• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

A confession....

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Recently someone posted a thread here about his dissatisfaction with the last Corvette show he attended, and that got me thinking. I mean, what is this all about? Who needs a car like a Corvette anyway? Spending hours of our lives waxing, polishing, and making it pretty. For what? To take it for a drive and then have to do it all over again? And who cares about those sleek aerodynamic lines and the power to push that hunk of plastic 150 miles per hour and beyond? Who needs it? It's not like anyone is really going to DO that all that often, now is it? And it only has TWO seats? And it's not much of a grocery getter either. Forget about going to the hardware store to get some lumber or supplies! Sheesh! What the heck kind of TRANSPORTATION is this supposed to be anyway?

So when I just grabbed a hold of myself and thought about all this, I guess I had a revelation. This is just stupid. Here I went and bought TWO Corvettes and now today I'm thinking it was the WORST mistake I have ever made. I find that I miss the days of seeing moss growing on a vehicle because I haven't washed it in years. I miss the days of not caring about parking under a pine tree. And I CERTAINLY miss having a vehicle that is thousands of times more practical and logical to have for transportation from point A to point B.

So this has all boiled up into my making a decision. Yes, I am selling off the vettes and initially getting one replacement, with maybe another later on down the road. Something much more practical and suited to my lifestyle and personality. Something that won't attract unwanted attention wherever I drive with people giving me the thumbsup sign and appreciative stares. I hate that crap....... So yeah, I guess I have a TON of cleaning and polishing supplies to get rid of as well. This stuff just is NOT for me.

So I guess this site is going to be making a major change in the near future. Certainly a name change. I do expect you all, out of blind loyalty to follow me to the new site, and perhaps you too will have this revelation that I have had today and join me as well with the shaking off of this Corvette taint and rejoining the world of sane and practical members of society.

So ladies and gents, I am proud to announce that this site will shortly be renamed to reflect this change in my direction, and feel it appropriate to show you the car that has recently caught my eye and captured my heart and soul. After today, CorvetteFlorida.com will be renamed to MiniCooperFlorida.com.

I am CERTAIN that all of you are now thinking, "Damn! Rich Z is RIGHT! What the hell were WE thinking? :sillyme: " I have broken the Corvette spell we have all been under.................. :IThankYou:


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WOW! Thanks Rich, for waking me up.
I have replaced brake lines and A/C parts and the list seems to never end. Practical??? Yeah, right. We stopped at Wal-Mart after Eckler's and didn't even get some stuff that we realy needed because we didn't have the room.

I like the Mini Cooper idea. I have heard that you can get an "S" model with a super charger. :yesnod:

I'm with you, you can see the add for the Vette on E-Bay.

Please send me the new flyers!

:lmao: You had me worried there for a bit.:eek:
Then I saw the Mini....:lmao: Knowing how much you LOVE them!:rofl1: :rofl1:

ynkedad said:
:lmao: You had me worried there for a bit.:eek:
Then I saw the Mini....:lmao: Knowing how much you LOVE them!:rofl1: :rofl1:


Well Ray, actually this has been percolating (festering?) in my brain ever since we were in Micanopy. Remember that cool looking Mini Cooper parked right in front of you that everyone was drooling over while IGNORING our vettes? Maybe that planted the subliminal seeds in my brain. Certainly that car had to be easy to park just about anywhere. And I have to admit that everytime I have seen one on the road, I would say words of proper appraisal under my breath at the time.

Seriously guys, just because I came up with this idea on April first it really doesn't mean anything less than serious. Do you honestly think it impossible that someone could suddenly make the switch from loving Corvettes to becoming a Mini Cooper aficionado? BTW, what does a regular sized Cooper look like?

Do they come in 4 wheel drive? I'm envisioning one with big knobby tires on it that I could take cruising on the beaches in Cape Hatteras. GUARANTEED that would be the coolest ride on the beach there! :thumbsup:

But yeah, you all probably think this is some sort of April Fool's joke, now don't you? :nonod: Man, story of my life. I just don't get ANY respect......

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Ya know smokin that stuff is still illegal and Qualudes have gone way outta style. But........... I love it.


:lmao: :lmao:
As I was reading your post it really sunk into my soul. Since I am older now and look back fondly on my younger days, I can't remember most of them and that is why I can look back fondly, to the days of my youth as a "hippie". Driving around in my 1956 Beetle, 36hp, 50+mpg, 85mph top speed, of course I rarely exceeded 45mph, the trails on the passing cars was too disorienting. I think that I might follow your lead and return to my youth and buy myself another Beetle... Naw, who am I kidding. I traded that Beetle for a Mustang.

Burn Rubber,
Joe B.

Well, Connie came in and read this thread I posted. PG13 version of what she said was, "You are NOT parking a Mini Cooper in MY driveway!"..... :ack2:

She said something along the lines of making sure it was comfortable to sleep in as well............

Sigh..... Guess I have to keep the vettes after all.....

Now, what the heck do I do with that domain name (MiniCooperFlorida.com)? :shrug01:

And I'll bet you all STILL think this was an April Fool's joke, right????? :hehehe:
WOW !! This really hit home with me. I got my first Vette in 1961 and currently I'm on number 13. Almost 46 years of my life wasted on those plastic fantastics:nonod: . I'm putting mine on EBay today, only there will be no Mini for me, I'm gonna join KIA.com:ack2: , so I guess it's been nice knowin ya !!
at least the mini doesn't sport a BowTie either, so maybe it's a good choice after all.
Another plus is that you would NEVER have to replace the rear tires from burn outs........... :hehehe:

Heck, even if you did, the cost of those tires would probably be less than the cost of an oil change for the vette...... :lmao:
Funny thread. I recently sold both my Vettes, one in January, and one in February. For the first time in 27 years I found myself Vetteless and with no hot rod at all. Sold them both on Vettehound in less than a month. I told my wife we would use the $60,000 plus dollars to help buy some nice waterfront property in New England. She laughed, she laughed a lot, she laughed so hard her sides hurt. I didn't last six weeks before I bought the GTX. Now there's a practicle car, good on gas, no steering column lock, a car I certainly can park in any lot unattended. So go ahead sell the Vettes, go from 500 plus horsepower to under 200, bet you wont last a month. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Well I have done it before.... Many moons ago (like the early 70s), I finally got tired of my HIGHLY modified '66 GTO throwing rods and breaking pushrods on me. So the last time it spun a bearing, I sold it for less than the price of the Muncie transmission in it. And I bought a raggedy-assed Ford window van. I can remember when I bought it, I pulled out on the Baltimore beltway to drive it home, and I checked the emergency brake several times to make sure it wasn't engaged. :lmao: Throttle response lag was measured in MINUTES rather than milliseconds........ :lmao: But like anything else, I eventually got used to it.

I think now the most difficult hurdle would be the difference in handling driving a "lesser" vehicle. I would sorely miss that rock solid feel the Corvette has on the road.........

But yeah, even if the wife wouldnt' have skinned me alive, obviously this was an April Fool's joke. Not that I really fooled anyone.... :hehehe: I suspect that as long as I am able to drive one, I will always have a vette from here on out. :thumbsup: