty well being me. And me is all they're going to get."


Sarasota Herald Tribune

'Lazy' label dogs Thompson's bid

By Anna Scott

While low-key in person, Thompson's Florida campaign schedule this week is vigorous, with stops in the Orlando area and Tampa on Monday and today in Naples, Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

Thompson's supporters say there is nothing wrong with their candidate's style.

"He's not trying out for a high school musical," said Florida U.S. Rep. Adam Putnam.

"I feel in my heart that he comes from his heart," said Ruth Coberley, who owns a contracting business. "He's not a show-boater and I think that's important. After all, he was a movie star."

"I feel he is what he is, and that's the kind of person I am too," Quittschreiber said. "I like that he's laid-back and not crazy with rhetoric."


St. Pete Times

Real working class credentials

By John Frank

Thompson doesn't shy from these difficult beginnings. He said he feels like he has had two different lives. "Life got my attention right as I got out of high school, and I had to go from being a boy to being a man in short order," Thompson told a group of Orlando businesswomen during an event Monday. "And I did."

Minor details notwithstanding, the larger theme Thompson preaches about his Everyman roots remains attractive to many voters. Clifton, his childhood friend and now major supporter, said his upbringing is his best quality. "He's the people's candidate," she said. "I believe he can relate to people because he worked his way up."


Palm Beach Post

Thompson touts revised Social Security proposal

By George Bennett

Saying he's taking a political risk, Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson said Monday he'll unveil a Social Security proposal soon that includes private accounts and slows the growth of benefit increases for future retirees.

Thompson said his plan won't change Social Security for current retirees or those about to retire.

It would change the way baseline benefits are calculated from one year to the next for future retirees, his campaign said. Thompson would tie the increase in base benefits each year to the rate of inflation rather than the growth in average wages, which tends to be steeper.

The change in indexing would not be a benefit cut, Thompson argued, but he said opponents might try to depict it that way.


Articles from Wednesday 10.24.07

Ft. Myers News Press

In Naples, Thompson talks immigration law

By: Betty Parker

Thompson said his plan includes no offers of amnesty. Immigrants who want to become citizens would have to return home first before applying for citizenship, and he supports stronger enforcement of laws on the books today and stopping the practice of sanctuary cities where those who entered the country illegally can find shelter… “We need to make it easier to get through that maze and become legal citizens,” he said, adding that delays now encourage people “to circumvent the process.”

In what appeared to be a nod toward Florida’s Cuban community — a strong GOP voting bloc in Miami, to where Thompson headed from Naples — he said America “should be a haven for those who are politically oppressed by dictators,” and those from other countries who serve in the U.S. armed forces should get a faster track to citizenship.


Naples Daily News

Thompson unveils immigration plan

By Ryan Mills

Calling the Collier County Sheriff’s Office’s recent partnership with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement a model for the nation, Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson used his half-hour meeting with Sheriff Don Hunter on Tuesday morning to learn more about local efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants and to announce his own border security and immigration plan.

The multi-faceted plan, which focuses primarily on enforcing existing federal immigration laws, includes ending sanctuary cities by cutting off federal funds, denying federal education grants to public universities that offer in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens and denying federal grants to state and local governments that offer public benefits to illegal aliens.

“I think this is a common-sense approach to deal with the problem that has gotten out of hand,” Thompson said.


Miami Herald

Thompson: Tough stance on immigration

By Beth Reinhard and Alfonso Chardy

``My opponents would like to focus in on a minnow and avoid looking at the whale, and the whale is that some of them have supported sanctuary cities, and as far as I know, still do. . . . In 1996, I helped outlaw sanctuary cities. Mayor Giuliani went to court to overturn the law we passed''… ''It's strong on enforcement,'' said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington. ``It gets the idea that the goal of enforcement is gradual attrition rather than magically rounding up all the illegal aliens.''

Krikorian, who described Thompson's proposal as one of the most sweeping by a candidate in recent years, noted his limit on visas to the spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens. Current law allows parents, siblings and adult children of citizens to seek green cards, which critics say creates ``chain migration.''


St. Pete Times

Thompson plan: Target immigration havens

By John Frank

Thompson's multipronged approach centers on enforcing current laws that crack down on so-called sanctuary cities, where local authorities aren't allowed to report illegal immigrants they discover to federal law enforcement officers.

"There's not a lot of new legislation that needs to be passed," he said. "We need to enforce the laws that are on the books. There are laws against illegal immigration, there are laws to secure the border, there are laws against sanctuary cities, there are laws against publicly funding illegals, and that law is being disregarded."

By addressing the issue of immigration, Thompson took direct aim at his top rivals, who have argued about the issue for weeks on the campaign trail. His campaign highlighted how Mitt Romney allowed sanctuary cities as Massachusetts governor and how Rudy Giuliani went to court to protect the city's policy of not alerting federal authorities when he was mayor of New York City. http://www.sptimes.com/2007/10/24/State/Thompson_plan__Target.shtml

The Lakeland Ledger

AP: Thompson: Pull U.S. Funds From Illegal Immigrant 'Sanctuaries'

By Brendan Farrington & Libby Quaid

In his first major policy proposal, Thompson challenged presidential rivals Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney by criticizing "sanctuary cities," where city workers are barred from reporting suspected illegal immigrants who enroll their children in school or seek hospital treatment.

"Taxpayer money should not be provided to illegal immigrants," Thompson said at a round-table discussion that included Collier County Sheriff Don Hunter.

Thompson has argued his rivals are soft on illegal immigration because Giuliani, as New York mayor, sued the federal government to keep his city's sanctuary policy and because Romney tolerated sanctuary cities as Massachusetts' governor.


WIN FRED WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thompson's multipronged approach centers on enforcing current laws that crack down on so-called sanctuary cities, where local authorities aren't allowed to report illegal immigrants they discover to federal law enforcement officers.

Can someone enlighten me please?

I've never heard of this act? As a matter of fact, I've reported and been in volved with the apprehehsion of several illegals over the years.

Other than the BUsh era support for senate confirmation, the guy sounds ok to me. Not a big Bush person here;)
Can someone enlighten me please?

I've never heard of this act? As a matter of fact, I've reported and been in volved with the apprehehsion of several illegals over the years.

Other than the BUsh era support for senate confirmation, the guy sounds ok to me. Not a big Bush person here;)

Several cities & counties have passed their own legislation prohibiting local law enforcment from notifing federal authorities when they stop or arrest a person for a crime & find they are illegal. Just like the current refugee situation in CA from the fires....no gangs, no violence, no demonstrations asking for cash handouts (or demanding them) and almost no looting....almost, except for the group of mexican illegals that were caught after loading 2 pick-up's and a car full of relief supplies before getting caught. What did the LEO do? told then they can't take the stuff....and let them GO!!!! after finding they were illegals. No mainstream news media outlet I know of has had this in their stories......:ack2:
Sanctuary Cities

As an add to the sanctuary cites string, there's an article in USA Today's online edition regarding same and how a Michigan Republican is trying to pass state legislation to override local governments.

The whole issue is that some cities around the country (I saw the number at 89) basically don't ask where you're from so when they stop some guy for speeding or other violation, they happy to take his forged license as proof of who he is and let him go. Obviously, the police in these cities let a bunch of these guys with criminal records simply slip through their hands. Remember, several weeks ago about the killer in NJ that shot those kids and we later found out that he had a long criminal record and was an illegal? Newark, NJ. is one of the santuary cities. The guy could have been turned over a long time ago to immigration and deported before he killed those kids.

Anyway, I'm on Thompson's team as he's the only plain-spoken guy out there.