• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

The radar detector "alibi"?

06 C6 said:
To: "C5Statetrooper" and to "Hot Pursuit":
OK...tell me, where are we supposed to go to enjoy our cars? I would love to able to "let it happen" without fear of a ticket and all that goes with it...fines, points, increased insurance, etc. I've got 400 hp and have to drive it like an old man because I don't know where we can go to drive flat out. Sure there's the Silver State Classic in Nev. Have you seen the costs? As a newbie, it's close to $1,500 PLUS all the costs to get to Nevada and back. (www.silverstateclassic.com)
I'm open for where to go to "enjoy" my Corvette to max. I'm in Tampa area.
Let's hear from everyone
06 C6

Well I'm pretty sure they are going to say that having the capability to break the law doesn't give you permission to do so. Unfortunately I don't know of any roads in Florida that do not have posted speed limits.

That being said, yes, I will admit to letting it all hang out a couple of times. Just to do it. No one else was in sight in one instance, and the other some arsewipe in a ricemobile was riding my bumper and I just wanted to give him a reason to prove he could pass me and get out of my hair. After I slowed down, of course... :thumbsup:
06 C6 said:
To: "C5Statetrooper" and to "Hot Pursuit":
OK...tell me, where are we supposed to go to enjoy our cars? I would love to able to "let it happen" without fear of a ticket and all that goes with it...fines, points, increased insurance, etc. I've got 400 hp and have to drive it like an old man because I don't know where we can go to drive flat out. Sure there's the Silver State Classic in Nev. Have you seen the costs? As a newbie, it's close to $1,500 PLUS all the costs to get to Nevada and back. (www.silverstateclassic.com)
I'm open for where to go to "enjoy" my Corvette to max. I'm in Tampa area.
Let's hear from everyone
06 C6

06 C6, I think what our officer buddies are telling you, is don't be stupid and endanger others! But if you do, then don't blame them for the citation.

Now bare with me, because I am a newbie to Florida, and a part timer as well. But you said that you are in the Tampa area, if I am not mistaken, there is a pretty decent drag facility north of you in Gainsville. I realize that is more than a 15 minute drive for you, but I have driven an hour and a half each way to thrash my car all day long at a vintage drag meet. I had a smile on my face going to the track and a bigger smile on my face coming home.

If pointing your car straight ahead with your foot on the floor is not what you are looking for, then you might want to consider Sebring. In the grand scheme of things, not that far southeast of you. There you can roll into the throttle, then hard on the brakes, turn left, throttle, brakes, turn right, etc. Personally, as I have gotten older, I prefer the road courses to the drag strip. Just my opinion.

So, there are facilities that you can exercise your ride reasonably safely. You might want to check with a local club and see what sort of performance events they hold.

But, if what you are really interested in is driving your C6 (nice car by the way) to its limits on the street, let me be the first to introduce you to:

C5Troop, HP, and the Shadow.
I'd have to echo what the others have said. Driving a vehicle (especially high hp cars) involves using a lot of common sense and restraint. If you want to drive fast, there are a lot of places you can go to do that. You may have to drive a bit to get there but it's worth it. If you do it on public streets, be prepared to accept the responsibility for your actions. All of us , at one time or another, have driven faster than we probably should have.;) It's pretty much a matter of knowing when and where to do it.
06 C6 said:
To: "C5Statetrooper" and to "Hot Pursuit":
OK...tell me, where are we supposed to go to enjoy our cars? I would love to able to "let it happen" without fear of a ticket and all that goes with it...fines, points, increased insurance, etc. I've got 400 hp and have to drive it like an old man because I don't know where we can go to drive flat out. Sure there's the Silver State Classic in Nev. Have you seen the costs? As a newbie, it's close to $1,500 PLUS all the costs to get to Nevada and back. (www.silverstateclassic.com)
I'm open for where to go to "enjoy" my Corvette to max. I'm in Tampa area.
Let's hear from everyone
06 C6

The only thing I can say is that you chance getting ticketed when you race on the highways. If you find a slightly more isolated place that has little or no traffic, and let loose then there's less chance a police officer will see you. The ratio of police to citizens/cars on the road is a drop in the bucket. If you use it sparingly and not recklessly then you open it up occasionally you will hedge the bets that you won't get caught. The only truly safe place (ticket free) would be an organized racing location like Sebring or a local drag strip.

I personally find the thrill of the chase more fun than delivering the penalty for the speed/racing I observed. I have on several occasions caught both racers and had them both stop. I have more often than not given them a much needed lecture, but eventually let them go with a silly equipment cite or no cite at all. If I get a runner, or someone who turns off to avoid capture when they see me coming, I go after them. The guy who maintained his course and slowed down gets a free pass. The runner gets everything.:yesnod:
Yeah, I would think running from a cop would be the epitome of stupidity. You can't outrun a radio and you run the risk of your tag already being noted. So you can run all you want, but you have to go home sometime and there will be a welcoming committee waiting for you.

And you would have to attain speeds that would be extremely dangerous for a momentary lack of good judgement. Even glancing in the rear view mirror for even an instant travelling at 140+ mph could get you killed. On a road that is not completely empty and perfectly straight and visible, it could get you and some innocent person killed. And if the road is THAT straight and THAT visible, you are not getting out of sight of the pursuing vehicle. I don't care who you think you are, you are NOT making that turn into the side street at 120 mph without leaving one hell of a trail marker of tire marks in the pavement.
I too have a powerful Corvette and I knew that when I bought it and made the modifications that I was really doing something that I was not going to legally get to play with - that is just the cost of having our hobby I guess.

We catch high pwered cars and motor cycles all the time with the use of the FHP plane. In fact, it is becoming more and more frequent for us to let the plane track the vehicles and the ground Troopers arrerst 'em. 3 times this week just in my Troop alone. The result, if the guy does not crash and burn is a lot of tickets, a trip to jail, and countless dollars wasted on defending yourself, and hopefully, not to an innocent victim that might get hurt in the end.

Take a ride out to one of the many tracks in FL to play. But take it easy on the road - our cars are too hot and our lives are too priceless. Arrive Alive!
Not that I don't find it enjoyable to watch, but the whole car chase thing is highly glamorized in Hollywood. I think some of the younger generation try it just to emulate what they see. They may still know the difference between what is right and wrong, but want to do it anyway to see how far they can push it. You can put all the warnings and disclosures on racing games and movies, it won't help.
MADN3SS said:
Not that I don't find it enjoyable to watch, but the whole car chase thing is highly glamorized in Hollywood. I think some of the younger generation try it just to emulate what they see. They may still know the difference between what is right and wrong, but want to do it anyway to see how far they can push it. You can put all the warnings and disclosures on racing games and movies, it won't help.

You're right! In fact, we cringe when a new movie comes out like Fast & Furious, Biker Boyz, etc. Kids copy what they see and innocent people and cops get hurt in trying to prevent this madness.
Trooper Larry Coggins is quoted today on the front page of the St Petersburg newspaper right under the photo of the crash at the intersection of Interstate 75 and Interstate 275. A 9 year old girl died and 7 people were injured.The children were not wearing seatbelts..---- Speed Kills-----:ack2:
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sigarms said:
Trooper Larry Coggins is quoted today on the front page of the St Petersburg newspaper right under the photo of the crash at the intersection of Interstate 75 and Interstate 275. A 9 year old girl died and 7 people were injured.The children were not wearing seatbelts..---- Speed Kills-----:ack2:

A friend of mine was stuck in the traffic from that while 2 BayFlite helicopters were called in. It's a damn shame.
The I-75 @ I-275 crash was a case of a driver not paying attention and steering the wheel at the last minute to go south on I-75 instead of I-275 (the lane that he was in). Once the SUV began to rotate and collided with the guardrail, it was all over! Three little bodies came flying out, killing one child. The 3 chilren that remained in the vehicle were all restrained properly. When will people learn to drive safely, especially when children are on board :shrug01:
Da**, hate to see that. Definetly a bad part of the job. Really sucks to see that. Turns your stomach, no matter who you are.:nonod: Seatbelts work, so please use them folks.
Yeah, I'll bet. I don't like these people who rubberneck at stuff like that. Damn if I want to see broken bodies and internal organs. My imagination is too vivid as it is and I would see that stuff forever in my mind.

I can't imagine that being part of my job.........
Rich Z said:
Yeah, I'll bet. I don't like these people who rubberneck at stuff like that. Damn if I want to see broken bodies and internal organs. My imagination is too vivid as it is and I would see that stuff forever in my mind.

I can't imagine that being part of my job.........

Catching the bad guys is what we live for. The gruesom crashes are not the high points of our time on the job. Especially when the crimes or crashes involve kids:nonod: