• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

someone hit my car in the parking lot

i always park as far away from anyone else in the parking lot, and someone managed to still crash into me on the way out. the note they left must have blown away, because i couldnt find one anywhere. should i have my insurance pay for the front bumber to be painted and fixed? im assuming i will have to fill out a police report. anyone else have experience with this?
You'd file it as a leaving the scene of a property damage (unattended) crash.
No leads, your insurance pays - your deductible.

Pretty clean cut...unless they want to investigate. Then it can tie you up a bit.

Hows the damage?

May be cheaper to cover it yourself and not pay the added premiums (if any) in the future for claims.
drivers side front bumper is caved in with a huge crease. i dont believe it to be fixable. luckily the quarter panel was left unscathed. i cant imagine a front bumber being very cheap. this most likely will have to be an insurance deal. ill have to call state farm and see what they say.
That's about all you can do for now.
See how they respond and how they handle the matter.

Bumper covers aren't cheap and I don't think they're repairable.
Tracy, Greg, Jesse or one of the others would probably be better suited to respond to that matter.

With no other driver, it'll all fall back on your company.
Should be no brainer unless they suggest frraud:rolleyes:

Wouldn't worry about it.
Get some estimates and make the claim:thumbsup:
Kind of sucks that YOUR insurance company will raise YOUR rates when you had nothing at all to do with the accident.

Were you parked near a bar or something?
i was parked in the back of the parking lot. i never park my car close to other cars. i try to find a spot with a the curb on one side, so as to limit my exposure to idiots. ive been needing to repaint the bumper for a while now because i "kissed" the front of my garage one time. im guessing i need to call insurance company to see what will happen if i use insurance. i havent used the insurance for anything as of yet. ill keep everyone posted and appreciate the advice. thanks
Kind of sucks that YOUR insurance company will raise YOUR rates when you had nothing at all to do with the accident.

Were you parked near a bar or something?

I think Florida is 'no fault' so his insurance would pay anyway but he wouldn't have to pay the deductible if the other person could be found. I'm sure they will not raise his rates.
I must have parked in your garage one time because I have a "kiss" mark on my front bumper as well. I went to the body shop behind the local Chevy dealer and they wanted about $1300 to repair or $2k for a new bumper. So far, I have not had it fixed.:nonod:
someone side swiped my rear qtr panel at a circuit city. no note. :banghead:

still haven't fixed it yet either.
I think Florida is 'no fault' so his insurance would pay anyway but he wouldn't have to pay the deductible if the other person could be found. I'm sure they will not raise his rates.

It totally depends on the company.
Where one will forgive one claim, another won't.

The difference is in subrogation.
If the other driver were known, the insurance company would pay his repair costs, then go after the other guys insurance company to recover thier costs.

since the person is long gone, do you think i will have to pay the deductible?

If you have it done, they pay the repair facility, minus the deductible.
You have to pay the deductible.
Sometimes, you can work a deal with the repair facility...but I ain't gettin' into that:nonod:

Another option.
Take the repair $$$$ and:
1) Have someone do it cheaper,
2) Do it yourself,
3) Don't do it at all, and pocket the $$$.
if im going to be buying a new bumper, are there any good looking aftermarket ones?

For the C5, the Tiger Shark is a great looking bumper, one of the best I've seen.
If I had a C5 and had or wanted to change the front bumper, that's the way I'd go hands down!







Some sources:


Do a Google search and you'll see a bunch of them.
not bad. thank you, that may be the route i go. really interesting looking, and a nice way to make my car a little different.
Sorry to hear about the hit and run, mine got keyed last month and I'm stripping it down to fiberglass for new paint.

Placing a claim with your carrier will involve your deductible if you have one and could increase your rates since claims history will be generated, granted your premium could go up anyway on an annual basis depending upon how many claims are paid by the carrier for the year at which time they pass their expense on to all policy holders including those who haven't placed a claim.

So you could do the good thing and pay it out of pocket and still get hit with a higher premium due to others who filed claims or you can place a claim and have them pay for it and have your rates go up and know that at least you helped contribute to the increase :D.

You would be better off with a police report, it's a preferred standard with insurance carriers and some require them. I drove mine to the police department the next day and met an officer, showed him the damage and he gave me a case number that you'll pass on to your carrier when you file your claim. Take pictures for your records and maintain a log of everything you do related to your claim from the date and time and officer you report the damage to and then every phone call you make to your agent or insurance company, body shop, etc. You shouldn't need this but it's better to have it documented just in case, CYA.

Sorry to hear about the hit and run, mine got keyed last month and I'm stripping it down to fiberglass for new paint.

Placing a claim with your carrier will involve your deductible if you have one and could increase your rates since claims history will be generated, granted your premium could go up anyway on an annual basis depending upon how many claims are paid by the carrier for the year at which time they pass their expense on to all policy holders including those who haven't placed a claim.

So you could do the good thing and pay it out of pocket and still get hit with a higher premium due to others who filed claims or you can place a claim and have them pay for it and have your rates go up and know that at least you helped contribute to the increase :D.

You would be better off with a police report, it's a preferred standard with insurance carriers and some require them. I drove mine to the police department the next day and met an officer, showed him the damage and he gave me a case number that you'll pass on to your carrier when you file your claim. Take pictures for your records and maintain a log of everything you do related to your claim from the date and time and officer you report the damage to and then every phone call you make to your agent or insurance company, body shop, etc. You shouldn't need this but it's better to have it documented just in case, CYA.


Excellent advise Eric:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thank you.
Thanks Shadow, it's the retired claims adjuster in me that seems to sneak out every now and then :dancer01: and now back to sanding I go, well in the morning :rofl1:I'll finish this glass of Smokin Loon and head to that horizontal recharging location first. Hoping my new hood should arrive tomorrow from Ecklers, what a fiasco that was but High rise cowl hood is on the way