• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Love Bug Alert!

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Yep, found some of the romantically entangled insects squashed on my front bumper yesterday. Not sure how other parts of the state are faring, but here in north Florida they are beginning to swarm.

Also it's getting into yellow fly season. Which makes doing ANYTHING outside a real chore. You need to have one hand free at all times to swat at those suckers when they land on your shoulder, forehead, or their favorite feeding grounds behind your knees. When washing the vette and the hands are all covered with soap suds, I guess it does look kind of comical to an outside observer.
I have been traveling between Sarasota and New Port Richey (75/80 miles) a lot for the last month and I can tell you they are bad from SR54 north. Funny thing is, they aren't bad at all, nearly nonexistent, south of there. I keep praying they won't swarm badly in Sarasota County this year. So far, so good. Hate them little critters:mad: .........Tom
Just imagine how many of there there would be if the population didn't get thinned by automobiles? :eek:

The wife and I took a ride up to the grocery store last night and I got quite a nice collection of squashed mosquitoes on the bumper that trip. Man, it's a JUNGLE out there!
Man, I was working on the Z today, replacing the alternator and the throttle body and the yellow flies AND black flies were about to carry my away. Pretty darned hard to concentrate on what you are doing when flies are taking chunks out of your hide.
I don't know what's inside the bugs but you got to get them off your paint quick. I had a Lexus a couple years ago and didn't wash it for 6+ months (lazy) the bugs engraved themselves like acid in the front bumper, couldn't believe it. :banghead:
The Sloth said:
I don't know what's inside the bugs but you got to get them off your paint quick. I had a Lexus a couple years ago and didn't wash it for 6+ months (lazy) the bugs engraved themselves like acid in the front bumper, couldn't believe it. :banghead:

The same applies to bird crap. I'm not sure what's in their diet but it's disaster for your paint if you don't get it off quick.
The Sloth said:
I don't know what's inside the bugs but you got to get them off your paint quick. I had a Lexus a couple years ago and didn't wash it for 6+ months (lazy) the bugs engraved themselves like acid in the front bumper, couldn't believe it. :banghead:
Yeah, I carry quik detailer and some microfiber clothes with me. I try and get them off as soon as I get stopped. I'm sure some folks must think I'm a little nuts jumping out of the Z and going to work on the leading edges. That's OK, let them think what they want. I also carry this:
Poorboy's Spray and Wipe.


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Mark Dalton said:
The same applies to bird crap. I'm not sure what's in their diet but it's disaster for your paint if you don't get it off quick.

I think the bird crap is concentrated love bugs :ack2:
love bugs

I do the same thing exile. I have about 4 coats of Zaino with about 6 of tge gloss, I carry a deluted spray bottel of he Z wash and a clean cotton towel. They was off in not time and the deluted wash does not hurt the Zaino sealer. A bit of a pain this time of year, but waht can you do. I almost didn't go the the Pounce LH event on saturday, but gald I did (see pisc in the gallery). Only took 10 mins to wipe them off.