• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Speed trap rant

I travel 301 several times a year and the speeds change so often it almost gives you a headache. I have never seen a road like that. All towns have unreasonable speed traps IMO. I got a citation last year for 45mph in a 30.
A six lane highway( Route 41 ) with a 30 mph speed limit. Give me a break.
Speed limit changes on 301

I drove that stretch yesterday and decided to count the speed changes... There is 83 miles of road with 42 changes in the speed limit.. That averages out to one every 2 miles...I could have very easily missed a couple..Also I noticed my "buddy" sitting in the same place he got me.. I also took notice of the fact that I was indeed in a 55 zone when he wrote me up for 60 in a 45.What a jerk. Needless to say I stayed about 5 under going thru that craphole this time.
That brings up a question I have.... Is it against the law to warn other drivers about a hidden LEO trying to catch "speeders"? I've always heard it was, but that might be something my mom told me back when I was a kid. :shrug01:
I've "heard" of officers charging "obstruction" for drivers flashing thier lights, etc before a radar zone.

Never actually knew anyone who did it though.

I don't think the charge would stand up in court and you *(the LEO) would probably get laughed out:rofl1: I know I'd think it's pretty Charlie Sierra of them to try;).

One charge that "could" cut the muster is failure to dim headlights within X feet of oncoming or to the rear of other traffic...but again its a crap ticket and I don't think most judges/magistrates would appreciate it being done.

I know the judges/magistrates were busting balls her in Hillsborough county and in Polk they still don't like it, for us writing failure to obey a traffic control device (speed limit sign) instead of the actual speed!
Waldo is just as bad. I got it there 25 years ago at 5 in the morning, and it was the Chief that got me.I don't know if they had any other officers or not?
SteveK said:
Ah heck, let's get us a convoy and bust the gate doing 98...... :lmao:

LOL, that would be pretty fun and funny, just get a buncha vettes and fly through the town, u would b out of there n a few seconds anyways lol, and they probably dont even have enough cops to chase everyone, not like they could catch u anyways lol, just get somebody in a ford to follow
i m a newbie i always want such a information to be saved from these bloody speed traps. I just follow a principle why can't we drive on such a speed which the vehicle provide us . One of my friend suggested trapster . its a nice online service provider which also installs on the cellphone so you could be saved while you are on the road . LoL i just don't want to be catched by those bloody cops.
I think AAA has that listed as one of the towns to stay away from. In fact, I think they route folks around it if it's on a trip tick. Also, Waldo is another town that monitors the speeds closely

Yep! AAA routes you on Rt-10 over to Rt-75, then south on 75. I don't think I would ever get back on that stretch of 301 in my Vette! M-A-Y-B-E in a rental or something, but not in the Vette! AAA will provide the routing on 301 if you ask, but they really try to discourage it, and stamp the ENTIRE portion of 301 as "speed limits strictly enforced".
Andy Anderson
"Needing another vacation down south BADLY" !
Speeding in a Corvette without a Bird Dog is like playing Russian Roulette with all the cylinders loaded. I never leave home without my Valentine 1. We had a couple of little towns like that in La. If you were 1 over, you got written. They nailed the people who weren't local. I just waved to the Barney when I went by at 1 under.
Had a cop stop me in Utah years ago. A State Trooper. He claimed that I was giving away his speed trap on CB. When I pointed out to him the fact that I didn't have a CB, his mouth dropped. He turned on his heel and left. No sorry, no nothing.
Does Lawtey have a chamber of commerce? You might want to drop them a line (or even to whatever tourist concerns are there) to let them know that their speed trap practices are being noted and is costing the town revenue that those speeding tickets may not be able to make up for......... :shrug01:

The President of the Chamber is probably the Chief of Police's brother-in-law.
Lawtey, on 301..My first clue should have been the billboards I've seen there for years that say"Speed trap ahead"...Well before the 45 sign they gun you down(wrote me for 60)..The cop has a bad additude, very cocky(Probably because his little craphole:ack2: of a town has nothing going for it except that folks have to drive thru it to get somewhere worthwhile). Then the ticket says you can elect to go to court but if they find you guilty they can practically triple the fine(from 185 to 500). I guess that's how they make sure you don't try to stand up for justice. Now I drive the extra 35 miles not to go there. That place is a disgrace to the state of Florida.

You saw the sign, you new it was a speed trap, and you got busted.

Had a cop stop me in Utah years ago. A State Trooper. He claimed that I was giving away his speed trap on CB. When I pointed out to him the fact that I didn't have a CB, his mouth dropped. He turned on his heel and left. No sorry, no nothing.

You were lucky. It STILL would have been your word against his.....
You were lucky. It STILL would have been your word against his.....
What he saw was a headphone cord hanging from the roof of my Dodge van. What he failed to notice was the lack of an antenna. There was no CB. What really burned my butt was that he didn't even acknowledge the fact that he made a mistake. And I wasn't speeding. I did have a bird dog.
There are hell lot of speed traps these days :banghead: they bother you almost every corner of the street . I just hate them they suck basically
There are hell lot of speed traps these days :banghead: they bother you almost every corner of the street . I just hate them they suck basically

Sorry to say this my friends, but it's going to get worse before it get's better:(.

With the cuts in funding, rather than man up and figure out how to cut the fat and make the progam work, local law enforcement, city, county and to some extent state officials, have decided to whine about it and "enhance" enforcement efforts. Of course, we're only trying to save lives and improve the quality of life:rofl1::rofl1:

Just because ticket prices and fines have increased dramatically over the years means absolutely nothing:rolleyes:

CYA folks.
I-10 from I-95 to I-75 and 301 have always been speed traps. When traveling in this area expect the unexpected !! Waldo is the worst, I got stopped by the chief at 3 a.m. one time! That was 30 years ago and from what I hear nothing has changed up in that area!
Well, I'm certainly glad I bought my Valentine. Need to buy some extra cables so I can easily swap it between the vehicles we drive.....