• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Forum Slang


New member
I'm not a forum guru and I have trouble when people use these letter things to mean something or a phrase; example I noticed LOL used a lot recently. Is there somewhere that list this secretive code so I know what someone is trying to say. I've only recently started catching onto the Smiley's :rolleyes:
lol- lots of luck ( I think)
imo-in my opinion
imho-in my humble opinion
wtf-what the f*^$* (Gordon's and Ray's favorite saying) :lmao:
.02-two cents worth
fwiw- for what it's worth
bs- bulls*&t
mbs-more bulls*&t

I know there's more but its all i can think of at the moment. Oh, there's also snafu and fubar. See if you can figure these out.:lmao::lmao:
AAMOF - As a matter of fact

AFAIK - As far as I know

BAC - By any chance

B4 - Before

B4N - Before now

BBL - Be back later

BRB - Be right back

BTW - By the way

CMIIW - Correct me if I´m wrong

CUL - See you later

DH - Darling Husband, Dear Husband, Darn Husband - depends on discussion

DW - Darling Wife, Dear Wife, Darn Wife - see above

DD - Dear Daughter

DS - Dear Son

EOF - End of file

FITB - Fill in the blank

4U - For you

F2F - Face to face

FWIW - For what it´s worth

GMTA - Great minds think alike

HTH - Hope this helps

IAC - In any case

IKWUM - I know what you mean

IMHO - In my humble opinion

IMO - In my opinion

IOW - In other words

IYKWIM - If you know what I mean

J/K - Just kidding

JM2C - Just my two cents

KWIM - Know what I mean

LOL - Lots of laughs OR Laughing out loud

NN2R - No need to reply

OIC - Oh, I see

OTOH - On the other hand

ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my a#@ off

SICS - Sitting in the chair snickering

TIA - Thanks in advance

TNX or TXS - Thanks

TTFN - Ta-ta for now

2L8 - Too late

2U - To you

WB - Welcome back

WTG - Way to go

YSR - Yeah, sure, right

YWIA - You´re welcome in advance
OK Rich Ad this one just based on all the ones you know HSBM- Holy S*it Batman, how do you know all of these?:ack2::thumbsup:

AAMOF - As a matter of fact

AFAIK - As far as I know

BAC - By any chance

B4 - Before

B4N - Before now

BBL - Be back later

BRB - Be right back

BTW - By the way

CMIIW - Correct me if I´m wrong

CUL - See you later

DH - Darling Husband, Dear Husband, Darn Husband - depends on discussion

DW - Darling Wife, Dear Wife, Darn Wife - see above

DD - Dear Daughter

DS - Dear Son

EOF - End of file

FITB - Fill in the blank

4U - For you

F2F - Face to face

FWIW - For what it´s worth

GMTA - Great minds think alike

HTH - Hope this helps

IAC - In any case

IKWUM - I know what you mean

IMHO - In my humble opinion

IMO - In my opinion

IOW - In other words

IYKWIM - If you know what I mean

J/K - Just kidding

JM2C - Just my two cents

KWIM - Know what I mean

LOL - Lots of laughs OR Laughing out loud

NN2R - No need to reply

OIC - Oh, I see

OTOH - On the other hand

ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my a#@ off

SICS - Sitting in the chair snickering

TIA - Thanks in advance

TNX or TXS - Thanks

TTFN - Ta-ta for now

2L8 - Too late

2U - To you

WB - Welcome back

WTG - Way to go

YSR - Yeah, sure, right

YWIA - You´re welcome in advance
Ive also seen lot of people in other forums use QFT after quoting someone, always thought it was for quit f'n trying, only later to find on wiki its "quoted for truth'
And the ALL TIME best one............
BOHICA (pronounced bo-HEE-ka)
Usually used at work when you see the crap flowing downhill once more to where you are, it's BOHICA......Bend Over.....Here It Comes Again! I actually picked up this one in the Army. It was usually uttered when we saw the "First Shirt" walking toward us, but it works just as well im civilian life!