• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Here's a real nightmare for you...

11 pages later.........
He need to just get it over with and hire a lawyer. I recommended that he contact the witnesses and others involved in the accident. They can help show negligence.
I know that I would be all over this dealership if it happened to me.
SteveK said:
11 pages later.........
He need to just get it over with and hire a lawyer. I recommended that he contact the witnesses and others involved in the accident. They can help show negligence.
I know that I would be all over this dealership if it happened to me.

Yeah.... If that happened here in Florida, I suspect the dealership would think a cat 5 hurricane just blew into their parking lot. Darn shame they don't have something like a CorvetteCalifornia.com out there to help pull them all together.....
Time to lawyer up!

And people wonder why I'm no fan of warranties. I wouldn't dream of taking my car anywhere but an independent Corvette specialist with an impeccable reputation. "Oh, but it's a new car, with a warranty!" Not anymore. Poor guy.
Amazing...and GM wonders why they continue to lose market share. I must confess my vette (dealer service) in no way compares to my previously owned imports (Lexus, Infiniti, Toyota).:shrug01: I have noticed a distinct difference in the overall dealership personna and attitude of US vs. imports. Not talking product quality here, just attitudes and customer service philosophy. Anybody got an idea why this is?

All I could think was.. why did the guy take it off the lot to begin with?
There is No excuse!!! A jammed trunk and a antenna problem???
I'd definitely get a lawyer and press charges! I mean really, why wouldn't it be considered a theft, if the guy who took it had no reason/permission?
Anyway...Sad situation!!!:nonod:

And I used to be called ANAL because I won't allow anyone park my car!:banghead:
thebeepster said:
Amazing...and GM wonders why they continue to lose market share. I must confess my vette (dealer service) in no way compares to my previously owned imports (Lexus, Infiniti, Toyota).:shrug01: I have noticed a distinct difference in the overall dealership personna and attitude of US vs. imports. Not talking product quality here, just attitudes and customer service philosophy. Anybody got an idea why this is?

You are about 17 miles south of me, what dealer did you buy your Vette at?

It's a very nice looking car!

OK, I am REALLY biting my tongue now. I can't BELIEVE that the thread listed above, which is about the hottest story floating on the net right now got LOCKED by one of the mods over there...... :banghead: :banghead:
Sorry guys but I need the Cliff notes on this one. I don't see the original post explaining how his car was damaged, just page after page of advice, etc. What happened?
Well, I quit biting my tongue and wrote a PM to the moderator who locked the thread as well as posted a rant in the site's FeedBack Forum. Sorry, couldn't help myself. I guess I'll get banned from there now because of it. But that just STINKS. 194,000 views in under 5 days and they LOCKED the thread? All the publicity that was helping the guy get the dealer to make things right and it gets locked? All the publicity the site itself was getting from that issue, with new people registering on the site solely to post on that thread to give support to the guy with the wrecked car and they LOCKED it???? Unbelievable..........

So now I guess I need to go to some other site carrying the story to see how it all turns out..... :banghead:

Yeah, I know. It's none of my damned business. But I could easily put myself in that guy's placed who was on the road to getting shafted by that dealer and and was in there plugging away for him. And things were actually beginning to look up for him when that crap happened.

Un-friggin-believable........... :mad: :mad:

short version if i remember right.

owner dropped off the car for a broken antenna and something else. A lot attendant or whatever took the car off the lot w/o permission ( joy ridin) and crashed into another vehicle. owner was notified and the dealer said it was not thier issue. I think thats the meat and potatoes of it....
chris308 said:
short version if i remember right.
owner dropped off the car for a broken antenna and something else. A lot attendant or whatever took the car off the lot w/o permission ( joy ridin) and crashed into another vehicle. owner was notified and the dealer said it was not thier issue. I think thats the meat and potatoes of it....
Ok, got the picture now, thanks Chris :thumbsup: Wow, you don't want to believe that sort of stuff happens...
2Vettes said:
Sorry guys but I need the Cliff notes on this one. I don't see the original post explaining how his car was damaged, just page after page of advice, etc. What happened?

According to the OP: He took the car into the dealership for an antenna problem and a problem with the trunk. Verbally told them not to drive the car off the lot. An employee took the car for a joy ride, passed some one on the right side in the gravel, lost control and wrecked the car. (see Avatra pic)
He keeps updating his first post and deletes all of the original posts.
Ouch! The guy is WAY naive. He should NEVER have edited out his original post. It takes all the facts out of it and weakens his case. Now he is saying he TRUSTS the dealer to do the right thing? Poor schmuck is going to get raked over the coals, I think.........

Guess I need to find out where there is still an active thread about this issue. I doubt the guy will be back to CF after having that thread locked there. The fat lady hasn't sung on this issue yet and I want to see how it turns out.....
I am 110% sure that the dealership will only find him a similar used car, hopefully a vette :hehehe:
But for them to cough up a new one without him hiring a laywer, that won't happen.
New Vette here yet???????:toetap05:
yep..It's going to be a used one!

Here's what I didn't find amusing...QUOTE:"I think you tend to forget what this car means to the common man. It's the poor mans ferrari; and I don't believe that rich people own these cars. Poor people buy them, after scraping and suffering and working hard for every dollar for years and years".END QUOTE: WTF!!!:banghead: :toetap05: WHY would a Corvette owner say such a thing!???
It's just not right.

I don't understand it either.. why would they lock it down?
They stated it was because the dealership wasn't a vendor.?

:rant:I thought these forums were for these types of issues and more. (IMO) All they do over there is lock Sh!T down:banghead: Me, I've gotten to the point where I use that forum for Information only, posting only every now and again.
IMO..Forums like that are full of people who Need stroking! Getting Ooo's and Ahhh's from people w/out Vettes isn't enough. They Need it from other Vette owners as well! :2232censored: Freaks!
They forget what their forum is for!:nonod:

:lmao: Does this mean that if they were a supporting vendor they would not have locked it down? :lmao:
It would have disappeared faster than donuts at a weight watchers convention. :hehehe:
Either way some egotistical moderator was going to shut it down.
Heaven for bid that you speak your mind about a legitimate problem and share it in a public forum with your peers. :eek:
So now what do the 100's of new members to the forum (that only joined to follow that link) think of that forum? :thumbsdown:
SteveK said:
:lmao: Does this mean that if they were a supporting vendor they would not have locked it down? :lmao:
It would have disappeared faster than donuts at a weight watchers convention. :hehehe: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Either way some egotistical moderator was going to shut it down.
Heaven for bid that you speak your mind about a legitimate problem and share it in a public forum with your peers. :eek:
So now what do the 100's of new members to the forum (that only joined to follow that link) think of that forum? :thumbsdown:
:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: Exactly!