• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Corvettes at the Pier


I have stripes
Anyone going to the corvettes at the Pier this year on Sept 3? It is over labor day weekend so I know alot of people already have plans, but we went last year and it is a small but good show.
I'm usually in my motorhome camping somewhere, but if not I would like to go.
Good seeing you at Dupont.
The judging has a lot to be desired but it is a nice show...I may make it back there this year just for the ride and park...are flyers out yet?
I'm usually in my motorhome camping somewhere, but if not I would like to go.
Good seeing you at Dupont.

Good to see you too. I am glad we actually made it there. That was my first but not last visit.

The judging has a lot to be desired but it is a nice show...I may make it back there this year just for the ride and park...are flyers out yet?

We went last year as a spectator but decided I wanted to drive my vette more so decided to go as a participant just for fun. I think I posted a link to the flyer in the events calendar. If not I can PM it to you.
Soon as they figure out what "Custom" class really means. Otherwise, they have seen the last of me!

Wah. :thumbsdown: I assume you have the answer to a PERFECT show? I believe they sell out of space anyway since the parking is limited. The years I have driven over to St Pete to see the cars on display it was full. Its a good show. If I were the show host I would tell you to try not to let the door hit you on the arse on the way out! I get so tired of hearing Vette people complain about judging. They have X amount of trophys and three or four times as many cars in attendance. If you want a trophy attend one of the local shows that make a category for EVERYONE and then EVERYONE gets a trophy no matter what you entered. JMHO :twocents:
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Wah. :thumbsdown: I assume you have the answer to a PERFECT show? I believe they sell out of space anyway since the parking is limited. The years I have driven over to St Pete to see the cars on display it was full. Its a good show. If I were the show host I would tell you to try not to let the door hit you on the arse on the way out! I get so tired of hearing Vette people complain about judging. They have X amount of trophys and three or four times as many cars in attendance. If you want a trophy attend one of the local shows that make a category for EVERYONE and then EVERYONE gets a trophy no matter what you entered. JMHO :twocents:

Sorry Jack, I've been a member of NCCC and clubs since 1967. I've judged at Bloomington Gold, McDorman's and currently head judge at the BACC/Dimmitt show. When a host states they have a "Custom" class and that "anything not 100% stock" will be put in that class, and a full chrome, non-stock interior, custom wheels, and non-stock engine gets put in the stock class; I have a complaint. I took my complaint to the guy in charge and he completely ignored me. Every judge there agreed with me but the head man did not. So, I have the option, like a bad meal, don't return. I won't!
If I can get the top half of my car wrapped by then, I might just bring the ole 96...other wise I'll just show up, hang out with the crew from AutoXTC for a bit, and split. It's still HOT that time of year.
to many ridged shows.

Ive been going to shows since 1999 and trust me some shows are ridged to give out trophies to the "locals" Last show I was at people were rubbing on my paint to see if it was a wrap which really pee'ed me off I have a few thousands of dollars into my paint job and to see even grown men rubbing on it is crazy I would never touch anyones cars out of respect for the owner. PLUS the woman who came and judged my car fell into my engine bay caught herself on my PROCHARGER(wtf?) to push herself back up i was freaking out.....

Big shows sometimes are better then small shows SOMETIMES. For years up home the same cars would win super chevy no matter what showed up those same cars would win. I have gone to a ton of shows that I won nothing but the whole show people and even full familys would be possin by my car for pictures and i did not see that with any other car at the show But I would go home with nothing. Its ok I got more from the "real people" not the judges digging my ride. I go for the kids. I built my car to look like a hotwheels from hell. And the kids do love it. So I will still go to shows just not as many last show put a bad taste in my mouth....
Shakedown, lemme know if you're gonna show. We'll show up together and be the 2 hottest C4's there. Then the girls can hang out together and not be bored out of their minds!
Sorry Jack, I've been a member of NCCC and clubs since 1967. I've judged at Bloomington Gold, McDorman's and currently head judge at the BACC/Dimmitt show. When a host states they have a "Custom" class and that "anything not 100% stock" will be put in that class, and a full chrome, non-stock interior, custom wheels, and non-stock engine gets put in the stock class; I have a complaint. I took my complaint to the guy in charge and he completely ignored me. Every judge there agreed with me but the head man did not. So, I have the option, like a bad meal, don't return. I won't!

Mr Hildebrand,

After reading your posts, I decided to register on this forum and respond to your comments.

I have been to the Pier show for many years, and I feel it is one of the best shows on the west coast. I really like that it is not an NCCC show. I know this will be a surprise to you, but not everyone likes NCCC shows. I have never had a problem at their show with anything, except the competition being so stiff, and that is what I like. If you want to be treated like a Bloomington Gold, McDorman's or any other NCCC crybaby, I suggest you stick to those shows. What makes you think you should be able to impose your standards on other car club's events, and bad mouth them if they don't agree with you. If you don't like the show, don't go! From what I have seen of of the Pier show over the past 4-5 years, they will have no problem filling your vacancy. If it is just a trophy you want, I suggest you participate in one of the Premier Productions shows. I'm sure you will get a trophy there. Conversely, at the Pier, I have had to compete against Corvettes from all over the entire state of Florida, as well as Georgia and South Carolina. There are cars and car clubs from the West Coast, East Coast, North Florida and Central Florida. If they were that screwed up, they would not have people trave 200-300 miles to participate in their show.

Oh, and one last thing, I was at the BACC's Catches car show, and those guys couldn't bring in half of the cars the Pier show does. I specifically did not enter that show or the Dimmit shows because they ARE NCCC shows.

But I also did not go on line and give that club a ratio of BS. That was how they presented their show, it was a small show, but a very nice show, the club was very pleasant and friendly, and if it was not an NCCC show, I would have entered. Their club president (don't know her name, short blonde girl) was extremely pleasant to talk with and, in fact, told me their one club rule was that their club did not put up with "Politics", which I really liked. In fact, if I were in the BACC, I don't think I would appreciate the attitude you are showing to the entire country. It could backfire on them.

So, if you are still in the "professional car show type" frame of mind you are showing, I hope you are not there, but if you realize it is their show and not yours, if you want to have some fun and show off your beautiful car, hope to see you there. Your call.
pier show

i thought car shows were to have fun win or lose wtf. enjoy yourself lifes too short .the pier show is one of the best shows of the year imo look at the venue it cant get much better than this .
Mr Hildebrand,

After reading your posts, I decided to register on this forum and respond to your comments.

I have been to the Pier show for many years, and I feel it is one of the best shows on the west coast. I really like that it is not an NCCC show. I know this will be a surprise to you, but not everyone likes NCCC shows. I have never had a problem at their show with anything, except the competition being so stiff, and that is what I like. If you want to be treated like a Bloomington Gold, McDorman's or any other NCCC crybaby, I suggest you stick to those shows. What makes you think you should be able to impose your standards on other car club's events, and bad mouth them if they don't agree with you. If you don't like the show, don't go! From what I have seen of of the Pier show over the past 4-5 years, they will have no problem filling your vacancy. If it is just a trophy you want, I suggest you participate in one of the Premier Productions shows. I'm sure you will get a trophy there. Conversely, at the Pier, I have had to compete against Corvettes from all over the entire state of Florida, as well as Georgia and South Carolina. There are cars and car clubs from the West Coast, East Coast, North Florida and Central Florida. If they were that screwed up, they would not have people trave 200-300 miles to participate in their show.

Oh, and one last thing, I was at the BACC's Catches car show, and those guys couldn't bring in half of the cars the Pier show does. I specifically did not enter that show or the Dimmit shows because they ARE NCCC shows.

But I also did not go on line and give that club a ratio of BS. That was how they presented their show, it was a small show, but a very nice show, the club was very pleasant and friendly, and if it was not an NCCC show, I would have entered. Their club president (don't know her name, short blonde girl) was extremely pleasant to talk with and, in fact, told me their one club rule was that their club did not put up with "Politics", which I really liked. In fact, if I were in the BACC, I don't think I would appreciate the attitude you are showing to the entire country. It could backfire on them.

So, if you are still in the "professional car show type" frame of mind you are showing, I hope you are not there, but if you realize it is their show and not yours, if you want to have some fun and show off your beautiful car, hope to see you there. Your call.

I think you have missed the entire point of my "rant". The club that hosts the Pier show specifically said they had a Custom class. It stated "anything other then 100% stock" will be put in a custom class. The car in question was not stock by any standard (the owner even agreed) the judges agreed but the president of the club (last word) said no. It's too bad all the power rests in one persons hands. Even when presented with the facts. Therefore I choose not to attend. And by the way the Dimmitt show is both NCCC sanctioned and a "People's Choice". So if you do not want to be judged under NCCC rules you can opt for the other. The Catches show was NOT NCCC sanctioned. And not a bad showing (over 40 cars) for a first time show. Too bad you didn't participate the trophies were awesome!!
Shakedown, lemme know if you're gonna show. We'll show up together and be the 2 hottest C4's there. Then the girls can hang out together and not be bored out of their minds!

Well, with the paint on my hood, it won't quite be the hottest...but she might still turn a head or two. I'll at least make an appearance, but the car might stay at home. Natasha and Evan would probably stay home, but you never know. Ya'll are more than welcome to stop by the house first, and/or after. :munching_out:
I think you have missed the entire point of my "rant". The club that hosts the Pier show specifically said they had a Custom class. It stated "anything other then 100% stock" will be put in a custom class. The car in question was not stock by any standard (the owner even agreed) the judges agreed but the president of the club (last word) said no. It's too bad all the power rests in one persons hands. Even when presented with the facts. Therefore I choose not to attend. And by the way the Dimmitt show is both NCCC sanctioned and a "People's Choice". So if you do not want to be judged under NCCC rules you can opt for the other. The Catches show was NOT NCCC sanctioned. And not a bad showing (over 40 cars) for a first time show. Too bad you didn't participate the trophies were awesome!!

My name is Bob Bryce and I am the Activities Coordinator for Suncoast Corvettes. The Pier Show is our show and has been for the past 18 years. I just became aware of this thread, and would like to set some things, as well as Mr Hildebrand, straight. First, I was at the show in question and was part of the discussion. The show, at that time, did not have a Modified Class, only Stock and Custom. The car in question, as Mr Hildebrand states, was pretty decked out, but not enough to be classified as Custom. WE DISCUSSED THIS AT LENGTH AT THE SHOW. The decision was, since he clearly did not meet the requirements for Custom, that he would be placed in the Stock class. He would have been killed in the Custom class, and that was not fair. BUT... what Mr Hildebrand is not bringing up, is that during the judging, NO CREDIT WAS GIVEN TO THIS CAR FOR ANY OF THE CHROME, MODIFICATIONS OR INTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS. That's right, he was judged as a Stock car, and a stock car only. The other thing Mr Hildebrand is not mentioning is that THIS GUY DID NOT WIN A TROPHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the show, when I found out he was upset, I personally sent Mr Hildebrand an e-mail regarding what transpired, and he responded pleasantly and agreed what we did was fair. Now he is again "ranting" as he puts it, with the only goal to cause trouble and get some attention for himself.

I, with the help of about a dozen other club members, have spent the last YEAR downloading other club's classification methods from all over the entire country on the internet, and have spent dozens on dozens of hours developing a classification system for this year's show that incorporates Stock, Modified and Custom classifications. We have what we feel is the best of the best classifications. It is NOT NCCC, NCRS, Bloomington, NHRA, NASCAR or the NRA's version, it is ours.

I hope this will clear things up a bit, so there is no more confusion as to what actually transpired. Every year we work very hard to improve the quality of our show, and this year is no exception. In all cases, someone will not be able to be pleased. We did what we could to be fair to everyone, and will continue to do so. We currently share an extremely good relationship between Suncoast Corvettes (our club) and Bay Area Corvettes (his club), and desire it to remain that way. If Mr. Hildebrand still has an issue, I suggest he take it up with us and not post only half of the story.

Thank you.
Bob Bryce
Suncoast Corvette Association.
Wow, nicely put Bob. I've always found the Pier show to be a very friendly show with a great family atmosphere. Keep up the good work (I do like the new classing btw).
So explain this to me, please. What is so important about getting a trophy at a show? Does it increase the value of your car? Does it decrease the value if you DON'T get one? Does not getting a trophy make your car any less fun to drive? Does it make BEING at a show and meeting up with people seem like it was a waste of time for you?

Seriously, I would like to know....