• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Rain today

We had a small storm pass through around 3:00am that dropped 0.27" more rain on us. Sounded like it was more, though. I don't think my rain gauge handles heavy downpours of rain very well.
Our weekly route was unusually dry in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and Georgia this past week but we did run into a few showers (and Love Bugs) when we left Lakeland Thursday. I did notice that the drainage ponds were drying up down there though. We got a shower here at home about dark last night but it was really pouring in the town below us when my wife drove through it coming from Tallahassee.
We haven't gotten anything to register on the weather station rain collector for the entire month so far. Couple of spritzes now and again when what looks like a big thunderstorm heading our way that instead veers off or just evaporates before getting here.

But that seems to be par for the course here this time of year.
Finally! We got 0.75" of rain today. The grass was beginning to sound like walking on potato chips.
Well, at least I know how to make it rain. This past Saturday a couple of friends decided to try to get the group together at the local Hardee's on the second Saturday of each month again. So Connie and I took the vette out there, and I was thinking that it really felt great to drive that car, and I really should take it out more often. So yeah, Murphy's Law steps in to turn our dirt road into mud. :face_palm_02:
It's raining up here right now. It's been a while since we've had to water anything. But this is farming country, though most farms here have backup irrigation systems.
We got 1.02" of rain today. Good bit of thunder along with it.

The heavy rain kind of beat down Connie's bigger tomato plants, though. They have outgrown the cages she put around them. Probably should have put some bamboo supports around them too, but I swear, time just gets away from me so fast lately.
We stopped at our usual truck stop in Christiana, Tennessee last night and just before dark a thunderstorm developed and brought extremely heavy winds and rain. So heavy that we lost sight of the trucks parked on the other side of the driveway. We were rocking pretty bad considering there were other trucks parked on both sides of us. It only lasted about 15-20 minutes or so and dissipated. When we woke up this morning and got out of the truck we saw two trees that got blown over about a hundred feet away from where we were parked. Glad we weren't on the highway when this happened!
We stopped at our usual truck stop in Christiana, Tennessee last night and just before dark a thunderstorm developed and brought extremely heavy winds and rain. So heavy that we lost sight of the trucks parked on the other side of the driveway. We were rocking pretty bad considering there were other trucks parked on both sides of us. It only lasted about 15-20 minutes or so and dissipated. When we woke up this morning and got out of the truck we saw two trees that got blown over about a hundred feet away from where we were parked. Glad we weren't on the highway when this happened!

Wonder if a tornado had a close swipe at you?

Had more rain today. 1.47" all total. Yellow flies are starting to kick up a bit. With this rain, I guess the mosquitos will be joining forces with them shortly.
Not a drop here. Always inland and never on the coast. This how it has been for years.

Yeah, that is kind of strange. But usually this is the dry spell in this area too at this time of year.

Too bad our citrus crop has been pretty much wiped out to take advantage of the rain to produce larger and juicier fruit. :(
Just barely a sprinkle today.

Rain for May, 2023 = 4.36"

Total rain, so far, for 2023 = 24.48"