• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

C5 Fan motor noise under dash..

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
This past Sunday we took out the C5Z for a ride while the weather was nice and the road had finally dried up. When I started it up, both Connie and I noticed a sour smell coming from the vents of the A/C. We both thought "rodents"? They've been a big problem around here lately.....

Anyway, it got better with time, so didn't think much of it. While driving along Apalachee Pkwy, one of the lights changed and I had to hit the brakes fairly hard to stop before it turned red. Yeah, I guess I should have just gone on through it, but the cops have been like vultures lately waiting to catch people running lights like that.

So we were sitting there for about a minute when suddenly a horrendous racket started up and it felt like the whole car was shaking. Damn! I thought the engine had let loose on me. But it turned out to be the fan motor for the A/C, as the vibration lessened when I turned down the fan speed. I'm thinking either I shook a dead mouse loose when I hit the brakes and it's hitting the fan blades, or else a fan blade just broke off. I'm not sure what kind of fan is used in those things.

We headed back on home, since it was over 90 degrees out, and I could only run that fan motor on it's lowest setting. Kind of hard to keep it cool inside that way.

I checked my service manuals, and it doesn't look too tough to get to that motor and pull it out. But the issue will be having to lay on my back on the floor in the passenger compartment with my legs hanging out the door. Mosquitos and yellow flies have been ferocious lately, and since I would have to be doing this outside, I would be at their complete mercy. Not my idea of a fun day.... So I'm going to take it to Chris next week and have him fix it for me. I hate being such a weenie about such a minor repair, though...... But those yellow flies are murder when they bite.
if only you had a garage...:D

Yeah man.... :thumbsup: I've actually contacted a couple of contractors, but they never got back to me. The economy can't be all that bad for them if they can just turn away business like that, I guess..

Besides, with all this rain we've been getting, I don't think they could pour concrete anyway.
I was reading on some other forums about the smell coming out of the vents with the A/C during the summer. It has something to do with mold setting in due to the humidity and water sitting once the car is shut off. I had the smell last summer and it would disappear after a minute or so. Out of the summer months, no problem at all. Just within the last few hot and humid days it has started up again. Here is a link that somewhat explains it...
