• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Rain today

More rain for south FL today and Sunday and maybe i may get some later Sunday. I still don't think i will see any 30's this winter.
At one point, one of the forecasts I monitor showed a projected low of 24 degrees Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. They are now showing 26 degrees.

My one pear tree in back of the garage blooming like crazy sure is going to be surprised.
At one point, one of the forecasts I monitor showed a projected low of 24 degrees Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. They are now showing 26 degrees.

My one pear tree in back of the garage blooming like crazy sure is going to be surprised.

Rain all day here so far. Vette cruise was moved to next weekend.
Yeah, I just looked at the radar and it looks like the entire peninsula is getting soaked. Not sure how it missed us, but we are supposed to get some rain on Tuesday in front of the cold front coming through.

Forecast low Tuesday night has now been raised to 28 and 29 degrees respectively for the two forecasting stations I tend to look at.

Intellicast got taken over by the Weather Underground (which is where they should now be buried) and they completely screwed up the radar map and covered over everything with large banner ads. So I don't go there any longer.
Yeah. I hope we don't get one of those late freezes that kills off most of the flower buds and developing fruits on the trees. One of the pear trees in back of the garage has a LOT of flowers blooming on it, but the low tonight of 29 to 30 degrees will likely smack them down.
Yeah, the last couple of nights here it just barely brushed down to 33 and 32 degrees respectively.

Looks like a warming trend now in the picture. So maybe Springtime is moving in.
Yeah, most of our fruit trees are putting out new growth and some getting ready to sprout flowers. One of the pear trees has already sprouted flowers, dropped them, and now developing fruit.

Not much in the way of rain. We had 0.02 of an inch a few days ago, but it seems the rain is moving well north or us. Supposed to maybe get some on Sunday, but we know how those forecasts will usually go.
Got 0.26" of rain early this AM. Put the sprinkler on the two youngest of our citrus trees, as they are both putting out a LOT of new branches, and the navel orange is putting out a bunch of blooms too.
The forecast for the next 10 days here shows at least a 40% chance of rain each day.