• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Chat Room suggestion!


Injector Guy
Alrighty, theres a little list of who is all in the chat room at the bottom, and thats awesome....but no one ever looks at it or knows its there.

So I end up sitting in there, all alone, quiet and scared. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!

Use this wonderful feature, that way I can laugh at you all in real time! WOOHOO!

my suggestion, make the area that shows people in the chat, at 1280x1024 and on the top of the forums...

Its not a good idea, and would draw away from the main point of the site, but damnit, it would get'r'done! :crazy03:

another option would be to set up a date and time every week that all could come in and chat, i.e weds @ 9pm when nothings really on TV, and you could almost guarantee that you wouldnt be the only one sitting in there like some folks do on aol chatrooms waiting for fresh meat to pop in!! lol just a thought.
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Well, let me see what my programmer can do. On one of my other sites with a chat room, he put in a highlighted numeric indicator right next to the Chat link in the top menu bar to let everyone know how many people were actually in the chat at the time. Not sure if this new chat room code will allow that to be implemented or not.......
I am normally up till at least 3am every night. Of course, I don't tend to roll out of bed very early as compensation..... :)

BTW, the chat system has been modded so that a numeric display will appear in the menu bar at the top of the screen showing how many members are currently in the chat room. Bear in mind, however, that it may not actually be in "real time". If someone closes the window for the site without actually logging out of the chat, it may appear that they are still there when that will not be true. Nothing much, programmatically, can be done about that issue, but I guess it is better than nothing.
Yeah, hopefully so.

BTW, if anyone is having problems getting into the chat room, sometimes it takes a while for the files to initialize. You may see a black screen for a few minutes before it kicks into gear.

Also, this program is heavily FLASH code oriented, so you may want to make sure your flash module for your browser is uptodate if you can't get in.