• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Eviction Notice


New member
Just received a letter from the manager of my apartment complex. It seems she finds the artwork on my corvette objectionable and has threatened eviction if I don't remove it. Wish I could afford an attorney and keep her tied up in court for a few years.
Does the apartment complex have any sort of bylaws concerning such that you signed off on? Don't let her KNOW that you can't afford an attorney. Matter of fact, you may not need to hire one. A violation of civil rights could probably be handled by the state's attorney by filing a complaint with that office.
Get a car cover.

...Seems like she should have given you an alternative by suggesting you get a CAR COVER :shrug01: . Maybe you could speak to her and come to that compromise?

IMO...I can understand her position, Especially if there are kids around.
She is obligated to protect, or do what's in the best interest of the Business and those that live there.

But are ya breaking "the Law"? :shrug01:
I suggest you look at your Lease (if ya haven't already) and see if she has grounds to evict you.
You could be my neighbor at Conway self storage $125 a month.The nice Cuban lady in unit 351 is a great cook.
The rule I violated...
Shall not hang in any window or display anything obectionable to Carlton Arms Apartments. Now if this isn't a generic cover all term what is.
Violating the law, well I believe the First Amendment covers this issue.
This actually stems from a letter I sent the manager ten days ago reguarding the condition of my apartment.
Wait until tommorrow after the Bullets are installed.
C5Rick said:
The rule I violated...
Shall not hang in any window or display anything obectionable to Carlton Arms Apartments. Now if this isn't a generic cover all term what is.

Wait until tommorrow after the Bullets are installed.

Imo, If you signed something agreeing to the "Generic Catch all" :banghead: My guess is you're screwed.

My problem is...they didn't even try to work it out. They seem to have been Quick to Evict you, w/out giving you a chance to even say...Hey, i'll cover it up.
BTW...Is there Anything/Nothing in the rental agreement/lease stating that they have to try and get you to comply with their "standards" before they can Evict?
I mean...Does the agreement state that there will be NO WARNING or Grace Period to correct the infraction.

Sorry, I'm just spit balling in hopes to trigger an idea or lead for you or another member to follow.:thumbsup:
They did say I have to cover it or else and in short, I won't cover it up until a judge says it's in violation of some law.
I moved into this complex and I can move out. I might be hard headed, but they stopped me from washing my car on the property and that ain't in no ****** lease.
JCswm said:
This I've got to see
PLEASE post pics or a link to the "offencive" Corvette

OK and this is from the man with the OMG shoeless beautiful woman who he can bearly keep in a bathing suit in his pictures. You brother are my HERO.

C5Rick said:
The rule I violated...
Shall not hang in any window or display anything obectionable to Carlton Arms Apartments. Now if this isn't a generic cover all term what is.
Violating the law, well I believe the First Amendment covers this issue.
This actually stems from a letter I sent the manager ten days ago reguarding the condition of my apartment.
Wait until tommorrow after the Bullets are installed.

I would interpret that to mean SOLELY the display of something "objectionable" from your windows or otherwise within or on the apartment itself. Your vehicle does not belong to them and they have no right to tell you what you can or cannot put on it.

Sounds to me that you might have had an old biddy in the neighborhood complain to the management. Certainly starting up your car at 3am after you get your bullets installed will further make you a big hit there. :rolleyes:

Personally unless you are married to the place, it sounds like a good place to move away from......
:NoNo: :ack2: :eek: :hmm:

Man where do live,1940 Berlin

That sucks Rick,Give them Hell,May:peelout 1: be we should have Vette gathering right in front of the manager's office and smoke some tire's:lmao: :lmao:
C5Rick said:
They did say I have to cover it or else and in short, I won't cover it up until a judge says it's in violation of some law.
I moved into this complex and I can move out. I might be hard headed, but they stopped me from washing my car on the property and that ain't in no ****** lease.

Well, Good Luck!:thumbsup:

Difinately keep us posted!!!

Even though the agreement contains "generic" wording, as Rich said, it appears to pertain only to the apartment.

I'd talk to her and explain that I would tie them up in 1st ammendment litigation so long thier grandkids would be fighting it, and possibly, if they get any section 8 funding (I know the one here does), that you'll be filing a complaint with HUD regarding your 1st ammendment violation.

IIRC, a complaint can cause a delay of funding and apporval for new tenants until the problem is resolved.

You could likely file a federal action on the same thing without an attorney:thumbsup:

Just because she's a prude desn[t mean the rest of the world finds it offensive!

If there are a lot of kids in the area, then I can see what she's talking about to a degree; however, it's not her place to be the moral police:rofl1:
I just spoke with my girlfriend (she manages a large apartment complex here in Tampa) and she said that you are basically out of luck. The fact that there have been complaints, and the generic wording of the lease.
She suggested offering a compromise, something like the car cover suggestion, I saw in another post, but it sounds like there's already too much bad blood that it probably won't work.

Yes, you could possibly file 1st ammendment complaint or something of that nature and cause them lots of grief. Of course that would tie up a lot of your time and resources also.

You can park it in my driveway..and even use a hose to wash it .. :) I won't evict you!

p.s. she saw the artwork in Mary's video. She thought it was cool..although she said ahemmm... "it wouldn't look good on your car"...I can take a hint..44 years old and finally learning to read between the lines...
sglfladad said:
I just spoke with my girlfriend (she manages a large apartment complex here in Tampa) and she said that you are basically out of luck. The fact that there have been complaints, and the generic wording of the lease.
She suggested offering a compromise, something like the car cover suggestion, I saw in another post, but it sounds like there's already too much bad blood that it probably won't work.

Yes, you could possibly file 1st ammendment complaint or something of that nature and cause them lots of grief. Of course that would tie up a lot of your time and resources also.

You can park it in my driveway..and even use a hose to wash it .. :) I won't evict you!

p.s. she saw the artwork in Mary's video. She thought it was cool..although she said ahemmm... "it wouldn't look good on your car"...I can take a hint..44 years old and finally learning to read between the lines...

The wording of the lease agreement may in fact work against the complex as well. I'd take it a little further and ask for substantiative evidence, in other words, the complaints, number, nature and frequency.

As DAD points out though, if the complex has sole discretion, then you might be out of luck on the lease. Being tied up in litigation is NOT what apartment complexes really want or need. They don't need the adverse publicity either (*hint-hint*) The local news may enjoy this one;) There's no liability for doing so either since you're excercising your right to free speech and not stating anything that can not be substantiated. The focus of the article or tv segment would be how the aoartment complex has choosen to exervise its prudish "right" to evict over your 1st ammendment right to speech.

I'd again try to work something out 1st, but if they persist, I look at it this way. If this joker is going to cause me to go to the expense and effort to move, I'm going to give her all the aggravation and paperwork she can handle....and dump it on her with a payloader!

Remember, the pen truly is mightier than the sword:thumbsup:

BTW, I work with attorney's on matters such as these on a daily basis. Do a lot of eviction and HOA violation work (for the HOA's and apartment complexes) and I wouldn't give up without a fight:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I wouldn't give up without a fight.
Are we talkin' about pictures of mostly-nekkid ladies? Pictures that could not be shown on TV for fear of violating the FCC obscenity rules? Picures of ladies "dressed" so that, if real ladies were walking down the street that way, they would be arrested for indecent exposure?

If so, IMO it is at the least tacky to have these painted on your car. I don't blame people for complaining, and I don't blame the complex for acting on those complaints. It's an apartment, you're living cheek-by-jowl with other people, you have to make certain compromises when you decide on apartment living. Or buy a townhouse...or a condo...or a house with a homeowner's association...etc.

You don't have a 1st Amendment right to be "obscene". While I don't personally agree with that interpretation of the phrase "no law", that's what the Supreme Court says. Reasonable restrictions can be placed on "obscene" speech by governments, and private property owners have broader rights yet. You got bupkis, in my non-professional opinion. Cover it, paint over it, or move.

My 2 cents.
Gannet said:
Are we talkin' about pictures of mostly-nekkid ladies? Pictures that could not be shown on TV for fear of violating the FCC obscenity rules? Picures of ladies "dressed" so that, if real ladies were walking down the street that way, they would be arrested for indecent exposure?

If so, IMO it is at the least tacky to have these painted on your car. I don't blame people for complaining, and I don't blame the complex for acting on those complaints. It's an apartment, you're living cheek-by-jowl with other people, you have to make certain compromises when you decide on apartment living. Or buy a townhouse...or a condo...or a house with a homeowner's association...etc.

You don't have a 1st Amendment right to be "obscene". While I don't personally agree with that interpretation of the phrase "no law", that's what the Supreme Court says. Reasonable restrictions can be placed on "obscene" speech by governments, and private property owners have broader rights yet. You got bupkis, in my non-professional opinion. Cover it, paint over it, or move.

My 2 cents.
I thought you saw the picture ... Oh well, did I tell I think your exhaust is too loud which makes it "obscene". :lmao:

Gannet said:
Are we talkin' about pictures of mostly-nekkid ladies? Pictures that could not be shown on TV for fear of violating the FCC obscenity rules? Picures of ladies "dressed" so that, if real ladies were walking down the street that way, they would be arrested for indecent exposure?

If so, IMO it is at the least tacky to have these painted on your car. I don't blame people for complaining, and I don't blame the complex for acting on those complaints. It's an apartment, you're living cheek-by-jowl with other people, you have to make certain compromises when you decide on apartment living. Or buy a townhouse...or a condo...or a house with a homeowner's association...etc.

You don't have a 1st Amendment right to be "obscene". While I don't personally agree with that interpretation of the phrase "no law", that's what the Supreme Court says. Reasonable restrictions can be placed on "obscene" speech by governments, and private property owners have broader rights yet. You got bupkis, in my non-professional opinion. Cover it, paint over it, or move.

My 2 cents.

Dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :lmao:
No one promised it would be pretty!
I love this Guy!:thumbsup:
C5Rick said:
I thought you saw the picture ... Oh well, did I tell I think your exhaust is too loud which makes it "obscene". :lmao:
It's a fair cop. I am one of those people that give Corvette owners a bad name. :lmao:
C5Rick said:
They did say I have to cover it or else and in short, QUOTE]
I went back rereading this thread from the beginning (after giving this post more thought) and...
There's a bit of information you left out from your Original post!
Sounds to me like they were trying to resolve the issue and it sounds to me Like you're being "hard headed" (like you said).
Note: I don't condone peoples rights being violated...
That being said...

Although I like the Pic....
I myself, wouldn't be comfortable having it where others that may being offended would see it.
Yes.. Maybe it IS my Right to have it, but Common Courtesy/decency would prevent me from doing so. Again..LITTLE kids may see it.

I could say...To each their Own, but I believe there's enough Butt Holes in this Great Nation of ours, bending/streatching the laws/rules (for their personal adgenda) that this country has to rely on. And for me not to offer my Honest opinion for what I believe in or how I feel, would truly be a shame.

Sorry for what must look like a "Flip Flop" based on an earlier post where I was wishing you Good Luck. But I misread or just missed the fact that They tried to reach a solution, by appealing to your sence of decency without Evicting you.:thumbsup:

That's all i'll say to this!
