• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Stop the scammers,Please

Rich, please stop these stupid things,I don't remember these scams on here before.Is it the new system you are useing?:shrug01: Thanks from all of us:thumbsup:
Gotta agree with ya.

I thought there was a regular sign up procedure to keep the jerks selling all that crap off of here.

Hopefully that latest spam message was a single event.

Easiest way to kill any message board is to let spam get a foothold.

I can only do the best I can in dealing with spammers. I've been on the road all day today and am only now checking in from my laptop in the motel. Sorry, I just can't be here 24/7. But I delete them when found. Best thing to do is to use the REPORT A POST function and just not bother responding to the threads. I will get to it and delete the thread as soon as possible.

I get these on ALL my message board systems. Not to mention the 100s of spam emails every day. From the context and manner in which these posts and emails are being delivered, I am pretty sure this is electronic terrorism at work. The plan is to not only grind US internet based commerce to a halt via the spam itself, but make the spam blockers and other attempts to block the spam so onerous that it only promotes further the plan to make the internet useless to us.

Sorry, but there is NO easy answer to the problem. The more popular a site becomes, the bigger the target for spammers.....

If you want me to put some more people in place as "moderators" specifically to combat the spammers, let me know. I just need some volunteers who are on here most of the day and able to catch the spam quickly after it is posted...
if your lookin for recruits, keep me in mind. I'm online throughout the day everyday. I'd be glad to help if i can. :thumbsup:
chris308 said:
if your lookin for recruits, keep me in mind. I'm online throughout the day everyday. I'd be glad to help if i can. :thumbsup:
I'm sure Rich could use help and truth be known we'd all appreciate it.As Rich points out he can't control all things 24/7 as hard as he tries.
Our little private world has been molested.
Thanks rich and Chris plus others who are in a position to volunteer and help.;)
The bad part as I understand it is once you block a spammer he Knows your a known good address & sells it to his buddies
I stay sighed on and as some can see from my post times, I post randomly through out the day and evening. I'll be on at midnight, 1-2-3 am, or between 4 and 8am just making my first check of the board. If I see them, I blast them and usually send them a message.
As you can see, I'm also in and out of here at various times of the day and night. I check (not necessarily post) from the car at work and from the patrol car when I pull shifts. It seems they post most of thier BS during the mid morning hours. When one of you reports it, I go blast it then too.

Rich, I'd suggest also requiring the new member to complete thier profile in it's entirety and is there some way to require them to make duplicate entries (like with some bank card sites and such)? It keeps the computer from randomly setting passwords and such.
As I mentioned before, I usually have my laptop on in the car. I'll just make sure it stays on and periodically throughout the day check the site. Probgably be able to hit it 6-8 times during the day. Same during the evening.

Chris, Ray, thanks for the offer of assistance. Everything is welcomed to keep this home intruder free:thumbsup: I'm sure someone can pick up on something I miss and vice versa. :thumbsup:
Thanks for volunteering..... I'll be setting this up as soon as I find some spare time. Being away for a couple days this time of year puts be behind the eightball. And next week will put me in that position again.
Just in case no one has noticed, ynkedad and chris308 have been set up as moderators across the board to help in SPAM patrol.... :cool3:
Awesome!! I'll keep an eye out to make sure we don't get any unwanted SPAM unless it comes with a side of potatoes :thumbsup:

And I'll...

Keep a lookout for posts made by Spammers like Backyard Mechanic and the Classy one too!:lmao:
Rich Z said:
Just in case no one has noticed, ynkedad and chris308 have been set up as moderators across the board to help in SPAM patrol.... :cool3:
I feel much safer when i'm sleeping.:yesnod:
Rich Z said:
Just in case no one has noticed, ynkedad and chris308 have been set up as moderators across the board to help in SPAM patrol.... :cool3:

:thumbsup: :welcome: ... (in my bestArmy Drill Sgt. voice) "it's 5:30 am! What do you think this is, an old ladies rest home!? Now get to work!:rofl1: :rofl1:"
Shadow said:
:thumbsup: :welcome: ... (in my bestArmy Drill Sgt. voice) "it's 5:30 am! What do you think this is, an old ladies rest home!? Now get to work!:rofl1: :rofl1:"
Well, Vett Boy's here isn't he???:rofl1: :rofl1: :rofl1: