• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Crappy weather....

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Hope all of 2014 isn't going to be like today and the last several days. Just downright crappy out. Kind of chilly with rain off an on. Right before Christmas we got really dumped on. Our road would have been great for mud boggers. Just cold (to my Florida acclimated blood anyway) rainy, and dreary out...

Got the battery tenders on the vettes as they aren't going to be going anywhere for a while, I guess. I'd be scraping mud out from underneath them for days.
Yeah, nothing better than salt slush getting sprayed all up underneath your car..... :nonod:

I'm looking at the forecast (such that it is) and it looks like a few cold nights coming up. Have to break out the tarps again to cover the more sensitive stuff.

But still, a WHOLE LOT better than if I was back living in Maryland.
Took this shot off of the TV last nite.......

I'm right smack dab in the purple area.
18*F @6:55PM. It's coming down at a pretty good clip right now, and I've
shoveled the driveway twice and had it plowed once already by my neighbor.
If I didn't live here I would be shivering at the picture. LOL
Andy :wavey:
A kid from my son's high school baseball team recently moved with his family from here in FL, to IL.
He just spoke with my son and said he left FL's 75+ degree temps :dancer01: to go to IL's 1 degree temp. :ack2:

I dunno 'bout you, but in my book, that really sucks.
-50 degrees with wind chill factor ,even polar bears get frost bite.Oh ,yes we will get 12 inches of snow ,wind and coastal flooding .:thumbsup:I'm out of here on the 11th with a one way ticket .
There is nothing ANYONE could offer me to entice me to move up there. :nonod:

Connie is talking about wanting to go up to Delaware next Christmas. Man, I dunno about that..... I sure hope that they have an unseasonably warm spell coming through about then.
I moved here from Illinois.

The only thing I liked about winter up there was the K-Mart parking lot after an ice storm.
It went down to 31 degrees on our front porch overnight. Supposed to hit 28 degrees tonight. Since it is only 41 degrees out right now at 1:30pm, I think it might go lower. Calling for more sub-freezing temps Monday and Tuesday night as well.

Yuch..... Belize is looking more and more attractive to me.
It's kind of strange how that works around here. Although Crawfordville is further south than Tallahassee, it is also at a lower elevation. So since cold air is denser and heavier than warm air, which means it will run downhill, the temps here are often colder than they are north of us.
About time we had some winter after the last 2 warm winters. I love this fast jet that crings us change every few days. Get ready for a real cold jolt this coming week.
Andy can you get enough layers on to not be COLD in those temps?


A born and raised Florida boy,
Yeah, I see it. The forecast on my desktop is calling for a low of 21 Monday night and a low of 20 Tuesday night.

You know, I've never really understood people down here saying they love cold weather. If you want it, move to where it is, don't wish it on the rest of us that hate the crap. :thumbsdown:

Wish I could have afforded the land prices further south when we bought property here.
If I had wanted this cold weather, I would have stayed in Mich. I'm waaay too spoiled now to want to deal with this crap.:nonod:
-2*F this morning when I got up. Ya don't stay outside very long in those temps!
The only thing that's a positive is that there is no wind today, so it's not too
bad as long as you keep active. Layers upon layers, hand warmers, boots 2 sizes
to large and enuf socks to take up the space, head socks, etc., etc., etc.
Take the precautions, don't stay outside too long, and listen to what your fingers
and toes are telling you, and it's do-able. Don't much like it, but it is what it is, and
hopefully we'll be outta here permanently sometime this year! :dancer01:
Andy :wavey:
Hah! I would only be in those temps long enough to get to the airport to get me the hell out of there to warmer latitudes!!
Yeah, I see it. The forecast on my desktop is calling for a low of 21 Monday night and a low of 20 Tuesday night.

You know, I've never really understood people down here saying they love cold weather. If you want it, move to where it is, don't wish it on the rest of us that hate the crap. :thumbsdown:

Wish I could have afforded the land prices further south when we bought property here.

Don't get me wrong. I just love weather change in the winter, bring me heavy rain, then colder then warm it up and do it all over againe every few days. I just get sick of 20 days in a row of humid ,sunny weather in the winter.

I also don't like it getting colder than 45. I just love weather and like seeing change.
Don't get me wrong. I just love weather change in the winter, bring me heavy rain, then colder then warm it up and do it all over againe every few days. I just get sick of 20 days in a row of humid ,sunny weather in the winter.

I also don't like it getting colder than 45. I just love weather and like seeing change.

Yeah, I can relate to that. Actually I enjoy a good thunderstorm. Especially if I happen to be staying at the beach and watch it take place over the Gulf of Mexico. Thunderstorms viewed at a distance are impressive beasts.

But temps dropping down into the low 20s? I can live without that, thank you very much.