• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Radar detectors.

Do you have a radar detector in your vette(s)?

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I was driving on the Howard Frankland bridge a few weeks ago going from Tampa to St. Petersburg. I hadn't actually hit the bridge yet, but almost, and my Valentine went off. It went off all the way down the bridge getting stronger the whole time. I couldn't figure out where this guy was. It ended up being a traffic radar because there was construction on the bridge. On the other side of the hump though! That was pretty damn impressive to go off that far away. Has to be a couple of miles. It's great on the highway.
MADN3SS said:
I was driving on the Howard Frankland bridge a few weeks ago going from Tampa to St. Petersburg. I hadn't actually hit the bridge yet, but almost, and my Valentine went off. It went off all the way down the bridge getting stronger the whole time. I couldn't figure out where this guy was. It ended up being a traffic radar because there was construction on the bridge. On the other side of the hump though! That was pretty damn impressive to go off that far away. Has to be a couple of miles. It's great on the highway.

That only works if the officer is lazy and leaves it on. The other way they do it is to pause it then re-activate it when they see someone buzzing by them. Then the beep you get is just an early warning of an impending ticket. Plus alot of officers feel if you up the ante' by having a radar detector then you deserve the ticket for the times you got away with it. If you get stopped throw the detector in the back hatch area....;)
Happy with Escort 8500

I'm pretty happy with my Escort 8500. It has a "City/No X" mode that cuts false alarms to nearly nothing. Like others have said, I know where it does false and mentally tune it out. When the signal is real, I know it.

They finally opened up 9A so I can take it to work and it's freeway all the way. I use "highway" mode for max range. Come to think of it, I keep it in highway mode all the time now. If I'm driving around town a lot, I switch modes.

I mounted mine up by the rh side of the mirror with the unit just a bit below the tint. You can't see it outside the car and it is up about as high as it can get in our low cars. I ran the wire under the trim and down to the fuse panel in the ps footwell.
No detector here. Most of my driving is city so not much chance to get in trouble. On the highway I rarely go more than 10 over. I'm sure there are exeptions but I doubt most LEO's will pull you for 10 over. If I get a little itchy from time to time I find a deserted stretch away from the town and go for it. I've had my Z over 3 years and have never been stopped (kow).
Mark Dalton said:
No detector here. Most of my driving is city so not much chance to get in trouble. On the highway I rarely go more than 10 over. I'm sure there are exeptions but I doubt most LEO's will pull you for 10 over. If I get a little itchy from time to time I find a deserted stretch away from the town and go for it. I've had my Z over 3 years and have never been stopped (kow).

Most officers and agencies like to wait for 15 over the limit. This is to ensure that a momentary lapse of concentration didn't cause you to speed. It also used to be the cut off where a speed whent from a "minor" to a "major" infraction in the points and fine schedule. I personally wait until 20 over, then there's no question. The truth is though that they can stop you for 5mph and above (school and constructions have no minimum), and I know guys who do it. I hate to see it, but I have seen other guys write 8 or 9 over. Hypocrites if you ask me though.:toetap05:
Z06 Rocket said:
That only works if the officer is lazy and leaves it on. The other way they do it is to pause it then re-activate it when they see someone buzzing by them. Then the beep you get is just an early warning of an impending ticket. Plus alot of officers feel if you up the ante' by having a radar detector then you deserve the ticket for the times you got away with it. If you get stopped throw the detector in the back hatch area....;)

:iagree: Just make sure it doesn't look like your reaching for a weapon! Seriously.
I usually use a "10 percent rule". I will go 10 percent over the speed limit.

I remember when I was younger and my LAST day at Andrews Air Force base outside of DC. Some :2232censored: pulled me over and gave me a ticket for 33 mph in a 30 zone. :mad: And he wasn't even a REAL cop. He had to call someone else in to write the ticket.
Heading home from Tampa yesterday I had been annoyed at 2 cars in front of me going 65 MPH.....I go into the right lane and I finally pass the car in the left lane....building acceleration (probably around 85-90) when my X50 goes off....absolutely HUGE speeding trap right in front of me. My detector caught it just in time for me to brake down to 75-80. Close call :eek:
My V-1 saved me many times over on my trip to Kentucky and back. Never did more than 20-30 over. Most times were 15-20 over. One guy got nailed in front of me, just as I slowed down.
Zach said:
Heading home from Tampa yesterday I had been annoyed at 2 cars in front of me going 65 MPH.....I go into the right lane and I finally pass the car in the left lane....building acceleration (probably around 85-90) when my X50 goes off....absolutely HUGE speeding trap right in front of me. My detector caught it just in time for me to brake down to 75-80. Close call :eek:
;) :D Good you got quick reflexes, and that they weren't using laser!:ack2:
Hot Pursuit said:
;) :D Good you got quick reflexes, and that they weren't using laser!:ack2:

I only had the laser signal go off 3 times on my whole trip. If it is so effective, why don't more agencies use them? Is it the cost of replacing what they already have?
MADN3SS said:
I only had the laser signal go off 3 times on my whole trip. If it is so effective, why don't more agencies use them? Is it the cost of replacing what they already have?

Honestly it's because they are more work for the officer. They do not have a moving mode, so we have to sit still and purposely do speed enforcement. They have a sight picture with a "scope" on the top to look through. The sight picture lets you aim at a single car. Great for court, but a pain in real life. We have to continually aim and click, aim and click, aim and click. Add to that the laser does not go through glass so we have to stand outside the car for stealth, or sit sideways (90 degrees) to the roadway to shoot out our rolled down passenger or drivers window. I would venture to say the price is much higher to buy them initially, except that eventually is made up by the tickets themselves.

Radar is alot easier to run. It's on all the time unless we hit the "hold" button to pause the signal. We can use it in moving mode. It can be in opposite directions or in same direction mode. That means that if you are gaining on the officer from behind him, or speeding away in the same direction because you didn't look in the mirror you can be clocked. It also goes through glass. Since it goes through the glass we can sit facing the traffic or away from the traffic (facing the same way as the car we clock to avoid making a u-turn). That keeps the decals on the fenders and doors from glowing at night.
Hot Pursuit said:
Since it goes through the glass we can sit facing the traffic or away from the traffic (facing the same way as the car we clock to avoid making a u-turn). That keeps the decals on the fenders and doors from glowing at night.

I guess it's a good thing that I have 20/10 vision! :hehehe:

You know what I think is funny? People riding the back bumper of a cruiser! That kills me. We were in Georgia (I think) last week on the way to Kentucky. Probably doing 85-90. I can't remember if the limit was 65 or 70. Anyway, a cruiser comes down the ramp onto the Highway, so we back off to 70-75. The cruiser is doing about 80. And here comes this guy in a piece of crap beat up car, right past us and onto the cruisers azz. I get the feeling it was quitting time, since he didn't do anything. There was no radar on, but he coulda paced him and also given him a ticket for tailgating. Man he was right on there! :lmao:
for some reason i feel that if i have a radar detector, i will be more likely to speed. if not, it does give you the added protection against speeeding tickets. i will probably get one when i go off to college.
MADN3SS said:
I guess it's a good thing that I have 20/10 vision! :hehehe:

You know what I think is funny? People riding the back bumper of a cruiser! That kills me. We were in Georgia (I think) last week on the way to Kentucky. Probably doing 85-90. I can't remember if the limit was 65 or 70. Anyway, a cruiser comes down the ramp onto the Highway, so we back off to 70-75. The cruiser is doing about 80. And here comes this guy in a piece of crap beat up car, right past us and onto the cruisers azz. I get the feeling it was quitting time, since he didn't do anything. There was no radar on, but he coulda paced him and also given him a ticket for tailgating. Man he was right on there! :lmao:


Ive seen some people do some pretty stupid things right next to cops and the cips never did anything. It sorta pisses me off cuase i know they deserve to get busted much more than some guy doing 42 in a 35 mph zone. Oh well, i guess we could be worse off.
i dont have one but i should get one soon anyone got any good recomendations? i dont want to flop out alot of $$ for one ethier im not rich

Well, I shelled out about $400.00 for my V1 and it's the best. IMO
There's two others that are ranked right up there with the V1. Bel Rx65 and the Escort x50 They're in the $320.00 + or - range. These are arguably the top three out there.
Mine has paid for itself at least once thus far, by helping me avoid tickets that would have collectively cost more than the V1! :dancer01:
