• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Crappy weather....

-2*F this morning when I got up. Ya don't stay outside very long in those temps!
The only thing that's a positive is that there is no wind today, so it's not too
bad as long as you keep active. Layers upon layers, hand warmers, boots 2 sizes
to large and enuf socks to take up the space, head socks, etc., etc., etc.
Take the precautions, don't stay outside too long, and listen to what your fingers
and toes are telling you, and it's do-able. Don't much like it, but it is what it is, and
hopefully we'll be outta here permanently sometime this year! :dancer01:
Andy :wavey:

It was 65* at midnight and 51* here at 6 AM. It's now 37* and falling!

Yeah, going to be covering a bunch of fruit trees and dripping the outside pipes tonight and tomorrow night. The high tomorrow is only supposed to reach 35 degrees.

I'm not real crazy about this "global warming" problem right now....
Yeah, going to be covering a bunch of fruit trees and dripping the outside pipes tonight and tomorrow night. The high tomorrow is only supposed to reach 35 degrees.

I'm not real crazy about this "global warming" problem right now....

Wonder what Al Gore's got to say about all this!?
He's probably locked himself into the bathroom, playing with his hanging chads...... :rofl1:
21* this morning. Only 22* now. Don't expect above 32* until noon or later. I doubt we'll see 40* today.
It went down to 23 degrees on the front porch last night. Here it is almost noontime and it's STILL only 28 degrees out. Damn......
Heck, it's after 2pm and still only 32 degrees on my front porch.
Boy, and sometimes I think I didn't move far enough south.

The lowest I saw was 35 on the lanai this morning.

Saw 58 this afternoon.

Just north of Tampa
The hell with the predicted shortages of Velveeta cheese for the Super Bowl!
Do you guys have enuf blankets, heavy coats and gloves down there?
I might be able to send a couple of each to some deserving families.........:rofl1:
Andy :wavey:
Well, Connie and I could use some warmer gloves. Those leather work gloves we've been wearing while outside don't really help keep the hands warm very much.
I've noticed the ones that are thick enough to keep your hands warm are TOO thick to allow you to use your hands for anything!
Damn... It was supposed to be just partly cloudy today, according to the forecast I saw up to going to bed last night around 4am, but that forecast was WAY off. Been raining here all day long. So much for my thought I would be able to take the blue C5Z out for a drive. And on top of that, we were planning on folding up all the tarps we used to cover the citrus trees today, but now they are all wet as hell and it will take a couple of days of good weather to dry them out so we can put them away.

Heck, they can't even make an accurate forecast 8 hours in advance any longer. Forget about 3 days or longer. :rolleyes:
Damn... It was supposed to be just partly cloudy today, according to the forecast I saw up to going to bed last night around 4am, but that forecast was WAY off. Been raining here all day long. So much for my thought I would be able to take the blue C5Z out for a drive. And on top of that, we were planning on folding up all the tarps we used to cover the citrus trees today, but now they are all wet as hell and it will take a couple of days of good weather to dry them out so we can put them away.

Heck, they can't even make an accurate forecast 8 hours in advance any longer. Forget about 3 days or longer. :rolleyes:

They did a much better job back in the 70's and 80's. Most people that do the weather are nothing but $10 a hour Q- card readers.

There is a strong line of rain about 80 miles offshore to my west, so i hope i can get some rain out this system.
We got DUMPED on by that system. Cats and dogs style. Wind kicked up and blew stuff all over the place. Connie has a big card board box that she uses to help cover some of her smaller plants and that blew right across the porch. I thought I was going to see a tornado pass by. Tree branches are laying all over the yard, but I don't think any trees came down. At least none near to the house. Power went out for a few minutes a few times, too.

Connie just got back from the market and said there is a pond at the end of our road, so don't even think about taking any of the vettes out any time soon.
We got DUMPED on by that system. Cats and dogs style. Wind kicked up and blew stuff all over the place. Connie has a big card board box that she uses to help cover some of her smaller plants and that blew right across the porch. I thought I was going to see a tornado pass by. Tree branches are laying all over the yard, but I don't think any trees came down. At least none near to the house. Power went out for a few minutes a few times, too.

Connie just got back from the market and said there is a pond at the end of our road, so don't even think about taking any of the vettes out any time soon.

We only got .30". But at least we are way ahead than we were the last dry Jan's. Already had our normal rainfall for the month.