• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

St. Augustine, FL - some random impressions.

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
The weekend before last, Connie and I finally were able to get away for a couple of days and drove the C5Z on down to St. Augustine. Took the back roads through Palatka, so it was a rather pleasant trip, with the weather being just fine for a cruise through north central Florida.

We didn't get into St. Augustine until later in the afternoon on Friday, coming in from the South through the beach area on A1A. Didn't even catch a glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean along the way as all the mega condominiums have basically stolen the view.

We drove through downtown St. Augustine looking for the Hampton Inn I had spotted on the map program before leaving, but darn if I could find it once we were there. The latest version of DeLorme's Street Atlas seems to be strangely deficient in most of the helpful landmarks that it used to show in earlier versions, so it wasn't much help to us trying to find it again on the laptop. I have an older version of the program on the desk top here at home, which PLAINLY showed the Hampton Inn. In any event, after getting turned around and going through a REALLY bad section of town ( I would not advise having your car break down on route 214 (King St.) west of route 1), we finally had to get out onto 95 and go up a few exits to find another Hampton Inn to spend the night. After checking in, we then ran back down into St. Augustine to have dinner at a place called O'Steens, which was recommended by some good folks here. Excellent chow! The shrimp are VERY good and Connie was raving about the veggie side orders she got. She is VERY picky about those, and said that they were about the best she has had anywhere. I'm not much into greens, so I couldn't comment one way or the other.

After a restful night, we got up early on Saturday figuring parking may be a a premium around there. Basically forget about finding a FREE place to park, so don't bother looking too hard. Just get there early, find a paid parking area close to the center of where you want to be, and just do it.

Connie and I mostly just walked. And walked. Up and down the streets, in and out of shops, and then over and yonder on the side streets. There are a LOT of shops there! But to be truthful, most are of the variety that unless you like imported knick-knacks, are such that when you walk into one, you have seen most of what the rest will hold. Not all, of course, but quite a few. Personally, I never could see the purpose behind buying a souvenir that was made in Taiwan unless you actually ARE in Taiwan. But we did wind up buying a really nice set of wind chimes with tubes a good 2.5 inches in diameter. They sound really awesome when the wind catches them. And Connie did find some real nice jewelry at a place called the Silver Feather. They had some real nice stuff there, not the run of the mill imported stuff.

If you get there before 10 am, the place seems mostly deserted, but by the afternoon on a Saturday, you may think you are in Grand Central Station. If you want to cross from one side to the other on a street that is reserved for foot traffic only, you may find that you have to wait for a break in the traffic just to be able to do that without getting trampled to death.

Now there were some oddities to be noted there. People proclaiming to be "homeless" (which I guess means "jobless" as well) seemed to be in abundance at many of the corners. Seems odd that they would be in such a situation when roughly 1 out of 4 shops there had signs on the doors or windows seeking help. I guess either the shops were just pretending to be looking for hired help, or perhaps the "jobless" were holding out for management positions. One of the more well healed "homeless" might have been more effective if he hadn't had his cell phone and digital camera in plain sight right next to his sign. :lmao:

For some reason we didn't get to go to the normal tourist attractions there. Didn't visit the fort, the old prison, nor the Fountain of Youth (this one I could REALLY have used!). Not sure why, but I guess that gives us a good reason to go back there some day soon. All in all it was a rather pleasant, if not tiring on the feet, day to be spent there. The weather was just beautiful, and for an ex-Maryland resident, there is just something unbeatable about a 72 degree day in mid January. :)

Since it was getting into late evening when we decided to hit the road to go back on home, we decided to just jump on route 95 to 295 and then west on 10 to head home. Boring...... The smaller roads are a WHOLE lot more interesting and fun, but not in the nighttime hours. But with the shorter Winter month days, it's pretty tough to get everything done during daylight, I guess. Maybe we should have spent another night there, but duty back at home was calling............
Very nich Rich, sounds like and enjoyable time:thumbsup: I happen to love St. Augustine. Being a native here, it holds a special place for me. I've visited several times and alway enjoy going back.

Just like the Keys, I try to stay away from the knic-knack shops. If I want imported junk, I'll buy a HONDA!:lmao:

The old fort and such are a must see, I don't care how many times I go. The view from the top is magnificent and you just have to wonder what it was like to be there back in the day?

There is a seafood place, I think it's called Santa Maria's or something like that on the intercosatal that sits out on a pier. You feed the fis from your table via small windows next to your seat. The fish are just plain cool! They swarm man!!!

Anyway, I prefer to just find a B&B with a good view of the water and a nice breeze and hang vs. walking my butt off all over town.

Now that you've posted this, I'm gonna have to go back. Maybe I'll take the grand daughter;)
Great place

Rich: My wife and I spent the 4th of July there two years ago. I'm not a great walker so we opted for the city trolley. It stops at 7 or so places so you can get off and on at your leisure. We enjoyed the fort, the view is outstanding, the winery is a must and I really don't think the fountain of youth works! Save the winery for the last stop, they have a rooftop "garden" that overlooks the city and their wine is excellant and with the trolley as your transportation, drink up!! If you return, do the trolley. Our motel was just across the bridge and a city bus stopped at the front door, so park your Vette and let others drive! :thumbsup:
Enjoyed reading your impressions of St. Aug. The wife and I have a special attraction to that area and visit frequently. Used to own a condo @ Ponte Vedra Bch (just north). We enjoy staying @ Hampton Inn (on the beach) which is one of the newer motels. If you are a shrimp lover, next trip try to make it up to Palm Valley and eat @ Lulu's on the intercoastal...our favorite. Dixie Cab Co. (in St Aug) is also one of our favorite eating spots. Interestingly, we find the seafood much better on the east coast...maybe I'll get back someday.

tb (another ex Marylander)
As you know..

We arrived that following Sunday after you left Rich.:banghead:
We as usual had a great time there. We didn't visit the fort (interior) this time, but did walk the grounds of it. This visit for us was so relaxing. We just did a lot of walking, as we've seen pretty much all there is to see many times over while there before.
Funny thing... I remember the homeless people there the first few times we visited, then they (cops) cracked down on them. The next few times there weren't any to be seen.:thumbsup: This time, they were everywhere again, but the cops were issuing citations again so......?
Did ya's notice some of their signs? One had something about Alien Ninja's steeling from them.? Another had something to do with some sort of Gov. conspiracy.?
A few pics of our trip to St Augustine...

The bay...

Bath house at the Museum..

In front of the Museum...

St George st...? Where all of the shops are.

The Old Fort...
Thanks for the pics! I had my danged camcorder in my hand all day long, but just didn't seem to use it much.

One thing about that fort, though. How come some of the cannon are pointed TOWARDS the city? :lmao:
The last time Judy and I were in St. Augustine was about 14 years ago. I am sure a lot has changed, yet a lot will remain the same. I guess it's time for a return visit.
14 years?!

Yup...it's been awhile! The one BIG thing you'll notice is the New draw bridge, They're in the process of tearing the old one down now. The newer one, is a big rectangular unit that moves up and down rather than two separate units.
I wish I would've been a member here before you took a trip down. I've lived here for almost 10 years and could've helped you out a bit. The Hampton you were looking for was probably at St. Augustine Beach. There is also one near I-95. Half of King Street IS downtown, where all the tourism is. West King has a couple blocks of 'ghettoness', but nothing compared to Lincolnville. Lincolnville is actually a couple blocks south of St. George street. Anyway, there isn't a whole lot to do in this town besides the tourist traps. If anyone wants to know about which restaurants to go to, feel free to PM me. BTW, Santa Maria is NOT a good place to go to. ;)
Ryan L said:
I wish I would've been a member here before you took a trip down. I've lived here for almost 10 years and could've helped you out a bit. The Hampton you were looking for was probably at St. Augustine Beach. There is also one near I-95. Half of King Street IS downtown, where all the tourism is. West King has a couple blocks of 'ghettoness', but nothing compared to Lincolnville. Lincolnville is actually a couple blocks south of St. George street. Anyway, there isn't a whole lot to do in this town besides the tourist traps. If anyone wants to know about which restaurants to go to, feel free to PM me. BTW, Santa Maria is NOT a good place to go to. ;)


Thanks for the insight and :welcome: to the forum!

Don't be bashful, go up to the Welcome Room and introduce yourself. You will get quite a few responses!

Ryan L said:
I wish I would've been a member here before you took a trip down. I've lived here for almost 10 years and could've helped you out a bit. The Hampton you were looking for was probably at St. Augustine Beach. There is also one near I-95. Half of King Street IS downtown, where all the tourism is. West King has a couple blocks of 'ghettoness', but nothing compared to Lincolnville. Lincolnville is actually a couple blocks south of St. George street. Anyway, there isn't a whole lot to do in this town besides the tourist traps. If anyone wants to know about which restaurants to go to, feel free to PM me. BTW, Santa Maria is NOT a good place to go to. ;)

We stayed at the one near rt. 95. Next time we are planning on going there, we will stay elsewhere. Not that the Hampton Inn was bad, just I think we saw better places to hang our hats for the night.
Somebody please tell me about the night time ghost tours. I have heard that was kinda fun with a horse drawn carriage. Anybody do that? I plan on taking the old 81 out there for the first time next month. Thanks.

Hey Carl81,

Carl81 said:
Somebody please tell me about the night time ghost tours. I have heard that was kinda fun with a horse drawn carriage. Anybody do that? I plan on taking the old 81 out there for the first time next month. Thanks

We go there quite a bit, but have never done the ghost tour.
In fact, we're going back in December and staying a few nights, when all of the Christams lights are displayed.:dancer01:
One thing is for sure. If you're staying over night DO NOT PARK on the main drag (ocean side). Man....what a PITA!!! Every morning I had salt water spots all over the Vette:banghead:

Have Fun!:thumbsup:

The San Sebastion Winery is there too.... :icon_cheers:


Ya know we ought to do a cruise there!
Yeah, Connie and I would like to go back there, but not likely until later September or so......
We always stay...

in a B&B while there (as i'm sure i've mentioned b4):D , usually "The Inn on Charlotte" (sp?). They allow me to park my Vette on site (out back) sice we're return customers.
The last time we stayed there, we tried a different B&B. IMO...It wasn't as nice a place :nonod: and it had 1st come 1st serve street parking:banghead: .

It would be nice to meet up with others from the forum there, Ahem...:D
Not that we'd have to hang out all of the time, but we could some of the time.:thumbsup:
Ray, Carrie and I will join you and Angel just about anytime. I'm all for the trip but I want to put "Goldie" in a safe place too. I bet another couple from Port Charlotte would join us too.

How many rooms do they have? Maybe we could book um all with Vette folks. Would be a buttock kickin weekend.:thumbsup:

I'm wit ya bro!

Ken (Goldies handler):thumbsup:
Hey Ken,

Kap142 said:
Ray, Carrie and I will join you and Angel just about anytime. I'm all for the trip but I want to put "Goldie" in a safe place too. I bet another couple from Port Charlotte would join us too.

How many rooms do they have? Maybe we could book um all with Vette folks. Would be a buttock kickin weekend.:thumbsup:

I'm wit ya bro!

Ken (Goldies handler):thumbsup:

:wavey: We'll be there during the week...so that may be a problem for those who can't get off from work.:shrug01:
We'll be arriving on the Monday the 3rd, and leaving on the 7th (friday). It's cheaper during the week!:D Here's their link.....
They have 8 rooms (I think) and parking out back for 3 cars.
BTW..The parking out back is reserved for only 3 specific rooms (no not the expensive ones) unless special arrangements are made.
All others would have to park on the street behind (it's secure though).
It would be Awesome to see some of ya's there!
