• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Daytona Beach

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Connie and I went to Daytona Beach this past weekend for the annual reptile show we used to be vendors at before we retired. Stayed at the River Lilly Inn B&B (http://www.riverlilyinnbedandbreakfast.com/), which is a really nice place to stay. Highly recommended if you are ever in the neighborhood.

Rained the nearly the entire drive out there, rained at least part of every day we were there, and then rained most of the way home. And it's STILL raining now. Our road was a real mess and it felt like we were mud bogging in the C6Z. And man, were the mosquitoes ever so glad to see us! They came out in droves to welcome us while I was hosing the mud out of the wheel wells of the car before rolling it into the garage.

If we had had any brains in our heads we should have headed south to the Keys for a few days and let it dry out here for a few days before coming back home........... :rolleyes:
Well, yeah. We spent two days talking to a bunch of friends still in the business while at the show. And Connie and I got to enjoy the fact that we aren't in that rat race any longer. :hehehe:

And of course it helps my other reptile related websites when I show up at functions like this. One of the largest reptile breeders in the world asked me to come back sometime to do a new video of their facility as they've made a lot of changes and additions. They are down in Naples, so we don't mind taking a trip down there. And I like doing that kind of stuff.

Here's the video I did back in 2009 when Connie and I were down there. This is a HUGE facility......

DAY-UM! There are more reptiles in that one facility than I would be comfortable
with! The little "monster" looked to be a monster as a matter of course. Are they
always that "sociable"? Kinda looks like they're born with a bad attitude, and go downhill
from there! Very neat video all in all.
Andy :wavey: