• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Where Have All the Posters Gone

Now, that being said, I will grant the point that the Corvette Clubs section has been pretty much a complete failure. I investigated as many Florida based Corvette club web pages as I could find, and in nearly all cases, NONE of them had an interactive forum available for their members. So I thought it would be a benefit to them to offer such a forum here, free of charge, for them to use for such a purpose without having to set up a forum on their own sites. Not only are those forums pretty much stagnant, for the most part, the offerings to the clubs themselves were basically snubbed without even the courtesy of some reply. But I tried it anyway. Perhaps it is getting to be time to think about reclaiming that screen real estate and subsequent bandwidth that is just going to waste every time the main forum page is loaded.

So yes, that section may very well go away for lack of use or interest. I had hoped the various clubs would see the benefit of having a public place where their members could interface with members of other clubs easily and perhaps generate more interest in their own clubs from remote members, but perhaps I was hoping for too much and the clubs just don't have an interest in such things. Be that as it may, I thought it was worth giving it a shot.

I can't for the life of me understand why a club would not take advantage of this offer!! What a deal and it's a win win for EVERYONE! Maybe it's clicks, maybe unknown to the members of the club, maybe like other forums, they are waiting for someone else to go first. Whatever it is, it's a shame that such a great form of (two way) communication goes unused. :shrug01:

As far as post go here, I believe it's just a matter of numbers. The more members the more posts the more posts, the more people find something to reply to and on & on it goes. A big membership allows for members to not post for a whole host of reasons while other keep the activity up for the rest.

I'm going to go have another father's day beer now :icon_cheers:
Is there any way we can be done with this thread?

Aside from useless, it's boeocming redundant and counter productive (JMHO).


Seems we had some hurt feelings in this tread, if people wanna get mad and take their ball home thats fine. I dont understand how people get so upset over tiny stuff on the forums.

I like this site and will be here for long run.
Just FYI Psychotic: I may post here, or I may not, and I really, truly don't GAF what you think about it, or me.
Yeah you do, or you would not have responded to my post. Welcome back to the Ranting Room. :lmao:
Be that as it may, Dave, from what I interpretted, my moving your thread was an event that appeared to be the catalyst that caused you to decide to leave this site. I sent you a PM explaining my reasoning and you never even bothered to reply.

Here's the PM I sent you at that time:

Why did moving that thread of yours even "mildly irritate" you? I didn't realize nor intend for it to be taken as a personal slap in the face of any kind. But it appears to me that is how you took it.

I have to move threads here and on my other sites every day. Even though I have taken the trouble to post a rough guideline of what each forum is basically designed to hold, there are still people who will post threads that are certainly more appropriately placed in another forum. I move them, then leave a redirect for 2 or 3 days so the original author and other viewers can easily find the thread and take note of it's new location. Certainly just throwing my hands up in the air in resignation and leaving them where they are posted is certainly an option. Is that what you and everyone else really wants around here?

Sorry, but I have been a database programmer for a spell, and I find that I like to have things categorized in such a way that the "data" is logically arranged and presented in an orderly fashion for easy access later on. Lord knows I have been on mine and other sites more times than I can remember trying to find a thread or post I remember reading years ago, and I ALWAYS checked the forums where it would most logically be located. Threads contain information and I do hope such information will be of as much use to the person posting it NOW as it will be to someone else looking for that same information three years from now. So I'm trying to make it easy on them to find it. Heck, how many times do you see someone post a reply to someone's query on OTHER sites saying something to the effect "DO A SEARCH! IT'S ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED HERE!" Yeah, probably so, but unless a forum site imposes some structure, it would make it all the more difficult for that poor soul to FIND that info before getting slammed about not looking for it. And I SERIOUSLY doubt that other sites do not move threads as well.

Again, that was not intended as a personal affront to you, and I'm sorry that you apparently took it that way.

Yep, you were Grandstanding, Gannet. Spare me. Get over yourself. :lmao:

Yeah, funny how you dissed the Admin and didn't even reply to his message.

That speaks volumes. :yesnod:
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Is there any way we can be done with this thread?

Aside from useless, it's boeocming redundant and counter productive (JMHO).

My vote is no. Read the sign on the door.

Got a gripe about life? Want to sound off about the unfairness of the universe? Does something just REALLY piss you off? Well, come on in and talk to Ray about it!

If you start closing threads in a "ranting room" then you might as well take Gannet's advice and shut down this entire section.

PS. Learn how to f'ing spell. :lmao:

Seems we had some hurt feelings in this tread, if people wanna get mad and take their ball home thats fine. I dont understand how people get so upset over tiny stuff on the forums.

I like this site and will be here for long run.

Most intelligent post in this thread thus far.

It's a ranting room for crying out loud. Why folks get a riled up over a section like this is beyond reason.
I missed a cookout at Anti Venoms? I never knew anything about it.

This was a last minute minute thing planned one week in advance. The post was made in the events section within two hours of it's conception and was usually the top post throughout the week. I also saw it posted at Corvette Forum, so eventhough short on planning, plenty of notice.
Any more comments about lack of publicity will have to be directed to the king of the Hob Nob Crew, though I'm not sure who that may be :lmao: :lmao:

All registered members can post such events in the calendar, so I'm sure everyone would greatly appreciate more attentiveness at keeping it accurate and uptodate.

I myself rarely look at the calender and this is why I probably don't list things there. I always "assumed" the Events and Happening section was one of the most viewed areas so that's were I drop things
My vote is no. Read the sign on the door.

Who said you get a vote?:lmao:

Does something just REALLY piss you off? Well, come on in and talk to Ray about it!

Yeah, but after a while, it just gets :sleep:

If you start closing threads in a "ranting room" then you might as well take Gannet's advice and shut down this entire section.

True, but sometimes things outlive thier usefulness and become a festering pot of :2232censored::rofl1:

PS. Learn how to f'ing spell. :lmao:

I know to f'in' spell. You just need to learn how to read intoxicated:drink4::nanana:

Hey!!! birdboy! Don't you have a forum to ruin, I mean run:lmao::lmao::rofl1::rofl1:

TTYL, got work to do:(

Happy fathers day to all you muthas!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
I think every forum site should have a hash and bash section where members can hash it out without being locked.

:thumbsup:I agree, but how long do you leave it open? When does it outlive it's usefulness?

JMHO....no biggie.....
One point about using the calendar (both posting events and checking it for future reference) is that you can set up a notification to be sent to you via email to remind you of the event. This certainly helps to keep you from missing the events you may be interested in that are several weeks in the future and likely to be forgotten about. Of course, you DO need to make certain that your email address in your registration record is current.
Who said you get a vote?:lmao:

Yeah, but after a while, it just gets :sleep:

True, but sometimes things outlive thier usefulness and become a festering pot of :2232censored::rofl1:

I know to f'in' spell. You just need to learn how to read intoxicated:drink4::nanana:

Hey!!! birdboy! Don't you have a forum to ruin, I mean run:lmao::lmao::rofl1::rofl1:

TTYL, got work to do:(

Happy fathers day to all you muthas!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Reread your post or my reply, you spelled "becoming" wrong you fool!

All threads in this section fall under the category of a pot of XXXX in my opinion. :lmao:

As for running that other forum you mention. I really haven't run it in months after the Conservatives took over the damn place. :lmao:
:thumbsup:I agree, but how long do you leave it open? When does it outlive it's usefulness?

JMHO....no biggie.....
Our "ranting" section got so nasty we had to make it private. The funny thing is that it still hasn't outlived it's usefulness. I can't talk about it much or they may actually ban me from there. :lmao:
:thumbsup:I agree, but how long do you leave it open? When does it outlive it's usefulness?

JMHO....no biggie.....

Personally, I think it is rare that any thread outlive it's usefulness. Just as people are the result of their experiences growing up, so is a website like this. Yeah, there will be growing pains and some incidents taking place that you would rather forget and sweep under the rug, but my belief is that even crap can be used for fertilizer to make some good use out of it.

Basically my philosophy about locked threads is that management is dictating that they don't want anyone talking about that subject matter at all. For whatever reason. I just don't like that sort of attitude. If a thread is getting way down and dirty, then the members who are driving it that way need to be dealt with to turn it around, not the discussion itself get kicked in the butt.

The benefit of the doubt will be that the unruly participants are just getting carried away and need to be notified that their actions HAVE to be toned down substantially to lower the temperature content of the thread. If the cooling down is not done voluntarily, then such a cooling down can be forced for three days to strike that point home. Only the most hardheaded, and in some cases intentionally troublesome, persons would continue where they left off when the cooling off period has ended. Which means stronger measures will be needed to deal with them. In worst case, a permanent solution, unfortunately, will need to be selected when no other option presents itself.

Sub-mature kids are rare on this site, and it is my hope that immaturity will be just as rare, no matter what age bracket everyone is in. I want banning to be VERY VERY rare here, and it is sincerely my hope that I never give anyone any reason to put themselves into that predicament as a result of THEIR reactions to my own actions and decisions.

Nearly anything can be discussed here, including the way this site is run. But I do require it to be moderately civil and without derogatory content added for spice. I do not require respect from anyone, but on the flip side of that same coin will not appreciate blatant disrespect.

I will always listen to suggestions, complaints, and gripes, no matter what they are about. But a caveat to this is that I just may not agree with your perspective and it has to be understood that for every suggestion someone is likely to make, I probably have gotten several others suggesting the exact opposite. So I have to make my best call on what I believe is best, and my not taking your suggestion in no way reflects anything other than I am trying to do what I believe is best for this site.

Now, are there any other sideline trips we can take in this one thread.... :lmao:
Our "ranting" section got so nasty we had to make it private. The funny thing is that it still hasn't outlived it's usefulness. I can't talk about it much or they may actually ban me from there. :lmao:
:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:Know anybody Lurking around here maybe looking for revenge Psycho??:lmao::lmao::lmao:
The benefit of the doubt will be that the unruly participants are just getting carried away and need to be notified that their actions HAVE to be toned down substantially to lower the temperature content of the thread.
Yep, he is absolutely right. He does do this from time to time.

Reread your post or my reply, you spelled "becoming" wrong you fool!

All threads in this section fall under the category of a pot of XXXX in my opinion. :lmao:

As for running that other forum you mention. I really haven't run it in months after the Conservatives took over the damn place. :lmao:

you spelled "becoming" wrong you fool!

I know it you birdbrained ja:2232censored:ss!:lmao:I'm just too lazy to go back and correct it;):thumbsup:

All threads in this section fall under the category of a pot of XXXX in my opinion. :lmao:

Pretty much, but then again, who said you get an opinion?:rofl1::rofl1:

As for running that other forum you mention. I really haven't run it in months after the Conservatives took over the damn place. :lmao:

Wondered where you went? I was there the other day and ???? Actually been pretty busy lately and haven't had the time to surf as much as I'd like:(

TTYL dude:wavey:
Personally, I think it is rare that any thread outlive it's usefulness.

Just one of those time you mentioned where we just have to agree to disagree:thumbsup::yesnod:

Yeah, there will be growing pains and some incidents taking place that you would rather forget and sweep under the rug, but my belief is that even crap can be used for fertilizer to make some good use out of it.

I've never tried to sweep anything under a rug. Just leaves lumps in the rug:rofl1:

But sometimes, the discussions just become so redundant that they lose direction and usefulness. You can only beat a dead horse so much, again IMHO.

Basically my philosophy about locked threads is that management is dictating that they don't want anyone talking about that subject matter at all. For whatever reason. I just don't like that sort of attitude. If a thread is getting way down and dirty, then the members who are driving it that way need to be dealt with to turn it around, not the discussion itself get kicked in the butt.

I guess it depends on how and when it's closed. If it's locked simply because someone disagrees with a posters opinion or the content of the thread (other than porn and spam), then yes, I see your point.

However, in my opinion, if the thread has lost it's usefulness, then why leave it open? I know the same question can be posed in the alternative...if it's not hurting anything, why not leave it open.

I think both have merit. It's an administrative decision.
Generally speaking, I hate closed threads but sometimes I see thier usefulness.

And Chaz, I agree with you...the internet is nothing to lose your mind over:thumbsup::thumbsup: