• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

How do you like my new clothes?

badges.....!! We don't need no stinkin badges!! :hehehe: Sorry but i had to say it!!
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Ms. AntiVenom said:
:lmao: :lmao: there ya go Ray!! Ya got a badge now!!
Rich, how many of the "charter" members are still active? Looks like quite a few of us joined in April and May of last year.
2Vettes said:
Rich, how many of the "charter" members are still active? Looks like quite a few of us joined in April and May of last year.

Haven't had a chance to check on it yet. The system doesn't make it easy to just ask it something simple like "Give me all member names with member ID 1 thru 100.." :rolleyes: So I have to figure out when member number 100 signed up and then filter out everyone after that date. Then manually fix them up with the badge. So it's going to be a time consuming chore.....

I was hoping my programmer would do his thing so I could set up the contributor memberships. Some things don't happen automatically, so I don't want to set this in motion and then have a mess to deal with when Connie and I get back from our trip this weekend.

So it looks like it will have to wait...........
No problem, we're not going anywhere....we'll be here when you get back :D We're always here....:hehehe:
Hope you guys have a good time :thumbsup:
Well, the trip didn't happen. Wound up having to wait around for a delivery (perishable, and they did not send it when they were supposed to. And then it showed up later than it was supposed to on top of that..), then rain storms moved in and tanked the whole plan. :banghead: Par for the course around here. It seems like Murphy's Law just lays in wait for us to try to plan to get away for a day or so.

So yeah, maybe I should just go ahead and set this up and deal with the issues as needed. Since we are home, we just did the usual cleaning and feeding of the critters that I need to go finish up....

We could head out tomorrow morning, but I think the storms are going to be crossing the state from that tropical system that moved into Louisiana. Probably not good traveling weather....
Hey Rich, I'll volunteer as a charter member. That'll save you time and hassle. The first 100 vounteers are your charter. No math involved. :thumbsup:
Looks like the email engine from this site is not working. So direct emails to me will simply be bounced right back at you. If you need to contact me, please use private messaging instead.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: