• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Bullies at school

Ms. AntiVenom

Vicious Evil Person
I figured I would rant here, My little girl is the tallest in her class, in the whole second and 3rd grade also, But this little boy was picking on her and hitting her, Bingo I found out he is a tenant of my fathers, and that was settled.
Now three more have came along and are pushing her around! I just want to know, why the biggest kid in gets messed with, she is a bookworm and is there to read so Im guessing that is why, But I'm tired of trying to end it.

here is a photo - she has the dark blonde/brown hair She is ducking in this photo to match Eva (they are same age) and she and I wear the same shoe size (my mom is 6'1" for the people that know how short Iam)

Im tring to convince her she needs to push back and not let them step on her, But she is scared. School isnt really helping out, and she just crys all day,Its really sad
I'm serious (rare) think about Karate classes.Great moral booster.Two things I can't stand a Women crying or a upset child.
Lizzie (my dog) read this and she's even upset.
I've been in Mixed marital arts since I was 6 (Have a second Dan in TaeKwonDo and the arthritis to prove it) I was the smallest kid IN THE SCHOOL
I just cant get her to like it, Ive tried and tried, Eva is a purple belt however..

But her teacher pulled me aside this afternoon and wants her to go ahead to her gifted classes,of course she dont want too do that either:nonod:
I've been in Mixed marital arts since I was 6 (Have a second Dan in TaeKwonDo and the arthritis to prove it) I was the smallest kid IN THE SCHOOL
I just cant get her to like it, Ive tried and tried, Eva is a purple belt however..

But her teacher pulled me aside this afternoon and wants her to go ahead to her gifted classes,of course she don't want too do that either:nonod:

If she goes to the gifted classes she will be around other "book worms" also which may help to alleviate the problem.............
Our school system has a policy that deals with bullies. It's called "victimization of students" and the administrators deal with each case in stages. If the problems don't stop it can, and has resulted in children being sent to the "second chance" school. This is at the middle/high school levels however, but some policy should exist for elementary levels also. Contact your school principal. If you have already done that, contact the school board superintendant and insist that something be done. No child should have to endure bullying. You can threaten them with legal recourse, as they are responsible for your childs safety and well-being while on the school premises, and your child has a right to an education, unhampered by other students that may not share your childs interest in learning.
I agree with encouraging her to go into the gifted program. It will benefit her and place her with other "like" students. :thumbsup: And, good luck. I'm really glad I don't have kids in school any more...
There should be a NO TOLERANCE code for bullying in your school.
If someone is messing with her, she should notify her teacher and if that doesn’t work she should go directly to the office and make a report.
My son has done it a few times and the kids were suspended for 3 days. Also, I go to his school a few times a month to have lunch with him. I’ll bring him a subway sandwich and make sure the mean kids see me watching them.

I’m a brown belt and I do teach my son how to fight but I still teach him to turn the other cheek. I wouldn’t want him hurting some kid and feeling bad about his actions.

My son Grant is a very gifted student with straight A’s and that’s why I think he’s a target.
It’s sad that kids can’t be just kids without someone hurting them or disrespecting them.

Here's a pic of my son Grant and I iwith 3D glasses on in Vegas last month.
We're trying to look cool. lol:hehehe:
We had the same problem with the schools around here. Our eldest was constantly picked on, especially on the bus. She was called a nigger lover:nonod: because she has black friends:shrug01:.
Like others here, we taught her to turn the other cheek etc. Till one day my wife decided to speak to the bus driver about it and while doing so, the ring leader (the biggest boy) of the "bus gang" stuck his head out of the window and called my wife a biotch.
Well, no sooner than he got his head back in the window my daughter was in front of his seat saying.."Oh no you didn't".. Then proceeded to beat the ever loving crap out of him. He wound up crying and begging for her to stop!:lmao:
Also like some of you, our whole family has been "trained". Funny thing though...she wouldn't stand up for herself, but she absolutely wouldn't allow ANYONE to disrespect her family!
We've been home schooling our kids for 3 years now and their grades are now all A's and B's.:thumbsup:
The school has done whatever they can, these kids wait intill nobody is looking and go up from behind,
She likes her teacher, (we go through this gifted thing every year) But this year Im really trying to make her do it for her own sake.

the ring leader (the biggest boy) of the "bus gang" stuck his head out of the window and called my wife a biotch.
Well, no sooner than he got his head back in the window my daughter was in front of his seat saying.."Oh no you didn't".. Then proceeded to beat the ever loving crap out of him. He wound up crying and begging for her to stop!

Now that is awesome!

Some kids were messing with her on the bus, But the children of my best friends growing up ganged up on them, it was second and first graders going at it, what a sight to see. One of them seen her get hit and they all started flying.
She rides to bus to my mothers so she can sit with the tiny neighbor girl so she wont be scared.
But now she dont have a problem on the bus anymore.
She does get called "spic" allot Her father is VERY Italian, and I'm half Powhaten so she has this exotic thing going on, Im sure it will all change in high school, Then I will have to have my shot gun loaded at the bus stop:lmao:

P.S.- Grant is a beautiful kid!! he really is, Well from the parts of his face I can see:lmao:
Been watching and reading this thread and feel for your daughter.

When I was a kid I was picked on a lot by a couple of guys in my school.

It wasn't until I (out of know where) punched one in the face at a halloween carnival we had at school and stabbed the other one (small would, it'll heal;)), that they (and all the other wannabe bad asses), left me alone;)

Unfortunately, just like Rays daughter, we all have a abad side. Hopefully, you'll never see it. If you do, then hopefully you'll never see it again:(

FWIW Rachelle, if you'd like, I teach a FREE self defense course every Thursday night from 8-9 pm at a local gym.

It's "based" on the principles of American Kenpo Karate, but has influences from the various styles I've studied over the years, Aikido, Aiki-Ju-Jutsu, TKD, Hapkido, and of course, a good dose of just plain ole' street style ass whippin;:rofl1:(too many years on the street in LE).

I've taught for the USCG, Law Enforcement and Security organizations and a few corporations (to name a few) over the years, and generally, do not teach children. We do a lot of weapon disarmament, and releases/defenses from various grabs, chokes, holds, armbars, traps and groundings.

I'd make an exception for you and yours if you're interested? If need be, maybe we could do a "short course" just for the 3-4 of you?

One thing I can say with absolute certainty. "formal" martial arts are not for everyone, generally don't work in real life scenarios (as they're taught in schools) and you can't MAKE your child like them.:NoNo:

My son and I trained hard for several years together as a child, but when he hit his teens, his interests changed and I couldn't get him interested to save my butt! he was probationary black in TKD at a well respected school here in the area at the time.

later, he took up Aikido, but again, kind of wained away:(

All of a sudden, at the age of 20 he decided to go back???

Now at 22, he's an advanced rank in a modified version of American Kenpo, and trains several times a week in Ju-Jitsu and MMA...go figure....:lmao:

Bottom line is, he knows that what you learn in the dojo/jojang is much different from what one needs on the street to survive:thumbsup:

Finally, don't depend on the schools to take much action.

Between being hamstrung politically, and pussified admininstratively, you're pretty much on your own. To the school districts that have anti bullying policies that work...CONGRATULATIONS:thumbsup::thumbsup: I applaud them.

Here in Hillsborough County, they won't even discuss a martial based self defense program in the schools...even for the staff:rolleyes:

They'd rather bring in counselors and "talk about it":thumbsdown:

If there's anything i can do for you or your family (this goes out to all the Corvetteflorida family), please let me know. The doors always open:thumbsup:

Eva goes almost daily to the dojo, I've made Angelica tag along a few times, but she just don't like it, (secret is she has a hernia)
And not being athletic is one of the things she gets picked on for, I wasn't k-mart karate trained either, You are speaking like my master does...lol My master, that sounds screwy.
I was put in it because kids picked on me, and my family comes fist first so I got brutal they used martial arts to help me re-strain myself better, and for some reason I got very good at it, My style is very mixed allot of Savate kicks, Tae boxing and kung fu all shook in into TKD and Shodokan Aikido. I look drunk when I fight:lmao:

The key really is control. Even during the conflict, control is paramount. When one looses thier temper, thier focus, thier "cool" if you will, they'll generally lose the fight to one whose more focused.

Even in a street brawl, the winner is usually the one who uses his/her head, even for a moment.

A bigger issue in todays society and one I stress in class, is public perception.

People "see" and "know" what the "hear." The mind will fill in the blanks. Ask at a crash scene and talk to the "witnesses." Most will tell you they heard such and such then saw the crash.:rofl1:Can't happen that way;) They may be correct in thier assumptions, but they didn't witness the crash, they witnesses the post crash scenario.

Same with an encounter. If you get loud and angry, abusive or obscene, or should you become a "Jeff Speakman stunt double" on the street and use multiple strikes to control or diffuse a situation that could have easily have been controlled with a push, route, deflection, or less "violent" technique, then you may find yourself (or your kid) on the wrong side of the law or school board:(

It's what people percieve that makes the difference:thumbsup:

Anyway, sounds like your master (I like that term:rofl1::rofl1:) is a good guy:thumbsup:

If we present it to your daughter in a non-athletic, short course manner, she might me more receptive. A lot of people just don't want the regimentation of the dojo/dojang, and the philosphy, practice and such that go along with learning martial arts from some place other than a belt mill.

Thats the market I work with. The mom-dad, brother-sister, LEO/military type who doesn't get adequate training at work, and the business person and/or executive, that wants to be more aware and self sufficient in thier daily lives.

Anyway, I'll catch you guys later. let me know if I can assist?

We had the same problem with the schools around here. Our eldest was constantly picked on, especially on the bus. She was called a nigger lover:nonod: because she has black friends:shrug01:.
Like others here, we taught her to turn the other cheek etc. Till one day my wife decided to speak to the bus driver about it and while doing so, the ring leader (the biggest boy) of the "bus gang" stuck his head out of the window and called my wife a biotch.
Well, no sooner than he got his head back in the window my daughter was in front of his seat saying.."Oh no you didn't".. Then proceeded to beat the ever loving crap out of him. He wound up crying and begging for her to stop!:lmao:
Also like some of you, our whole family has been "trained". Funny thing though...she wouldn't stand up for herself, but she absolutely wouldn't allow ANYONE to disrespect her family!
We've been home schooling our kids for 3 years now and their grades are now all A's and B's.:thumbsup:

That’s a very cool story. You kid must have a lot of honor and respect. Good for her. Now if more kids were like that there would be no problems.

Thanks for the kind words for Grant Ms. AntiVenom . :thumbsup:
Wow, how the world has changed!!!:thumbsup:They used to pick on us Dumb bastards when I was in school!!!!:D:D:D
Two words, "Private School." I wouldn't send my daughter to the public schools in my county.

No thanks. Did that with both of my kids until about 8th grade for the daughter and 10th for the son. A "christian" school at that:thumbsdown:

I'll NEVER recommend that to anyone. The kids there were as bad or worse than most private schools, just snobbier because most had mommies and daddies with more money than sense (we worked and did without), and the school "officials: were as worthless as atits on a tomcat!:thumbsdown:

Guess it depends on where you send them?
No thanks. Did that with both of my kids until about 8th grade for the daughter and 10th for the son. A "christian" school at that:thumbsdown:

I'll NEVER recommend that to anyone. The kids there were as bad or worse than most private schools, just snobbier because most had mommies and daddies with more money than sense (we worked and did without), and the school "officials: were as worthless as atits on a tomcat!:thumbsdown:

Guess it depends on where you send them?

:iagree::iagree::iagree:..We sent ours to a private Christian school prior to home schooling them. Wow, what a nightmare!!! The kids there were just as bad if not worse!!!!:mah:
:iagree::iagree::iagree:..We sent ours to a private Christian school prior to home schooling them. Wow, what a nightmare!!! The kids there were just as bad if not worse!!!!:mah:
Well I went to every private school in the state of Maine.I was so bad the Christians wouldn't have me.The longest I was in any of 'em was 6 mons.

My fame to fortune is I invented ADD and i'm the reason for special ED.:shrug01: