• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

427 engine (part 2) - RHS block

I also apologize. Your situation certainly must be far from needing any distractions. The thing I have been impressed with is your level headed reporting of this unfolding saga. I just wish that all of us that have been following this build could be there to see the smile on your face when you hear it run for the first time.

I'll 2nd that:thumbsup:
Man, I really don't know. This entire affair may have just tainted the car in my eyes. Would I ever be able to look at it without remembering this nine months of crap? This just did not turn out to be the fun and exciting project I had hoped for. Instead, it became a dark blot that I may just decide to get rid of as soon as possible.
Man, I really don't know. This entire affair may have just tainted the car in my eyes. Would I ever be able to look at it without remembering this nine months of crap? This just did not turn out to be the fun and exciting project I had hoped for. Instead, it became a dark blot that I may just decide to get rid of as soon as possible.

I think a lot may depend on how it run's. Are you moving it today?
Man, I really don't know. This entire affair may have just tainted the car in my eyes. Would I ever be able to look at it without remembering this nine months of crap? This just did not turn out to be the fun and exciting project I had hoped for. Instead, it became a dark blot that I may just decide to get rid of as soon as possible.

when you get it back and put the petal down the last 9 months will fade away and be gone.
Don't let someone else's poor planning, work ethic, follow through, personal problems, and lack of ability ruin YOUR car. I've never heard a bad word about the shop you are having it taken to now, so I really hope to see a drastic turn around in your experience.
I think a lot may depend on how it run's. Are you moving it today?

No. A delivery I was expecting today won't take place till tomorrow (Tuesday), which of course I didn't find out about until just a little bit ago ( :mad: ) , so I won't be going to Chris's till the afternoon on Tuesday. I've got errands to run today that I might as well get out of the way.

I got an couple of emails from him saying that he will arrange for transport, but will be working on the car till it is either finished or is hauled away. My plan is to show up there Tuesday afternoon to either video the car being test driven, or pulled onto a flatbed to be hauled away. One or the other will be taking place at that time.
Well Rich today is the big day. Either Chris gets your car running or it goes to Aaron Scott to get finished. I'm on day 141 waiting for my car to get the motor put back in. Maybe it will be done by my Birthday in Dec. LOL
Well Rich today is the big day. Either Chris gets your car running or it goes to Aaron Scott to get finished. I'm on day 141 waiting for my car to get the motor put back in. Maybe it will be done by my Birthday in Dec. LOL

Yeah, I'm planning on running out there between three and four. I'm hoping this damned splitting headache I have goes away by then. Already popped some Excedrin. Guess this is really wearing me down....

Anyway, I just talked to Chris and he said the car will be finished then. I'm going to check with Aaron to find out how late I can have the car flatbedded there, just in case.

Mike, I hope your car will get done real soon. When I was out there last time, Chris told me that a part was missing on the engine that LME forgot to include, so I guess that is the holdup. But I assume you have been in correspondence with both Chris and Bryan and are on top of things.
I talked to Bryan on Friday. He told me they sent the part with the motor. If Chris had done a check on the motor when it arrived last month I wouldn't still be waiting.I'm like you Rich I want my car back!!!!!!!
OK, so I guess I'm just soft at heart (and head) these days. Connie and I went over to Chris's today (Tuesday) getting there a bit after 4pm. and Chris was working on my car. Yeah, I know he said it would be done between 3 and 4, and obviously it wasn't.... But it certainly is ALMOST done. Apparently someone said something to Chris along the lines that if he allowed my car to leave his shop unfinished to be done by someone else that he might as well just close the doors to his business. Well I certainly doubt that would be true, but it sure seemed like Chris believes it is true. And unfortunately both Connie and I actually like Chris personally, and no matter how pissed I may be getting about this, I truly do not wish to cause him any harm. Yeah, he's definitely got some issues to overcome with the commitments he makes to his customers but did I REALLY want to make a decision that would even remotely possibly be the cause of his business going kaput? Heck, I know Chris has already lost a ton of money in labor on this job as it is right now.....

So what the hell was I supposed to do?

Yeah, maybe just a terminal case of wimp-lash on my part, but at around 8:15 pm, Chris was working on the startup tune for the car and I decided to come back tomorrow (Wednesday) morning and give him more time to get this done. I dunno, but I think I feel better psychologically doing it this way than by just yanking my car out of there today. I had a killer headache all day long stressing over this and the headache didn't go away till Connie and I were driving back home after leaving there, so maybe my subconscious was trying to tell me something.

Like I said, soft in the head, obviously....
First of all, whoever told him that, was probably pretty much on the money.

This build has become so well known, as are the troubles he's had with other repairs, that having someone else finish the job and "sign off" on it, probably would be the last straw...under "his name."
He could do what other shops have done, transfer ownership and stay the hell out of the way for a while, but in the end, I'm still not sure it'd work out?

You probably did the right thing Rich, and at this stage of the game, why not?

6 months ago, I'd have said yank it out of there. With hours left to complete.....nah...it's not worth it.
So what the hell was I supposed to do?

Like I said, soft in the head, obviously....

NAW Rich, it's more like LOYAL IN THE HEAD! :D
I'm thinking that the world would be a better place if there were more
people like you in it.:thumbsup::thumbsup: Maybe if it starts to go downhill
again, send him a letter giving him XXX amount of time to get it done or
THEN you'll take it somewhere else. Get a paper trail going and get the specifics
down on that paper so that you both know what will happen if the conditions
aren't met. I think he might be biting off more than he can chew, and doesn't
like to say no to his friends. He gets himself in a deep hole doing that obviously
takes him a long time to get out of. Anyway ........... loyalty is a trait
that I like to see, and one that's missing too often these days.
GOOD FOR YOU! :yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::thumbsup:
Andy :wavey:
Apparently someone said something to Chris along the lines that if he allowed my car to leave his shop unfinished to be done by someone else that he might as well just close the doors to his business. Well I certainly doubt that would be true, but it sure seemed like Chris believes it is true.

I don't think it's true either. Regardless of what he does I think he's finished. Several members on this forum have taken work to him and I don't know of anyone that was happy.

If these members are representative of his other customers he's done. I hope you're driving your car today Rich. :thumbsup:
I can certainly understand that call. I'm sure it's been frustrating for Chris too, but at some point you just have to pull some long ass days and get the car(s) done. I've worked plenty of weekends and late nights for our clients at work, why do many mechanics feel they can't do the same?
Hoping to hear it run within the hour. I've been trying to help long distance as much as possible, and it appears it is start-up time.

Cross your fingers everyone...:thumbsup: