• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Savannah, GA


!ereH nI depparT m'I pleH
Dotty and I will be back in Florida in November, and she said that she
would like to take a trip to Savannah. Anyone been there lately? Got any
good places to go and/or see? Probably be a short trip, like maybe 2 or 3
nights, so we wont have TONS of time to look, but neither of us have been
there and thought it might be a fun thing to do........ Any and all suggestions
are welcome, even if we don't get there this trip. Savannah is on my bucket
list and I'll get there eventually!
Andy :wavey:
NCCC Convention

The NCCC Convention will be a week-long adventure in Savannah the last week of August! Concours, Rallies, Autocrosses, parties (free beer all week) and outings! You don't have to be a member of an NCCC Club, you can join as a "Member At Large" for only $35!!! Write me if you want more info:


Jim, Thanks for the info! :thumbsup: I'll think about it! Hopefully by next August
I'll be retired and living in Florida, so maybe a week in Savannah will be
"do-able". I did go to the NCCC website and found the form for becoming a
member-at-large, so if I decide to jump in, I know where to start!
Andy :wavey:
Jim, Thanks for the info! :thumbsup: I'll think about it! Hopefully by next August
I'll be retired and living in Florida, so maybe a week in Savannah will be
"do-able". I did go to the NCCC website and found the form for becoming a
member-at-large, so if I decide to jump in, I know where to start!
Andy :wavey:

Like I say, if you need anything more you have my e-mail!!
A night cruise up the river is quite impressive (boat not car)
Just checked a couple of websites, and THAT looks interesting!
Thanks, Steve.....
When are you heading back down?????
I brought the Vette up to have some fun with this summer, and will
be heading back down with it in mid November......
Andy :wavey:
Just checked a couple of websites, and THAT looks interesting!
Thanks, Steve.....
When are you heading back down?????
I brought the Vette up to have some fun with this summer, and will
be heading back down with it in mid November......
Andy :wavey:
May not make it to Florida this year.I'm trying to convert my business to an ESAP (employee owned ).I employ all disabled veterans or hard to place veterans .The employees are not the issue as much as customers .
Anyway ,I may try Texas as my next hideout ,I'll have to get permission from Junkie :thumbsup:
WELL........it looks like the trip to Savannah is off for this year.:mad:
As a matter of fact, the trip to FLORIDA is off as well. :mad::mad:
On Sunday the 27th of October, I wasn't feeling good and told Dotty to drive
me to the hospital. Bottom line = 1 blocked artery @ 80%. Gave me a very mild
heart attack on Sunday and that's what was making me feel lousy. Had a heart
catheterization on Tuesday and they put in a stent. Shipped me home on
Wednesday and told me "No traveling for 4 to 6 weeks! No driving or flying to
Florida or any place else for that matter." SO......looks like I will be spending
some time in cardiac rehab and taking it easy for awhile. DAMN..........!
Andy :wavey:
Damn Andy! Take care of yourself! Florida will be here when you get better. And probably so will Savannah. You don't want a bigger blip on that heart radar screen!
Wow Andy. At least you had the mind set to have your wife drive you to the hospital. Otherwise, you might have had a more serious heart issue down the road and/ or shortened life.
I've been a CPR instructor for over 25 years and one of the biggest killers in adults is denial of the chest pain being an issue the day it occurs.
I'm glad you are doing better. See you down the road my friend. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
WELL........it looks like the trip to Savannah is off for this year.:mad:
As a matter of fact, the trip to FLORIDA is off as well. :mad::mad:
On Sunday the 27th of October, I wasn't feeling good and told Dotty to drive
me to the hospital. Bottom line = 1 blocked artery @ 80%. Gave me a very mild
heart attack on Sunday and that's what was making me feel lousy. Had a heart
catheterization on Tuesday and they put in a stent. Shipped me home on
Wednesday and told me "No traveling for 4 to 6 weeks! No driving or flying to
Florida or any place else for that matter." SO......looks like I will be spending
some time in cardiac rehab and taking it easy for awhile. DAMN..........!
Andy :wavey:

Jeeze Andy, just read the heart cath and rehab thing. Very sorry to hear but hope you are doing much better now. Rest and get better soon.
